
Registering the gateway infers connecting the gateway with OpsRamp console after deploying the virtual machine.

Gateway registration includes the following steps:

  1. Creating a management profile
  2. Registering the gateway

Step 1: Creating a management profile

To create a management profile:

  1. Go to Setup > Device Management > Management Profile.
  2. Click +Add.
  3. From Management Profile, provide details for the following:
    • Client Name: Select the client for gateway registration.
    • Profile Type: Select Gateway.
    • Profile Name: Provide a unique name.
    • Description: Provide a brief description of the management profile.
  4. Click Submit.
    Note: The activation token is automatically generated.
  5. Copy the API server and activation token.

Step 2: Registering the gateway

After creating the management profile, initiate gateway registration using one of the following methods:

  • Gateway serial user interface
  • Gateway web user interface

Registering using the serial user interface

To configure the gateway using the serial user interface:

  1. Log into the gateway Virtual Machine(VM) using the username and password.
    For default login credentials, use the user name and password displayed in Setup > Downloads > Gateway to log into the gateway administration account.
    Note: The gateway console prompts you to change the default password after the first login.
  2. From the left pane, click General.
  3. Verify that the Registration Status is Not Registered and the Tunnel Status is Not Established.
  4. Go to the Network tab.
    Note: Ensure IP address and network settings are properly configured.
  5. To configure gateway via a proxy server, use CTRL+P to navigate to Proxy Settings. By default, Direct connection to the Internet is selected.
  6. Go to the Registration tab.
  7. Provide an API server and activation token.
    Note: Copy the API server and activation token from Management Profile.
  8. Click Update Now to register gateway to OpsRamp console.

Registering using the web user interface

To configure the gateway using the web user interface:

  1. From the web browser, enter the URL using the following syntax: https://<enter Gateway IP address>:5480.
  2. From the gateway login screen, provide a default username and password.
    The gateway console prompts you to change the default password after the first login.
  3. From the Appliance Administration Panel page, go to Administration Menu > Network.
    Note: Ensure that the IP address and network settings are properly configured.
  4. From Network, go to Network Connection Settings to configure gateway via Proxy server. By default, Direct connection to the Internet is selected.
  5. From the Administration Menu > Registration , provide details for the following:
    • Activation Key.
    • OpsRamp Server.
      Note: Copy the API server and activation token from Setup > Resources > Management Profiles.
  6. Click Activate.
  7. Verify that the Registration Status displays a Registered and Success status.