
Resources can be logically organized according to where they are physically located using Site Details functionality.

For example, all the resources in your corporate office can be grouped based on the location of your office.

The following can be viewed:

  • Policy log and schedule maintenance for the group of resources can be view.
  • Availability statuses of the resources belonging to the site or the particular location.

Before you begin

  • Discover all the resources for your location.

Creating sites

Site creation includes providing details about a location and adding resources belonging to that location.

To create a site:

  1. Go to Setup > Resources > Site Details and click Create New.
  2. From the expanded page, provide the following:
    • Select a client from the drop-down list of Client Name.
    • Provide a location where the head office or the topmost level of the organization resides.
    • Give a suitable site name typically based on the location of the resources.
    • Enter the address, city, state, country, zip of the location.
    • Select the primary contact person from the drop-down list.
    • Enter the phone number.
  3. (Optional) Select the check box of the option Add members automatically using filter criteria to add the resources to the site location through the filter criteria.
  4. Add resources to the site using the following filter criteria descriptions:
    1. Click Any or All to match any one or all of the defined conditions for filtering.
    2. Select the options for the following filter criteria fields:
      • Resource Type: Lists all the supported resource types. Select the Resource type from the list.
      • Attribute Name: Lists attributes. Attributes vary according to the resource type chosen.
      • Logic condition: Refers to a logical match criteria to enhance search results.
        Options include: Contains, Not Contains, Equals, Not Equals, Starts With, Ends With, and Regex.
      • Value: Refers to a value corresponding to the attribute name and logic condition.
    3. Click Add Criteria to include more filter criteria.
    4. Click Show Matching Members to see a list of all the devices matching the criteria is displayed.
    5. Select additional resources to add. This is in addition to the resources defined in Filter Criteria section.
  5. Click the right arrow to add the selected devices to the list of resources for the site.
  6. Click Save

The site details appear in the list on the Site Details page.

Viewing site details

All the sites and site details (such as resources) can be viewed.

To view the site and resource details:

  1. Go to Infrastructure.
  2. Click Sites to view resource details and availability status.

Editing sites

Sites can be deleted from either Setup or Infrastructure.

To edit site details from Setup:

  1. Go to Setup > Resources and click Site Details.
  2. Select the site to edit and click Edit
    The page displays all the fields.
  3. Make the required changes.

To edit the site from Infrastructure:

  1. Go to Infrastructure > Sites, click the name of the site to modify.
  2. Select Settings and click Edit.
  3. Make the required changes.

For details of all the fields, view Create a Site.

Deleting sites

Sites can be deleted from either Setup or Infrastructure.

To delete a site from Setup:

  1. Go to Setup > Resources and click Site Details.
  2. Select the sites to delete and click Remove.

To delete a site from Infrastructure:

  1. Go to Infrastructure > Sites and click the name of the site to delete.
  2. Select Settings and click Remove.

Scheduling maintenance periods

Maintenance periods enable you to schedule a time period to carry out maintenance activities on resources. You can set up a time for the maintenance period of your Sites.

  1. Go to Infrastructure > Sites and click the name of the site for scheduling maintenance.
  2. Select Settings and click Schedule Maintenance.
  3. From Create New Maintenance Period, provide maintentance information.

As defined by the schedule, site resources go into maintenance mode.