POST https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/rosters

Sample URLs

For partner-level rosters:


For client-level rosters:



All fields are mandatory:

FieldSub-FieldsData TypeDescription
nameNAStringUnique name for roster used for roster identification.
timeZoneNAStringTime zone in which the roster should operate (see table below). An example time zone is:
"timeZone": {
"name": "Asia/Calcutta"
shiftDetailsStringNAGateway username.
nameStringUnique name for shift. The shift would be identified with the name.Example: Morning Shift
nameStringUnique name for shift. The shift would be identified with the name.Example: Morning Shift
  • type
    • one-time
    • recurring
StringDefine the schedule type for the roster.
  • If a roster should be active only for a single time period, provide"type": "one-time".
  • If a roster should repeat multiple times, provide"type": "recurring".
  • id
StringAdd users to a roster.
  • uniqueId
StringAdd user groups to a roster.



One-tTime schedule types

Both fields are mandatory:

startDatestartDate and endDate indicates a duration for a roster to operate. Use a start date for a roster. If, for example, a roster should start from 06-February-2018 at 07:00 AM, use "startDate": "2018-02-06T07:05:00+0000".
endDateProvide an end date for a roster.For example, if a roster should stop on 10-March-2018 at 05:30 PM, provide "endDate": "2018-03-10T17:30:00+0000".

Date should be in GMT format.

This is a sample payload to create a one-time roster:

	"name": "SJ Network Support",
	"description": "Team which handles SJ network issues",
	"timeZone": {
		"name": "Asia/Calcutta"
	"shiftDetails": [{
		"name": "Morning shift",
		"schedule": {
			"type": "one-time",
			"startDate": "2018-02-06T07:05:00+0000",
			"endDate": "2018-03-10T17:30:00+0000"
		"users": [{
			"id": "USR0000000018"
		"userGroups": [{
			"uniqueId": "USRGRP-37644ff5-7ea5-a3aa-e288-9c2666dc02e4"

Recurring schedule type

All fields are mandatory:

startTimestartTime and endTime indicate the business hours for a roster.Provide start time for a roster.For example, a roster should start from 07:00 AM, provide "startTime": "07:00:00".
endTimeProvide end time for a roster.For example, a roster should end at 05:00 PM, provide "endTime": "17:00:00".
  • type
    • daily
    • weekly
    • monthly
    • yearly
Schedule pattern type for a roster to operate.
  • daily: Schedule a roster to repeat day-to-day.
  • weekly: Schedule a roster to repeat on certain week days. Example: "Monday, Wednesday".
  • monthly: Schedule a roster to repeat on certain weekdays or days of every month. Weekdays are specified as strings and days are specified as integer. Examples would be: the First Monday of every month or on the fourth day of every month.
  • yearly: Schedule a roster to repeat on yearly basis. Example: Repeat a roster once in a year or once in three years.
Use "Pattern Types for Recurring Schedule" below for the fields required to configure a recurring pattern type.

Pattern types for recurring schedule

  • type
  • DATE
dailySchedule the roster to repeat day-to-day.
repeatFrequencySupported Values:1 through 10Provide how often a roster should repeat on daily basis. For example, if a roster should repeat once in two days, then use "repeatFrequency": 2.
startDatestartDate and endPattern indicate a duration for a roster to operate. Provide a start date for a roster. For example, if a roster should start from 10-February-2018, provide"startDate": "2018-02-10T00:00:00+0000".
  • DATE
Configure a pattern to end a roster. OpsRamp supports three types of patterns:
  • NEVER: A roster should continue without any end time.
  • OCCURRENCES: A roster should stop after specific occurrences. For example, to end a roster after five occurrences, provide "OCCURRENCES": 5.
  • DATE: A roster should stop on a specific date. For example, to end a roster on 06-March-2018, provide "DATE": "2018-03-16T00:00:00+0000".
weeklySchedule a roster to repeat on weekly basis.
repeatFrequencyProvide how often a roster should repeat on weekly basis. For example, to repeat the roster once in two weeks, use "repeatFrequency": 2.
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
(Optional) Provide the week days on which a roster should repeat. For example, to repeat a roster on every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, use "weekDays": "Monday,Wednesday,Thursday".
The start date.
The end pattern.
Supported values: 1 to 10
Provide how often a roster should repeat on monthly basis. For example, to repeat a roster once in three months, provide "repeatFrequency": 3.
Configure on which days in a month a roster should repeat.
  • DAY_OF_WEEK: Weekday on which a roster should repeat. Configure the week day using weekIndex and dayOfWeek fields.
  • DAY_OF_MONTH: Date on which a roster should repeat. Configure the date using the dayofMonth field.
  • First
  • Second
  • Third
  • Fourth
  • Last
The index of a week in a month.Example: First Monday, Second Saturday, Last Thursday.
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
Week day on which the roster should repeat.For example, to repeat a roster on the first Monday of every month, provide "weekIndex": "First" and "dayOfWeek": "Monday".
Supported values:1 through 31
Day on which a roster should repeat. Days range from 1 to 31. For example, to repeat a roster on the 2nd of every month, provide "dayOfMonth": 2.
startDateThe start date.
  • type
    • NEVER
    • DATE
The end pattern.
yearlySchedule a roster to repeat on yearly basis.
Supported values: 1 to 10
Configure how often a roster should repeat on yearly basis. For example, to repeat a roster once in an year, provide "repeatFrequency": 1.
startDateThe start date.
  • type
    • NEVER
    • DATE
The end pattern.

