
OpsRamp takes an additional step apart from the traditional username and password to secure your account. If you have enabled Two-Factor Authentication for your account, OpsRamp prompts you to perform certain additional steps when you log into the application.

Logging in via FIDO U2F

To login via FIDO U2F:

  1. Insert the FIDO U2F Security Key into the USB port on the device and log into OpsRamp with username and password.
  2. After a successful login, you can touch the flashing FIDO U2F Security Key.
    Log in is successful.

Logging in via TOTP

To login via TOTP:

  1. Log into OpsRamp with username and password.
  2. After a successful login, enter a 6-digit scanned verification code. The 6-digit verification code expires after 60 seconds and generates a new verification code again. Log in is successful.

Logging in via YubiKey

To login via YUBIKEY:

  1. Insert the YubiKey into the USB port on the device and log into OpsRamp with username and password.
  2. After a successful login, the YubiKey login screen appears and touch the YubiKey button. After touching the YubiKey button, a 44 character one-time password gets generated.

Looking up two-factor keys

You can easily get the details of the owner in case any user loses their two-factor key.

To know the owner details:

  1. Select Setup > Accounts > Look Up Two-Factor Key.
    LOOK UP FOR TWO-FACTOR KEY screen appears.
  2. From LOOK UP FOR TWO-FACTOR KEY, touch the YubiKey button.
    A 44 character one-time password gets generated.
  3. Click Lookup User.
    The User Details are displayed along with Name and Username.
    Look Up Two-Factor Key

    Look Up Two-Factor Key