What to do when Agent is offline?

When installed/restarted an agent first performs a web post to api.vistanet.jp on port 443 to get the server to connect. Perform the following validations if agent appears offline:

  • Verify if DNS resolution is working.
  • Telnet to port 443 on api.vistanet.jp. You will be getting a response for this.
  • In the browser, type https://api.vistanet.jp and verify if redirected to OpsRamp.

What if the agent can not reach api.vistanet.jp?

If api.vistanet.jp is not reachable, then the agent falls back to cn01-sjc.vistanet.jp after six (6) checks to get the server URL to connect.

After getting the first response from api.vistanet.jp, the agent connects to the servers based on which node the client is connected to. An agent log file appears and provides information about the agent connected to DNS.

How do I validate the agent if it appears offline?

If agent appears offline:

  • Make sure DNS resolution is working.
  • Telnet to port 443 on above URLs based on what URL agent is connected to.
  • In the browser, type https://Above URL/stats. It will show a page with Agent count text.
  • If above validations are successful and agent is still offline, create a support ticket with the AgentLog file attached. Mention if the agent is a proxy agent or direct dgent.

What are that steps that the agent shield uses for direct agent and proxy agent?

Troubleshooting Steps
Agent process does not runAgent Shield restarts the agent.
Agent process does not run
  • For Direct Agent: Agent Shield checks the reachability of the API server URL and connection node URL. If both the URLs are reachable, then agent shield restarts the agent service.
    If the agent cannot connect to OpsRamp cloud, the shield records the details into a log file: `shield.log`. (The shield does not restart the agent.)
  • For Proxy Agent: Agent Shield checks the proxy IP URL. If the URL is reachable, the agent shield restarts the agent service.
Agent process consumes more than 250 MB memoryAgent Shield restarts the agent.
Agent process consumes more than 2500 handle count of resourcesAgent Shield restarts the agent.
Agent process consumes more than 250 thread count of executionAgent Shield restarts the agent.