GET https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/history/resources?queryString=state:DECOMMISSIONED

Sample URLs

Retrieve the list of decommissioned resources of a client:


Retrieve details from a decommissioned resource with a host name:



FieldDefault Value

NA indicates that the value is not applicable.

Query variables

Query VariablesDescription
idResource ID.
Example: d7bce6fe-d19f-4ad7-8c50-2f639f2dd778
stateResource state.Supported value: DECOMMISSIONED
hostNameResource host name.
Example: SJKT1212
ipAddressResource IP Address.
instanceIdCloud instance ID.
tagsAdditional information of a resource, preferably, a custom attribute name.
startDateSearch for resources decommissioned within a specific duration. startDate indicates the from date. For example, to fetch list resources decommissioned between 14th Aug 2018 to 18th Aug 2018, provide startDate as 2018-08-14T10:20:20 0000 and endDate as 2018-08-18T12:10:20 0000Note: Date format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT).
endDateSearch for resources decommissioned within a specific duration. endDate indicates the to date.Note: Date format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT).
typeResource type.
Example: DEVICE
accountNumberInstance account number. This varies for each provider:
  • AWS: Account number
  • Azure: Subscription ID
  • Google: Project ID
providerCloud provider name.
Example: AWS
ownerOwner ID.
Example: 23422135901
instanceTypeCloud instance type.
instanceStateCloud instance state.Supported Value: DECOMMISSIONED
zoneZone name in which instance is located.
Example: virgina-east
regionGeographical location in which instance is located.
Example: US-EAST
amiAmazon Machine image.
hostedServiceNameDomain role.
startLaunchDateSearch for decommissioned cloud instances launched within a specific duration.Provide from date.
Example: 2018-07-11T10:05:20 0000
endLaunchDateSearch for decommissioned cloud instances launched within a specific duration.Provide to date.
Example: 2018-08-20T11:10:20 0000

Sample response

	"results": [{
			"id": "740e2b6d-77ae-46d0-85ca-414e41607b15",
			"hostName": "SJLPT1122",
			"ipAddress": "",
			"dns": "opsrampdev",
			"updatedDate": "2018-08-02T10:24:16+0000",
			"deviceType": "Linux",
			"devicePath": "Server >> Linux",
			"type": "DEVICE",
			"state": "Decommissioned",
			"macAddress": "0A:00:27:00:00:02",
			"make": "innotek GmbH",
			"model": "VirtualBox",
			"osName": "Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS",
			"osArchitecture": "64",
			"serialNumber": "7GH9NH2",
			"systemUID": "5G6H6874-1246-4H60-9012-D4C04F4E4123",
			"description": "BIOS Date: 09/12/17 00:52:26 Ver: ",
			"agentInstalled": true,
			"aliasName": "HYDLPT117@OpsRamp",
			"name": "SJLPT117",
			"resourceName": "SJLPT117",
                        "resiurceType": "Linux",
			"attributes": {
				"provider": "AWS",
				"instanceId": "i-373dcec7",
				"instanceState": "running",
				"instanceType": "t1.micro",
				"publicIp": "",
				"ami": "ami-84562dec",
				"launchDate": "2015-11-03T21:14:28+0000",
				"owner": "23422135901",
				"privateDns": "ip-10-33-136-158.ec2.internal",
				"privateIp": "12.32.345.132",
				"zone": "us-east-1e",
				"monitoringState": "disabled"
			"managementProfile": {
				"id": 7,
				"name": "vg-ubuntu16",
				"type": "Gateway"
			"tags": [{
				"name": "vmtesttag",
				"value": "tagvalue"
			"history": {
				"decommissionReason": "Sample decommission reason"
			"id": "d0d2c5f0-22e0-4a02-be73-135e696ca4f9",
			"hostName": "Windows-SJ",
			"ipAddress": "",
			"dns": "Sample DNS",
			"updatedDate": "2018-07-27T09:48:48+0000",
			"type": "DEVICE",
			"state": "Decommissioned",
			"serialNumber": "HYD102394574",
			"agentInstalled": false,
			"managementProfile": {
				"id": 7,
				"name": "vg-ubuntu16",
				"type": "Gateway"
			"history": {
				"decommissionReason": "Replacement of the server"
			"id": "fd6b542f-e35c-4d34-8068-47e4f2e92391",
			"hostName": "globalasset1",
			"ipAddress": "",
			"updatedDate": "2018-07-27T09:36:48+0000",
			"type": "DEVICE",
			"state": "Decommissioned",
			"systemUID": "6709ADA4-2345-C148-DCDE-4236F5C6DE12",
			"agentInstalled": false,
			"attributes": {
				"instanceId": "/subscriptions/9ee6993f-a036-4118-9eab-c66d9fda1ef3/resourceGroups/TEST/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/globalasset1"
			"history": {
				"decommissionReason": "Expiry of the Instance"
			"id": "fbb6c1df-b85e-4016-bcac-93487b6129f4",
			"hostName": "TestLinuxVM",
			"ipAddress": "",
			"updatedDate": "2018-07-26T12:46:42+0000",
			"type": "DEVICE",
			"state": "Decommissioned",
			"systemUID": "223C543D-0CD7-2A56-2345-3DCDD332901D",
			"agentInstalled": false,
			"tags": [{
				"name": "vmtesttag",
				"value": "tagvalue"
			"history": {
				"decommissionReason": "Sample decommission reason"
			"id": "f22d5518-d380-4edf-a6f4-1fb52af83151",
			"hostName": "Linux-SJ",
			"ipAddress": "12.321.43.125",
			"updatedDate": "2018-07-21T11:03:47+0000",
			"type": "DEVICE",
			"state": "Decommissioned",
			"agentInstalled": false,
			"tags": [{
				"name": "Device Location",
				"value": "SJ"
	"totalResults": 5,
	"pageNo": 1,
	"pageSize": 100,
	"totalPages": 1,
	"nextPage": false,
	"descendingOrder": false