
Gateways control the flow of execution in a process and can be used for process automation as follows:

  • Gateways are categorized by how they interact with process flows.
  • Gateways can split one process flow into multiple process flows based on a decision model.

There are two types of gateways: exclusive and parallel.

Exclusive gateways

An exclusive gateway represents an either/or decision. A decision can model a process to create alternative flows in a process:

  • Only one flow can be considered.
  • If conditions on one path are met, the conditions on any other paths cannot be met.
  • If no conditions are met, the selected default sequence flow is considered.

The symbol for an exclusive gateway is a diamond icon with an “X” in the middle:

Parallel gateways

A parallel gateway allows multiple activities to execute concurrently:

  • When a parallel gateway splits one process flow into multiple flows, it represents an AND decision. All outflow paths will be considered.
  • Conditions do not need to be specified for parallel gateway outflow paths.

The symbol for an exclusive gateway is a diamond icon with a “+”" in the middle:

Configuring gateways

To configure a gateway, the gateway must be on the process diagram and connected to those elements with sequence flows in the process. The gateway should be connected to other elements on the canvas.

To configure a gateway:

  1. Drag and drop the gateway icon on the canvas. The exclusive gateway appears as the default. Click the settings icon and select parallel gateway.
  2. Click on the gateway.
  3. Enter a name for the gateway. A gateway ID is automatically generated by the system.
  4. Configure the gateway’s sequence flow conditions.

What to do next
