POST https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/scheduleMaintenances/{smId}

Sample URLs



  • For a  recurring schedule maintenance to end at a specific time period, provide the end date and time in the field endTime. Example: "2016-05-29T18:55:27+0000"
  • FieldData TypeDescription
    nameStringSchedule name.
    descriptionStringSchedule description.
    devices/deviceGroups/locationsStringDetails of resources which should be added to schedule maintenance window. No more than 100 resources can be added to a schedule maintenance window.
    1. type
    2. startTime
    3. endTime
    4. timezone
    5. pattern
      1. type
      2. weekDays
    StringSchedule details:
    1. Schedule type.
      Supported values: One-Time, recurring
    2. Time at which the schedule activity should begin.
    3. Time at which the schedule activity should end.
    4. Timezone in which the schedule should operate. (The list of timezones are shown below.)
      Example: "timezone": "America/Puerto_Rico"
    5. Schedule pattern:
      1. Pattern type.
        Supported values: daily, weekly, monthly. See schedule maintenance: recurring to know more about the supported values for pattern types.
      2. Weekday pattern with these values: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
    runRBABoolean(Optional) Set runRBA=true to run RBA scripts; otherwise, set to false.
    installPatchBoolean(Optional) Set installPatch=true to install patch; otherwise, set to false.
    installPatchBoolean(Optional) Set installPatch=true to install patch.
    runEscalationActionBoolean(Optional) Provide runEscalationAction: true to escalate maintenance alerts after schedule maintenance is completed. If no value is provided, the default value is true.
    1. matchingType
    2. rules
      1. key
      2. operator
      3. value
    String(Optional) For specific alerts to be triggered as maintenance alerts, configure the below alert conditions. Alerts that do match with the below conditions are triggered as monitoring alerts:
    1. Alert conditions should match ALL or ANY of the rules.
    2. Conditions for filter alerts:
      1. Unique attribute of alert.
      2. Logical operators to filter alertsSupported values: Equals, NotEquals, Equals, NotEquals, Startswith, Endswith, Regex. See Regular Expressions to filter alerts with operator Regex.
      3. Unique data of alert.
        Example: Cloud Controller Discovery
    	"name": "Network devices schedule maintenance",
    	"description": "Recurring maintenance",
    	"runRBA": "false",
    	"installPatch": "false",
    	"schedule": {
    		"type": "Recurring",
    		"startTime": "2018-08-18T10:55:27+0000",
    		"endTime": "2018-08-19T18:55:27+0000",
    		"timezone": "GMT",
    		"pattern": {
    			"type": "weekly",
    			"weekDays": "Wednesday,Thursday"
    	"alertConditions": {
    		"matchingType": "ANY",
    		"rules": [{
    			"key": "subject",
    			"operator": "CONTAINS",
    			"value": "newTest"
    		}, {
    			"key": "description",
    			"operator": "CONTAINS",
    			"value": "test Description"
    		}, {
    			"key": "serviceName",
    			"operator": "CONTAINS",
    			"value": "newTest"

    Sample response

    	"uniqueId": "SM-c11b6b44-c85a-426c-9963-0e977070ce98"