
Discovery profiles define the range of devices that you want to discover. You can create multiple discovery profiles, each for a different set of devices. Save each profile and reuse for future discoveries.

All the added Discovery profiles are displayed on Discovery and Deployment page.

  • You can sort the list by clicking some of the labels on the list. For example, Profile Name, Type or Management Profile.
  • You can also perform multiple actions on every existing Discovery Profile. For example, view and scan, edit or delete.

The Discovery and Deployment page displays the following details:

  • Profile name: Refers to the name of the Discovery Profile.
  • Type: Refers to the type of protocol used for discovering resources.
  • IP Range: Refers to the IP address or IP range of the resources discovered.
  • Discovery Schedule: Refers to the schedule set for discovering resources.
  • Management Profile: Refers to the Agent or the Gateway associated with discovering the group of resources.

Before you begin

Before creating a discovery profile:

  1. Select a client.
  2. Create an agent or gateway management profile.

Creating discovery profiles

To create a discovery profile:

  1. Go to Setup > Resources > Discovery and Deployment.
  2. Click the + icon and from the expanded details page, provide the following:
    • Profile Name: Refers to suitable profile name relating to a specific device type.
    • Discovery Type: Refers to the method of discovering the devices. You can discover your devices through Agent, Gateway or Public Cloud.
    • Select Profile: Refers to a management profile assigned to discover the devices.
      • Agents - Management profile of the Agent configured as Master Agent.
      • Gateway - Management profile of the Gateway.
    • Discovery Profile Type: OpsRamp supports the following protocols:
      • SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
      • WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)
      • SSH (Secure Shell)
      • Network Devices. For example, WLAN Controller.
        • Only Cisco vendor devices are supported when Discovery Profile Type is Network Devices and
          Device Type is WLAN AP. For other device types, the standard SNMP discovery profile type is recommended.
        • If the Discovery Type is Agent, only two options are listed: SNMP and WMI.
  3. Select a credential from the drop-down list. This credential refers to the access, authorization or authentication credentials assigned to your devices managed by the network administrators.
  4. (Optional) If you do not have a credential already, create one:
    • Click Create Credentials. The Create credentials window opens.
    • Enter the required details and click Save. The field descriptions are as follows:
      • Name: Refers to a unique name of the credential set being created.
      • Description: Refers to an optional description of the credential set.
      • Type: Refers to a device for which the credentials need to be created. More fields are displayed with respect to the device chosen. Enter the details required as per the device chosen.
      • Connection time out: Specifies the connection time out.
  5. Click the + icon to create or select multiple credentials.
    Note: You can add multiple SNMP credentials. This option is available only if Discovery Type is Gateway.
  6. Enter IP Address details of your devices.
    Important: The options under the Discovery Profile Types and IP address details are displayed according to the selected Discovery Type. If you choose Discovery type as Agent, then enter all the IP addresses in the box, separated by comma or enter a range of IP Addresses to be discovered. If you choose Discovery type as Gateway, then you have two choices-
    • Scan IP range: Select this option if you have an IP range and enter all the IP addresses in the box, separated by a comma or enter a range of IP Addresses to be discovered.
    • Seed IPs: Enter the IP address of the root or the Seed device. Seed IP defines the range of IP addresses where network discovery starts a scan. When a Seed IP is defined, the root device and the adjacent neighbors of the root device are scanned.
      • Depth: Select the depth from the drop-down list. The devices are scanned at a depth starting from the IP of the root device. The Depth defines the level of the network you want to scan. For example, Depth 1 indicates the seed or the root device and its immediate neighbors. Depth 2 indicates seed or the root device along with its immediate neighbors and their immediate neighbors.
      • Include Subnet: Select this option if you want to discover devices of a specific subnet. To discover a specific subnet in the Seed IP, provide the subnet IP in CIDR format. For example, you want to discover devices from IPs to in a subnet, then provide IP in CIDR format as
      • Exclude Subnet: Select this option if you want to discover devices excluding those of a specific subnet. To exclude discovery of a specific subnet in the Seed IP, provide the subnet IP in CIDR format. For example, you want to exclude IPs to in a subnet, then provide IP in CIDR format as
  7. Choose any of the following options to discover a device as per your device details.
    Note : The options appear based on Discovery Type and varies with the selected Discovery Profile Type fields.
  8. (Optional) Choose the advanced options according to your requirements:
    • TCP Ports for Host discovery: Provide the port numbers to scan and discover the host through Gateway. Example: 89, 443 Note: By default, the port numbers are 80 and 443.
    • Perform SNMP scan against discovered host:
      • Yes: Select to scan only the SNMP-enabled devices that respond to PING or port numbers specified in TCP Ports for host discovery through Gateway.
      • No: Select to scan all SNMP-enabled devices regardless of devices NOT responding to PING or port numbers specified in TCP Ports for the host discovery.
  9. Schedule the discovery by setting a Recurrence Pattern at a specified interval on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis.
  10. Click Finish.

