
The recording of the transaction involves the following three steps:

Step 1: Installation of Selenium IDE extension in the browser for the first time

To record your transactions using the Selenium IDE you can add extension from Google Chrome. To add Selenium IDE extension, click Install Selenium IDE.

Step 2: Record a transaction using Selenium IDE

After installing the Selenium IDE, you can start recording each action performed on a website. After completing the recording of the transaction, Selenium IDE reviews each recorded action and saves the recording to the desired location.

To record a transaction:

Sub-step 2a: Start recording using Selenium IDE

You can start recording the transaction using the Selenium IDE extension installed in your Chrome browser.

To start recording a transaction using Selenium IDE:

  1. Click the Selenium IDE extension icon displayed in the Chrome browser.
    Welcome to Selenium IDE! window appears.
    Welcome to Selenium IDE

    Welcome to Selenium IDE

  2. Click Record a new test in a new project.
    Name your new project screen appears.
    Note: For an existing project, click Open an existing page and select the project from its saved location.
  3. Enter a name for the project in the Project Name field. For example: Enter PROJECT 1 in the Project Name field.
    Project Name

    Project Name

  4. Click OK to proceed. Set your project’s base URL window appears.
  5. Provide the desired URL in Base URL.
    Base URL

    Base URL

  7. Navigates automatically to the URL entered by the user in the Base URL field. For example: Navigates automatically to the login page of URL:
    Starts Recording

    Starts Recording

  8. Perform all transactions on the website.
    The Selenium-IDE captures all actions performed on the website while recording.

Sub-step 2b: Stop recording

After capturing the desired actions on the website, stop recording the transaction in the Selenium IDE.

To stop the recording:

  1. Click Stop Recording icon in the Selenium IDE window.
    Name your new test screen appears.
    Name your new test

    Name your new test

  2. Enter the name of the test in TEST NAME. For example, enter TEST 1 in the TEST NAME field.
    Test Name

    Test Name

  3. Click OK to proceed further. Navigates to the Selenium IDE window.
  4. The Command, Target, and Value columns display the actions, paths and values entered on the webpage while recording the transaction.
    Selenium After Recording

    Selenium After Recording

Sub-step 2c: Review recording

After you stop the recording, use Run current test icon to inspect the issues in the saved recording. If you encounter any issue, use Start Recording and Stop Recording to repeat instructions

The Log section in Selenium IDE displays details for each reviewed step and displays a completed successfully message after completing the review process.

Review Recording

Review Recording

Sub-step 2d: Save recording

After the successful completion and review of the recording, save the recorded script to the local machine as a .side file.

To save the recording:

  1. Click Save in the Selenium IDE window.
    Save the file to any desired location in the local machine.
  2. Open the .side file from the saved location in the local machine to view the file contents.
    .side File

    .side File

Step 3: Upload contents from .side file to OpsRamp

After achieving the .side file, configure the SCRIPT – HTTPS Synthetic Transaction monitor and upload the contents from .side file to OpsRamp. The Script Type section in the OpsRamp console consists of two sections: Selenium JSON Script and Selenium Python Script.

After selecting the synthetic monitor type, to configure the SCRIPT – HTTP Synthetic synthetic monitor:

  1. Provide details for the following parameters and click Save:
    • Name: Refers to the name of the synthetic monitor. Note: Add Synthetic window displays an error message Name Already Exists if you do not provide unique value in Name field.
    • Script Type: Refers to the content that you upload.

      • Paste the JSON content from .side file in the Selenium JSON Script tab.
      • If the Selenium IDE cannot perform the recording for a certain event (Example: Drag and Drop), you can leverage the Selenium Python Script option. For any questions, contact OpsRamp Support.
    • Locations: Refers to the desired locations from where you want to monitor.
      The screen displays a confirmation message about the successful addition of the synthetic monitor.
  2. Click OK.
    Synthetics page displays the configured synthetic monitor.
Upload Contents from .SIDE File

Upload Contents from .SIDE File

Additional information

  • If you want to monitor and edit each action performed while running the script, click Advanced Settings > Configure from the Add Web Service Monitor screen.
    To edit the name of the actions available in the script:
  1. From Add Web Service screen, click Advanced Settings > Configure.
    HTTP Synthetic Transaction – Actions screen is displayed.
  2. From HTTP Synthetic Transaction – Actions screen, click the edit icon to modify the transaction name.
    A text box along with the tick-mark appears. You can make the desired changes in the text box.
  3. Click Done.


    You must configure appropriate templates for SCRIPT – HTTPS Synthetic Transaction monitors, via Device Management Policy, template assign, or on the resource itself.
  • If you want to monitor the response time of each action for existing SCRIPT synthetic monitors, click Edit from Settings > Advanced Settings > Configure.
  • Once you configure the SCRIPT synthetic monitor to verify the response time of each action, you can view the response time for each metric in the graph from the Overview section.
  • You can view only up to 20 metric points in the graph. To view the other metric points, select the desired event names from the Select Instances drop-down.
  • The SCRIPT – HTTPS Transaction Synthetic Monitor also displays the graphs with respect to the configured locations. For example, Frankfurt, DE:: Response Time.
    Metric Graphs

    Metric Graphs

What to do next