
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is a Microsoft-specific protocol that is used to monitor and manage Windows devices. Opsramp uses WMI protocol to discover and collect performance and health metrics from all WMI-enabled windows devices.

OpsRamp facilitates both agent-based and agentless discovery of WMI-enabled devices.

Using agent-based discovery

Agents are installed on the target devices in your private network environment.

Agent can be downloaded and installed on any of the following platforms:

  • Windows 2008, Windows 7 and above.
  • Red Hat 6.X, Ubuntu 12.X, Fedora, SUSE, and Amazon Linux.

Components discovered through agents

OpsRamp collects the following data through an agent:

  1. OS information
  2. Hardware information
  3. Application information
  4. Services information
  5. Patch information
  6. Antivirus information


Before you begin, configure any one of the agents installed on your devices as the Master Agent.

Discovering WMI-enabled resources

To discover a a WMI-enabled resource with an agent:

  1. Install the agent.
  2. Create a discovery profile.
  3. Scan the devices. All the discovered devices are displayed via Infrastructure > Resources > Discovered.

All the discovered devices are listed in the folder at the path - Infrastructure > Resources > Discovered.

Using agentless discovery

Agentless discovery uses the OpsRamp Windows gateway (instead of an agent) to discover discover WMI-enabled resources.


On the gateway resources:

  1. Enable WinRM services on the gateway.
  2. Allow WinRM service through firewall.
  3. If the target device is not in the same domain, add the domain of the target device to the trusted hosts. (The device is discovered in an IP range.)
  4. Enable PS-Remoting on the gateway resource.
  5. Set PowerShell environment variable on the gateway resource.

On the target devices:

  1. Enable WinRM service.
  2. Allow WinRM service through the firewall.
  3. Enable PS-Remoting.

Discovering WMI-enabled resources

To discover a a WMI-enabled resource through the gateway:

  1. Install the Windows gateway.
  2. Create a discovery profile.
  3. Scan the devices. All the discovered devices are displayed via Infrastructure > Resources > Discovered.


How do you view and save the discovered devices manually?

If you are unable to view the discovered resources, perform the following steps to view and save the discovered resources:

  1. Open a PowerShell window and navigate to the default location of the discovery script:
    C:\Program Files\OpsRamp\Gateway\scripts\wmi\discovery\
  2. Enter the following command:
    Syntax: .\scriptname <IPAddress> <domain\username> <password>
    Example: .\windowsdiscovery.ps1 opsramp\admin Pass@123
    The discovered device list is populated in the console.
  3. Enter the following command if you want to save the result in a file:
    Example: .\windowsdiscovery.ps1 opsramp\admin Pass@123 > D:\result.txt
    In this example, the discovered device list is saved in the text file, result.txt.

How do you troubleshoot remote connections?

To troubleshoot remote connections or debug issues related to permissions and authentication in your environment, see Microsoft for information on remote troubleshooting.

External references

What to do next