Sample payloads for recurring pattern types

Daily - Create a roster to repeat once in five days:

"pattern": {
	"type": "daily",
	"repeatFrequency": 5

Weekly - Create a roster to repeat once in 5 weeks on specific weekdays:

"pattern": {
	"type": "weekly",
	"weekDays": "Wednesday,Thursday,Friday",
	"repeatFrequency": 5

Monthly - Create a roster to repeat once in 5 months on a specific weekday of a month:

"pattern": {
	"type": "monthly",
	"repeatType": "DAY_OF_WEEK",
	"weekIndex": "First",
	"dayOfWeek": "Sunday",
	"repeatFrequency": 5

Create a roster to repeat once in 5 months on a specific day of a month:

"pattern": {
	"type": "monthly",
	"repeatType": "DAY_OF_MONTH",
	"dayOfMonth": "1",
	"repeatFrequency": 5

Yearly - Create a roster to repeat once in 2 years:

"pattern": {
	"type": "yearly",
	"repeatFrequency": 2

Sample request

	"name": "SJ Network Support",
	"description": "Team to handle all network issues in SJ site.",
	"timeZone": {
		"name": "Asia/Calcutta"
	"shiftDetails": [{
		"name": "Morning shift",
		"schedule": {
			"type": "one-time",
			"startDate": "2018-02-05T07:05:00+0000",
			"endDate": "2018-06-10T16:10:20+0000"
		"users": [{
			"id": "USR0000000018"
		"userGroups": [{
			"uniqueId": "USRGRP-37644ff5-7ea5-a3aa-e288-9c2666dc02e4"
	}, {
		"name": "Evening shift",
		"schedule": {
			"type": "recurring",
			"startDate": "2018-03-06T00:00:00+0000",
			"startTime": "16:30:00",
			"endTime": "01:30:10",
			"pattern": {
				"type": "weekly",
				"weekDays": "Wednesday,Thursday,Friday",
				"repeatFrequency": 5
			"endPattern": {
				"type": "NEVER"
		"users": [{
			"id": "USR0000000020"
		"userGroups": [{
			"uniqueId": "USRGRP-48965gg5-8fg6-a3aa-e288-0d3667e36f5"

Sample response

	"id": "ES-3b05178f-b197-46b2-9451-db9bfc3c8403",
	"name": "SJ Network Support",
	"description": "Team to monitor all network issues in SJ site.",
	"createdTime": "2018-02-04T09:08:15+0000",
	"updatedTime": "",
	"timeZone": {
		"id": "19",
		"name": "Asia/Calcutta",
		"label": "GMT +05:30 India",
		"code": "IST"
	"client": {
		"id": 7,
		"uniqueId": "client_7",
		"name": "Logix Inc",
		"activated": true
	"shiftDetails": [{
			"id": "ESD-237dffd1-8b86-47da-a40a-78246b6028e1",
			"name": "Morning shift",
			"schedule": {
				"type": "one-time",
				"startDate": "2018-02-06T07:05:00+0000",
				"endDate": "2017-06-10T16:10:20+0000"
			"users": [{
				"id": "USR0000000018",
				"loginName": "John_Smith",
				"lastName": "Smith",
				"firstName": "John",
				"email": "john.smith@myorganization.com",
				"phoneNumber": "",
				"mobileNumber": "9004561234"
			"userGroups": [{
				"uniqueId": "USRGRP-37644ff5-7ea5-a3aa-e288-9c2666dc02e4",
				"name": "Network Admins",
				"description": "",
				"createdTime": "2017-03-14T11:40:35+0000"
			"id": "ESD-edaea54b-9a2a-42e9-b54b-6dea26c55202",
			"name": "Evening shift",
			"schedule": {
				"type": "recurring",
				"startDate": "2018-02-06T00:00:00+0000",
				"startTime": "16:30:00",
				"endTime": "01:30:10",
				"pattern": {
					"type": "weekly",
					"weekDays": "Wednesday,Thursday,Friday",
					"repeatFrequency": 5
				"endPattern": {
					"type": "NEVER"
			"users": [{
				"id": "USR0000000018",
				"loginName": "James_Blake",
				"lastName": "Blake",
				"firstName": "James",
				"email": "james.blake@myorganization.com",
				"phoneNumber": "",
				"mobileNumber": "9001237123"
			"userGroups": [{
				"uniqueId": "USRGRP-37644ff5-7ea5-a3aa-e288-9c2666dc02e4",
				"name": "Database Admins",
				"description": "Team to monitor all Database issues.",
				"createdTime": "2017-03-14T11:40:35+0000"