
Using My Profile, you can customize Profile Details and other feature preferences, such as RDP Console Preference and Display Settings. My Profile is a collection of information and settings associated with your user account. You can view and manage your profile details, enable/disable two-factor mode, and set notification modes.

As the owner of the OpsRamp account, you have complete privileges to set the preferences to display the OpsRamp user interface features. You can manage your preferences in the Preferences section of My Profile.

Managing profiles

You can manage your profile using the Profile Management and Preferences in the user interface. For example, in Profile Management you can enable two-factor and in Preferences you can set the notification preferences.

You can modify your notification preferences and account details like First Name, Last Name, and Primary Email. 

To manage your profile details:

  1. From the Username drop-down, click My Profile.
  2. From My Profile screen, click Edit.
  3. From Update My Profile, modify your account details or the notification preferences.
  4. Click Update. My Profile displays the modified details.

My Profile screen displays primary email as the default preference to receive notifications. You can use this email address to send all Account related information including forgot password notification.  OpsRamp provides the following notifications via email in the event of any action:

  • Account Information: Send all account-related information to the selected email. For example: Password reset instructions.
  • Alert Notification: Notifies about alert escalations to the selected email.
  • Report Notification: Sends URL to download reports if you have subscribed to receive notifications from Reports.

Managing preferences

You can maintain the following preferences for your account user interface in the Preferences section under My Profile. Using the Preferences, you have the liberty to determine the following preferences:

  • Default Device Tree Tab
  • RDP Console Preferences
  • SSH Console Preferences
  • Display Settings
  • Notification Preferences

To modify your preferences:

  1. From the Username drop-down, click My Profile.
  2. From Preferences, select one of the following options:
    • Default Device Tree Tab: Refers to the order to display Device Type, Resource Group, Service Group, and Site in the Infrastructure tab. For example, if you select Device Type, the Infrastructure screen displays Device Type as the first option.
    • RDP Console Preferences: Refers to the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) console settings. For example, you can set the themes and screen resolution of the RDP Console.
    • SSH Console Preferences:  Refers to the Secure Shell (SSH) Console settings. For example, you can set the ForeGround Color and BackGround Color of the SSH Console.
    • Display Settings: Refers to enabling Room Mode for your dashboard. You can select the client, Dashboard, and Slider Delay from the user interface.
      **Note: The Room Mode option enables you to view the preferred dashboards to slide across within the configured time. The option is more useful when presenting the dashboard in a conference room.
    • Notification Preferences: Refers to the preferences that you can set while receiving Alert notifications and Generic notifications.
  3. Click Save.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How do I change the password of my account?

To change your password, perform the following steps:

  1. From the options in the Username drop-down, click Change Password.
    Change Password screen appears.
  2. From Change Password screen, provide details and click Update.

Do I need to change the password at other browsers also if I change my OpsRamp password in one browser?

If you change your password in one browser, you are automatically logged out of active user sessions in other browsers. Use the new password to log back.

Will OpsRamp re-authenticate my two-factor key after I update My Profile page details?

Yes, If you have two-vactor authentication enabled and activated, Your two-factor key is re-authenticated after your My Profile is updated. Three unsuccessful attempts for two-factor authentication redirects to the login page.