Tokens for Alert Subject and Alert Content

Tokens in Subject and Description
${severity}Alert state. For example,  Critical, Warning, and  OK.
${}Metric name.
${}Component name.
${metric.value}Value of the metric or component.
${}Device hostname.
${resource.ip}IP address of the device.
${threshold}Threshold value configured for the alert state.
${repeat.count}Configured repeat count for the respective alert state.
${resource.ipaddress}IP address of the device.
${resource.mac}MAC address of the device.
${resource.serialno}Serial Number of the device.
${resource.make}Make of the device.
${resource.model}Device model.
${resource.hostname}Device hostname.
${resource.uniqueid}Unique ID/UUID of the device.
${resource.os}Operating system of the device

Java-based mathematical expression examples

  • (jrockitRuntimeFreeHeap / jrockitRuntimeTotalHeap) * 100
  • zySysMemoryPoolUtilization
  • 100 - jrockitRuntimeHeapFreePercent sysUpTime/100
  • PARSER(sonusSystemHardDiskUsageUsedDiskSpace,'{0}','(\d+(.\d+)*)')
  • if(sonusSystemPowerSupplyStatusPresent==1,sonusSystemPowerSupplyStatusPowerFault,-1)
  • (totalBytesIn * 8) / 1024
  • if(hpStackPortNeighbor ne “0.0”, hpStackPortOperStatus, 0)
  • if((nsResSessMaxium > 0),(nsResSessAllocate/nsResSessMaxium)*100,0)
  • if (ifAdminStatus != 1,0,ifOperStatus)
  • if(cfwHardwareStatusDetail_6 eq “Failover Off”,0,cfwHardwareStatusValue_6)
  • PARSER(currentOduTcmC1dayBbe,'{0}','\d+')
  • MATCHER(ibNode2ServiceDesc, ‘(+|-){1}(\d+.\d)')
  • if(isDef(bwHCAggInLan),bwHCAggInLan,bwAggInLan)

Lookup Index

The Lookup Index gets the index of the OID that is appended to the end of the Lookup OID.
For example, provide as OID and as Lookup OID.

Lookup Index

Lookup Index

Lookup Value

The Lookup Value gets the value of the OID that is appended to the end of the Lookup OID.
For example, provide as OID and as Lookup OID.

Lookup Value

Lookup Value