In this section

Activate and deactivate patch baseline

Activates and deactivates a patch baseline.

Add and remove patches from baseline

Adds and removes patches from a baseline.

Approve and disapprove patch

Approves and disapproves a patch.

Assign or unassign a baseline for patch compliance

Assigns and unassigns a patch baseline attached for a patch compliance check.

Assign or unassign device group for patch compliance

Assigns and unassigns a device group for a patch compliance.

Assign or unassign devices for patch compliance

Assigns and unassigns devices for patch compliance.

Check resource patch compliance against baseline

Checks the compliance of a resource against a patch baseline.


There are special characters that can be used in a query string:

  • (+) represents the next field and must be URL-encoded.
  • (:) represents equals. An example is key : value.
  • Space characters must be URL-encoded.

Create and get patch baselines

Creates and gets patch baselines.

Create compliance and get compliance checks

Creates a patch compliance and gets the list of patch compliance checks.

Create patch configuration and execute

Creates a patch configuration and executes patches on the resources.

  • Approved Windows patches are installed on the device during the scheduled installation window.
  • The device is immediately rebooted following any patch that requires a reboot.
  • Standard checks are performed on rebooted devices to ensure the device is operating properly.

Get and delete patch details

Gets patch details and delete a patch qualification.

Get baseline details of compliance

Gets the baselines attached to a patch compliance.

Get device group details of a compliance

Gets the device groups attached to a patch compliance.

Get devices of a compliance

Gets the list of devices attached to a patch compliance.

Get patch scan status of a device

Gets the details of patch scan status of a device.

Patch scan of a device provides the details of latest patch scan performed on a device. This API is used to get the following patch scan details of a device:

  • Date of the last scan
  • Result of the last scan
  • Patches missing before the scan
  • Patches found missing after the scan
  • List of new patches found in the last scan

Get patch scan status of all devices of a missing job

Gets the patch scan status of all devices assigned to a missing patch job and display paginated output.

Query Variables
Query VariablesDescription
idUnique ID of the device.
ipAddressIP address of the device.
resourceNameName of the device.
hostNameHost name of the device.
aliasNameAlias name of the device.
resourceTypeType of the device.

Get patches on a resource

Gets the details of installed, missing, or installation-failed patches for a client’s resources.

Status Code

NULL - The NULL value in the file indicates that the Agent did not trigger any installation job.

0x0 - This value indicates that the patch is installed successfully.

The following are error codes that identify installation failures when patching the device:


There are special characters that can be used in a query string:

  • (+) represents the next field and must be URL-encoded.
  • (:) represents equals. An example is key : value.
  • Space characters must be URL-encoded.
Query Variables
Query VariablesValuesDescription
resourceUUIDNAUnique ID of a resource.
Example: d5bce6fe-d19f-4ad7-8c50-5f639f2dd321. Use the Search Resources API to fetch the list of resources.
startInstalledTimeyyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm: ssZSearch for patches installed within a certain time frame. The startInstalledTime variable indicates the from time.
Example: 2018-10-10T09:20:00 0000
endInstalledTimeyyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm: ssZThe endInstalledTime variable indicates the to time.
Example: 2018-10-15T10:30:00 0000
startScanTimeyyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm: ssZStarting time of searching the scan for patches.
The startScanTime variable indicates the from time.
Example: 2018-10-10T09:20:00 0000
endScanTimeyyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm: ssZEnd/Closing time of searching the scan for patches.
The endScanTime variable indicates the to time.
Example: 2018-10-15T10:30:00 0000
installedStatusINPROGRESS, COMPLETED, FAILED, EXCLUDED, NEED_TO_INSTALLInstalled status of a patch.For example, to search for patches failed to install, provide installedStatus: FAILED.
patchStatusMISSING, INSTALLEDSearch for missing patches or patches installed on the resources.
categoryCRITICAL, SECURITYCategory to which the patches belong.
patchNameNASearch for patches with the patch name.
patchIdNAUnique ID of a patch. To get the list of patches along with their unique Id, use the Search Patches API.
Example: PATCH-1fde1043-0d9c-4f3f-8a34-2d0afc3a137a.
externalIdNAExternal ID of a patch.
severityNASeverity of a patch.
approvalStatusAPPROVED, NOT_APPROVEDApproval status of a patch.For example, to search for approved patches, provide approvalStatus: APPROVED.

Get patching status of a device

Gets the patching status of a device.

Patching status of a device provides the details of the most recent patches performed on a device. This API is used to get the following details of patching performed on a device (or devices):

  • Completion status of the patch
  • Status of machine reboot
  • Last patch installation date
  • Last reboot time of the machine

Get patching status of all devices in a patch configuration

Gets the patching status of all devices in a patch configuration and display paginated output.

Query Variables
Query VariablesDescription
idUnique ID of the device.
ipAddressIP address of the device.
resourceNameName of the device.
hostNameHost name of the device.
aliasNameAlias name of the device.
resourceTypeType of the device.

Get, update, and delete patch baselines

Gets, updates, and deletes patch baselines.

Manage patch configuration

Updates, gets, and deletes a patch configuration.

Run patch compliance check

Runs a patch compliance, checking all devices and device groups for compliance.

Run patch configuration

Runs a patch configuration.

Search patch configuration by client

Searches for patch configurations by a client.

Search patches

Gets a tenant’s list of patches.

Query Variables

Search for patches using these patch attributes:

Query VariablesDescription
namePatch name.
uidPatch unique ID.
startReleaseDateSearch for patches released within a specific duration.
startReleaseDate indicates the from date.For example, a user wants to fetch list of patches released between 12-Aug-2018 through 19-Aug-2018, provide startReleaseDate as 2018-08-12T05:40:51+0000 and endReleaseDate as 2018-08-19T08:30:20+0000.
Date format must be yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT).
endReleaseDateSearch for patches released within a specific duration. endReleaseDate indicates the to date.
Date format must be yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT).
extPatchIdExternal ID of a patch.
severitySeverity of patch.
categoryCategory in which a patch is created.
typeType of patch. Example: Windows

There are special characters that can be used in a query string:

  • (+) represents the next field and must be URL-encoded.
  • (:) represents equals. An example is key : value.
  • Space characters must be URL-encoded.

Update and delete patch compliance

Update sand deletes a patch compliance