
Compliance is a metric that shows the number of patches in the baseline which are not installed on the device.

  • Zero → compliant
  • Greater than zero → non-compliant

Configuring patch compliance

To configure Patch Compliance:

  1. From All Clients select a client.
  2. Go to Automation > Patch Management> Patch Compliance Configuration.
  3. From theCompliance configuration List screen, click Add.
  4. From New Compliance Configuration, provide parameters for the following parameters.
    • Compliance Name
    • Description
    • Client
    • OS Type
  5. Go to Select Baselines and choose the desired baselines in the Available Baselines section.
  6. Go to Select Devices and choose the desired baselines from the Available Devices section.
  7. Go to Select Resource Groups and choose the desired resource groups from the Available Resource Groups section.

    The selected Resource Groups appear in the Selected Resource Groups section.
  8. Click Save.
    Compliance Configuration List displays the configured compliance.

After configuring the Patch Compliance, you can view the configuration details in the Patch Compliance Configuration page. You can check the Patch Compliance widget to understand the compliance status of each device for a selected baseline.

Viewing the patch compliance list

View the configured patch compliance in Patch Management > Patch Compliance Configuration.

The following table describes the various attributes displayed in the Compliance Configuration List page.

View patch compliance configuration list
NamePatch Compliance Name
OS TypeWindows or Linux Operating System.
Last Updated By>Name of the user.
Last Updated TimeThe time and date of the recently updated patch.
BaselinesThe numeral indicates the number of chosen baselines. You can click on the numeral to view the selected baselines.
DevicesThe numeral indicates the number of chosen devices. You can click on the numeral to view the selected devices.
Resource GroupsThe numeral indicates the number of chosen resource groups. You can click on the numeral to view the selected resource groups.
Run NowRun the compliance check on selected devices and resource groups and achieve the patch compliance status in the Patch Compliance widget.