GET https://{api-url}/api/v2//tenants/{tenantId}/integrations/events/placeHolders/{entityType}

Sample URLs


Supported entities are:

  • Incident
  • Change Request
  • Service Request
  • Problem
  • Task

Sample response

	"results" : [
			"name" : "Access URL",
			"value" : "$utils.ticketAccessURL($incident.id,$incident.client.id,$incident.msp.id,$incident.serviceProviderId)",
			"description" : "Access URL of the incident"
			"name" : "Alert ID(s)",
			"value" : "$incident.alertList",
			"description" : "Alert id(s) of the incident incase incident is created from alert"
			"name" : "Alert source",
			"value" : "$incident.tagValues.alertSource",
			"description" : "Source of the alert in case the incident is created from alert"
			"name" : "Assigned device id(s)",
			"value" : "$incident.deviceIds",
			"description" : "Assigned device id(s) of the incident"
			"name" : "Assigned Name(s)",
			"value" : "$incident.deviceList",
			"description" : "Name(s) of the incident"
			"name" : "Assigned device(s) location",
			"value" : "$incident.deviceLocation",
			"description" : "Assigned device(s) location of the incident"
			"name" : "Assigned user",
			"value" : "$incident.assignedTo.fullName",
			"description" : "Assigned user to the incident"
			"name" : "Assignee group name",
			"value" : "$incident.assigneeGroup.name",
			"description" : "Assignee Group name of the Incident"
			"name" : "Associated change request ID",
			"value" : "$incident.changeRequest.id",
			"description" : "Associated changeRequest ID of the incident"
			"name" : "Associated incident ID",
			"value" : "$incident.parentTicket.id",
			"description" : "Associated parent incident ID of the incident"
			"name" : "Associated problem ID",
			"value" : "$incident.problem.id",
			"description" : "Associated problem ID of the incident"
			"name" : "Attachment base64 binary",
			"value" : "$utils.attachmentData($resource)",
			"description" : "Attached file content in base64 binary data"
			"name" : "Attachment file name",
			"value" : "$utils.attachmentFileName($resource)",
			"description" : "Attached file name of incident"
			"name" : "Attachment type",
			"value" : "$utils.attachmentFileType($resource)",
			"description" : "Attached file type of incident"
			"name" : "Category",
			"value" : "$incident.entityCategory.categoryName",
			"description" : "Category of the Incident"
			"name" : "Client name",
			"value" : "$incident.client.name",
			"description" : "Client name of the incident"
			"name" : "Client unique ID",
			"value" : "$incident.client.uniqueId",
			"description" : "Client UniqueId of the Incident"
			"name" : "Comment",
			"value" : "$incident.response",
			"description" : "Comment of the Incident"
			"name" : "Created date",
			"value" : "$utils.convertDate($incident.createdDate,"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ")",
			"description" : "Created date of the Incident"
			"name" : "Descritpion",
			"value" : "$incident.impact",
			"description" : "Description of the incident"
			"name" : "Due date",
			"value" : "$utils.convertDate($incident.dueDate,"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ")",
			"description" : "Due date of the Incident"
			"name" : "External ticket ID",
			"value" : "$utils.extEntityId($incident.id,$installedAppId,$entity)",
			"description" : "Integrated third-party ticket ID"
			"name" : "Incident ID",
			"value" : "$incident.uniqueId",
			"description" : "ID of the incident"
			"name" : "Latest comment description",
			"value" : "$incident.latestResponse.description",
			"description" : "Latest comment description"
			"name" : "Latest comment subject",
			"value" : "$incident.latestResponse.subject",
			"description" : "Response Subject of the Incident"
			"name" : "Latest comment visible to customer",
			"value" : "$incident.latestResponse.visibleToCustomer",
			"description" : "Response visibleToCustomer of the Incident"
			"name" : "Latest comments added by",
			"value" : "$incident.latestResponse.creator.name",
			"description" : "User who added latest response to incident"
			"name" : "Partner name",
			"value" : "$incident.msp.name",
			"description" : "Partner name of the incident"
			"name" : "Partner unique ID",
			"value" : "$incident.msp.uniqueId",
			"description" : "Partner UniqueId of the Incident"
			"name" : "Priority",
			"value" : "$incident.priority.name",
			"description" : "Priority of the incident"
			"name" : "Priority updated by",
			"value" : "$incident.priorityUpdatedBy.name",
			"description" : "User who updated priority of the incident"
			"name" : "PSA Ticket ID",
			"value" : "$incident.psaTicketId",
			"description" : "psaTicketId of the Incident"
			"name" : "Reason to change status",
			"value" : "$incident.reason.name",
			"description" : "Corresponding reason to change incident status"
			"name" : "Reported user name",
			"value" : "$incident.requester.name",
			"description" : "User who has created the incident"
			"name" : "Resolution summary",
			"value" : "$incident.notes",
			"description" : "Resolution summary of the Incident"
			"name" : "Source entity",
			"value" : "$incident.sourceEntityType.name",
			"description" : "From which source the incident was created (e.g, Alert or API, etc..)"
			"name" : "Source entity ID",
			"value" : "$incident.sourceEntityTypeId",
			"description" : "ID of the source from which incident was created(e.g, Alert ID)"
			"name" : "Source policy",
			"value" : "$incident.sourcePolicyType.name",
			"description" : "From which policy the incident was created (e.g, Autoincident, etc..) if any"
			"name" : "Source policy ID",
			"value" : "$incident.sourcePolicyTypeId",
			"description" : "ID of the policy from which incident was created(e.g, Autoincident policy ID)"
			"name" : "Status",
			"value" : "$incident.status.name",
			"description" : "Status of the incident"
			"name" : "Status updated by",
			"value" : "$incident.statusUpdatedBy.name",
			"description" : "User who updated the status of the incident"
			"name" : "Sub category",
			"value" : "$incident.subCategory.categoryName",
			"description" : "Sub Category of the Incident"
			"name" : "Subject",
			"value" : "$incident.subject",
			"description" : "Subject of the incident"
			"name" : "Suspend end date",
			"value" : "$utils.convertDate($incident.suspendEndDate,"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ")",
			"description" : "Suspend end date of the Incident"
			"name" : "TicketResponseId",
			"value" : "$incident.latestResponse.extTicketResponseId",
			"description" : "Ticket response external id"
	"totalResults" : 45,
	"pageNo" : 1,
	"pageSize" : 100,
	"totalPages" : 1,
	"nextPage" : false,
	"previousPageNo" : 0,
	"descendingOrder" : false