Why choose a browser console over a Java console?
Launch a remote console on a browser that doesn’t require any additional add-in installations. There is no requirement to install Java 8, or Java 8.x on your device.
How long are the console recording activity files stored?
Console recording activities are stored for 180 days from the date of recording.
I am unable to launch the RDP console even after adding RDP console on the device.
Enable the RDP console on the device. If the console is not enabled, try again.
Does console recording has any limit on file size?
There is no file size limitation for console recordings.
What is the size of a console recording?
The file size can be quite large for VNC and RDP recordings. Text-based operations (such as in Secure Shell and Telnet recordings) may have much smaller file sizes.
What is the recommended size for data transfer?
Data size ranging between 250 MB and 450 MB is the recommended size for data transfers.
What is the automatic disconnect time for the open remote session?
It is highly recommended not to leave a session open. Open sessions are associated with the time-out for a user platform login.
Can I paste a URL in a different browser or tab of the same browser?
No, a URL cannot be pasted neither in a different browser nor in a different tab of the same browser. A browser session is active in the browser’s tab that was first opened. Any attempt to open in a different browser or tab, disconnects the remote connection. This is a security precaution.
How do I save the commands executed on a terminal of a remote device?
Browser consoles do not offer a direct way to save the executed commands to a file. Use the clipboard to select text from the terminal and save it to a file.
What are the underlying protocols used in transferring files/data in Java and browser consoles?
For Java consoles, the underlying protocol is TCP sockets along with SSH and FTP. For browser consoles, the protocol is Websockets with HTTP upload.
What are the audit recording formats of Java and browser consoles?
For Java consoles, audit recordings use a proprietary format. For browser consoles, audit recordings are converted to M4V format.
Is RDP with NLA (Network level authentication) supported for console access?
Based on the preferences of the target machine, RDP with NLA is supported.