
The gateway is deployed in the Amazon AWS environment to monitor and manage your resources.


  • Obtain an AWS Gateway AMI access and the following information from the OpsRamp Support team (
    • AWS Account ID
    • AWS Region under which you want to spin up Gateway

AWS configuration

To configure AWS:

  1. Log into the AWS console.
  2. On the left pane, click Images menu and click AMIs.
  3. From center pane, select Private Images.
  4. Select the Gateway AMI and click Actions.
    AWS Console Launch

    AWS Console Launch

  5. From Actions drop-down, click Launch.
  6. From Choose an Instance Type screen, select the Instance Type t2 Medium or greater and click Review and Launch.
  7. From the Configure Instance Details screen, select required network settings and click Review and Launch.
  8. From the Add Storage screen, provide the minimum requirement of 2 vCPUs, 4GiB memory.
  9. (Optional) Enter tags to the Gateway.
  10. Select the existing Security Group or create a new group that should allow ports 22 and 5480 and click Review and Launch. OpsRamp Gateway is now installed.
AWS Installation Summary

AWS Installation Summary

Gateway registration

Gateway registration includes the following steps:

  1. Creating a management profile
  2. Registering the gateway

For more information, view Registering a Gateway.