
Monitors secondary control station. This template is applicable for secondary control station.


Resource should be added using integration to apply storage specific templates.

How to Apply: This template is All instance selection based. It will not ask user to select any instance (s) while assigning it to a device.

Metric Parameters

Metric Parameters
  • Frequency is the interval in which you want to probe and collect metric data from the target device/resource
  • Frequency is defined in minutes (min).
  • Warning ThresholdIf the metric value satisfies the condition defined along with Warning Threshold value, then a notification is sent to the user.
    Critical ThresholdIf the metric value satisfies the condition defined along with Critical Threshold value, then a notification is sent to the user.
    AlertThe alert value can be set to either Yes or No. If it is Yes, then an alert message is sent to the user.



    Metric Details

    Metric Details
    Applicable forDevice
    DescriptionStatus of the Secondary Control station. OpsRamp uses XML API to get this metric.
    CategoryEMC VNX
    Collector TypeGateway
    Monitor NameG2 - EMC VNX Secondary Control Station Monitor

    Possible Inputs

    Possible Inputs
    MetricInput ValueRange of Values
    FilterNULLNot Applicable
    Warning Operator
    Warning Threshold
    Warning Repeat Count
    Critical Operator
    Critical Threshold
    Critical Repeat Count
    Graph (Yes/No)YesYes/No

    Sample Output

    EMC VNX Secondary Control Station Status

    EMC VNX Secondary Control Station Status