GET https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/scheduleMaintenances/search

Sample URL: API URL with special characters in the query string

To retrieve all scheduled maintenance windows within a client:


To retrieve specific scheduled maintenance windows assigned to a device (or device group):

https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/client_8/scheduleMaintenances/search?queryString=deviceName:HYDLPT220+siteName:SJC+deviceUniqueId:60c6f02e-5080-46a7-856b-f1f2a1997603+deviceGroupName:Application Server

To retrieve scheduled maintenance windows on the basis of window status:

https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/client_8/scheduleMaintenances/search?queryString=deviceName:HYDLPT220+deviceGroupName:Application Server+status:Suspended

Sample URL: API URL with encoded special characters in the query string


All parameters are optional:

FieldDefault Value

NA indicates that the value is not applicable.

Query variables

Query VariableDescription
uniqueIdSchedule Maintenance window unique ID.
nameSchedule Maintenance name.
startDateStart date of schedule maintenance.
Example: 2016-08-12T10:55:27 0000
endDateExpiry date of schedule maintenance.
Example: 2016-09-15T18:55:27 0000
deviceUniqueIdDevice ID
deviceGroupIdDevice group ID.
deviceGroupNameDevice group name.
siteIdSite ID.
siteNameSite name.
startCreationDateFilter schedule maintenance windows created within a date range. Provide from creation date.
Example: 2016-07-24T06:48:40 0000
endCreationDateFilter schedule maintenance windows created within a date range. Provide to creation date.
Example: 2016-07-26T06:48:40 0000
startUpdationDateFilter schedule maintenance windows updated within a date range. Provide from update date.
Example: 2016-07-24T06:48:40 0000
endUpdationDateFilter schedule maintenance windows updated within a date range. Provide to update date.
Example: 2016-07-26T06:48:40 0000
statusFilter with scheduled maintenance window status. For example, to retrieve all scheduled maintenance windows that are completed, provide status: Completed in the query string.
Supported statuses: Active, Pending, Suspended, and Completed.

Sample response

	"results": [{
			"uniqueId": "SM-c11b6b44-c85a-426c-9963-0e977070ce98",
			"name": "Weekly_Schedule_For_all_Weekdays",
			"dontRunRBA": "false",
			"dontInstallPatch": "false",
			"runRBA": true,
			"installPatch": true,
			"createdTime": "2017-08-16T06:58:26+0000",
			"updatedTime": "",
			"schedule": {
				"type": "recurring",
				"startTime": "2017-08-12T10:55:27+0000",
				"endTime": "2017-08-29T18:55:27+0000",
				"pattern": {
					"type": "weekly",
					"weekDays": "Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday"
			"status": "Completed"
			"uniqueId": "SM-a7aa1874-ee4f-4a12-add1-2313bd717d4e",
			"name": "Change Request from Alert -  151  -- From CR",
			"dontRunRBA": "false",
			"dontInstallPatch": "false",
			"runRBA": true,
			"installPatch": true,
			"createdTime": "2017-08-12T07:11:35+0000",
			"updatedTime": "",
			"schedule": {
				"type": "one-time",
				"startTime": "2017-08-12T07:11:00+0000",
				"endTime": "2017-08-12T07:11:00+0000"
			"status": "Completed"
			"uniqueId": "SM-50d135c3-ef77-4145-a10f-822c27a8e372",
			"name": "Schedule maintenance with device",
			"dontRunRBA": "true",
			"dontInstallPatch": "true",
			"runRBA": false,
			"installPatch": false,
			"createdTime": "2017-08-11T07:55:40+0000",
			"updatedTime": "2017-08-11T07:59:52+0000",
			"schedule": {
				"type": "one-time",
				"startTime": "2017-08-10T10:00:00+0000",
				"endTime": "2017-08-14T20:00:00+0000"
			"status": "Completed"
	"totalResults": 3,
	"orderBy": "id",
	"pageNo": 1,
	"pageSize": 10,
	"totalPages": 1,
	"nextPage": false,
	"previousPageNo": 0,
	"descendingOrder": true