In this section

Activate or deactivate client

Activates and deactivates a client.

The action specified in the URL is the action to be performed on the client profile.

Supported action types

activateAll clients operations are activated.
suspendDisable the client account and temporarily stop all client operations.
terminateTerminating the client will stop its operations, remove all agents, and uninstall all integrations

Activate user

The endpoint to assign agent policy for resources.

Change password

Changes the password.

Create and get credential set

Creates and gets a credential set.

Create and search user group

Creates a partner- or client-level user group, and searches user groups.

Create client

Creates a client.

The supported timezones are:


Create client notes

Creates client notes.

Create role

Creates a partner- or client-level role.

A role defines permission sets to user and -user groups on devices and device groups. A user (or user group) can be assigned to one or more roles

Create a Role with Scope: MSP and Provide Visibility of Specific Clients

  • Create a role that is applicable only for partners.
  • Users in this role can view only specific clients:

Create a Role with Scope: MSP and Provide Visibility of All Clients, Devices, and Credentials

  • Create a role that applies only for a partner.
  • Users in this role can view all clients (under the partner)

Create a Role with Scope: Client and Provide Visibility of All Devices and Credentials

Create a role that is applicable only for a partner:

  • Users in the role can view all clients under the partner.
  • Users in the role can view all client devices and credentials.

Create a Role with Scope: Client and Provide Visibility of Specific Devices, and Credentials

Create a role that is applicable for client:

  • Users in the role can view all client devices.
  • Users in the role can view all client credential sets.

Create user

Creates a user.

Get alert technologies

Gets the list of available custom (and email alert integration) alert sources.

Get ARM cloud resources

Gets ARM cloud resources, using optional smart filters during discovery.

Get AWS cloud resources

Gets AWS cloud resources, using optional smart filters during discovery.

Get channels

Gets the list of channels.

Get countries

Gets the list of countries based on country code.

Get custom branding

Gets custom branding.

Get Google cloud resources

Gets Google cloud resources, using optional smart filters during discovery.

Get minimal details of client credential sets

Gets the minimal details of client credential sets.

Get minimal details of clients

Gets the minimal details of clients.

Get minimal details of device credential sets

Gets the minimal details of client credential sets.

Get minimal details of users

Gets the minimal details of the users.


There are special characters that can be used in a query string:

  • (:) represents equals. An example is key : value.
  • Space characters must be URL-encoded.

Get partner details

This API is used to get details of a partner.

Get tenant NOCs

Gets the list of NOCs of a tenant.

Get timezones

Gets the list of timezones.

Get user login history

Gets the user login history.

Manage client note

Updates, gets, and deletes a client note.

Manage credential set by ID

Updates, gets, and deletes a credential set by ID.

Manage role

Updates, gets, and deletes roles.

Manage user groups

Updates, gets, and deletes user groups.

Manage users for user group

Adds, gets, and deletes users for a user group.

Search clients

Searches for clients.


There are special characters that can be used in a query string:

  • (+) represents the next field and must be URL-encoded.
  • (:) represents equals. An example is key : value.
  • Space characters must be URL-encoded.
  • Date format must be yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT).
Query Variables
Query VariablesValuesDescription
uniqueIdNAClient ID.
nameNAClient name.
activeStatustrue, falseActive status of client.
startCreationDateNAClient created within a period of time. Provide the from date.
Example: 2016-08-18T06:52:24 0000
endCreationDateNAClient created within a period of time. Provide the to date.
Example: 2016-08-20T06:52:24 0000
startUpdationDateNAClient updated within a period of time. Provide the from update date.
Example: 2016-08-25T18:56:04 0000
endUpdationDateNAClient updated within a period of time. Provide to update date.
Example: 2016-08-25T18:56:04 0000

Search for client notes

Searches for client notes.

Query VariablesDescription
searchWordSearch for a note with a specific word provided in the note.
idNote ID.
startCreationDateSearch for note created within a specific date range. startCreationDate denotes the from date.
Example: 2016-03-25T09:54:52+0000
endCreationDateendCreationDate denotes the to date.
Example: 2016-03-27T10:54:52+0000
startUpdationDateSearch for the note updated within a specific date range. startUpdationDate denotes the from date.
Example: 2016-03-25T09:54:52+0000
endUpdationDateendUpdationDate denotes the to date.
Example: 2016-03-27T10:54:52+0000

There are special characters that can be used in a query string:

  • (+) represents the next field and must be URL-encoded.
  • (:) represents equals. An example is key : value.
  • Space characters must be URL-encoded.
  • Date format must be yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT).

Search permission sets

Gets the list of permission sets assigned to a tenant.

Search roles

Gets roles under a partner or client.

Search tenant users

Gets users for a tenant.

  • This API provides minimal user details.
  • To get the complete details of a user, use the Get User API.
Query Variables
Query VariablesDescription
uniqueIdID of user.
loginNameLogin name of user.
firstNameFirst name of user.
lastNameLast name of user.
mailIdUser email.
startCreationDateFilter the users created within a date range. Provide the from date.
Example: 2016-11-01T11:54:24 0000
endCreationDateFilter the users created within a date range. Provide the to date.
Example: 2016-11-03T11:54:24 0000
startUpdationDateFilter the users updated within a date range. Provide the to date.
Example: 2016-11-01T11:54:24 0000
endUpdationDateFilter the users updated within a date range. Provide the to date.
Example: 2016-11-03T11:54:24 0000
status- To get a list of active users, provide status: active.
- To fetch list of inactive users, provide status: inactive.

There are special characters that can be used in a query string:

  • (+) represents the next field and must be URL-encoded.
  • (:) represents equals. An example is key : value.
  • Space characters must be URL-encoded.
  • Date format must be yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT).

Update and get client details

Updates and gets client details.

Update and get user details

Updates and gets user details.