The Discovery and Deployment page is displayed and the Discovery Profile with details appears in the list of Discovery Profiles.

Device protocol options

The discovery protocol options are based on the Discovery type and vary depending on the selected Discovery Profile Type fields.

Discovery Options
Discover only SNMP enabled devicesSelect this option to discover only SNMP-enabled devices through Gateway.
Use CDP, LLDPSelect this option to discover Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) and Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) enabled devices. By default, CDP and LLDP enabled devices are discovered when SNMP-enabled devices are discovered.
Use OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)Select this option to discover cross-region connections through Gateway.
Use BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)Select this option to discover cross-site connections through Gateway. Note: You can discover network connections between regions within the enterprise and datacenter using OSPF and BGP.
Use BRIDGESelect this option to discover neighbors of a resource by STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) using Bridge MIB and CISCO-VTP-MIB through Gateway. Note: BRIDGE is applicable only if you select Scan IP Range option in the Discovery Type field.
Use LOAD BALANCERSelect this option to discover a Load balancer and downstream application servers. Note: OpsRamp supports only F5 and A10 load balancers.  View the topologies of F5 and A10 load balancers in the Topology Explorer.
Use reverse DNS lookupSelect this option to resolve and display the domain name from its designated IP address.
Discover VoIP PhonesSelect this option to discover all the available VoIP phones.

Recurrence pattern options

Recurrence Pattern Options
HourlyAfter every: Set the time interval after how many hours you want your devices to be scanned.
  • Start time: Set the time in a 24-hr format. The scanning starts at the specified time.
  • Every _ days: Set the number of days, after which you want the scan to recur. For example, set the time as 4 PM and day as 3. The scanning recurs after every three days at 4 PM.
  • Start time: Set the time in a 24-hr format. The scanning starts at the specified time.
  • Select Weekday: Select the days when you want to scan the devices. For example, set the time as 6 PM and set the weekday as Monday. The resources are scanned every Monday at 6 PM.
  • Start time: Set the time in a 24-hr format. The scanning starts at the specified time.
  • Day _ every month: Set the date. OpsRamp scans your devices on that particular date every month. For example, set the time as 6 PM and set the date as 15th. The resources are scanned every 15th day of the month at 6 PM.
  • The _ _ of every month: Set the scan schedule defining the weekday. For example, Second Thursday instructs OpsRamp to scan your devices every second Thursday of every month at 6 PM.

Editing discovery profiles

To edit a Discovery Profile,

  1. Select the checkbox of the profile name.
  2. Click Edit at the top right corner.
    The page expand to display Edit Discovery Profile fields.
  3. Edit the fields according to your requirements.
    You cannot edit the Discovery Type, Management Profile and Discovery Profile Type.
  4. Click Finish to save the changes. The edited Discovery Profile appears in the list of Discovery and Deployment page.

Deleting discovery profiles

You can delete an existing Discovery Profile. Once you delete a Discovery Profile, you have to create another Discovery Profile to discover newly added resources to an existing set of resources.

To delete a Discovery Profile:

  1. Select the checkbox of the profile name.
  2. Click Remove at the top right corner.
    A confirmation dialog box opens.
  3. Click Yes.

The Discovery Profile is deleted and does not appear anymore in the list of Discovery Profiles.

Viewing discovery profiles

To view a Discovery profile and scan:

  1. Click a profile name from the list of Discovery Profiles.
    The page expands to display the details of the Profile.
  2. Click Scan Now if you want to scan immediately.
    A list of discovered resources appears.

What to do next