Synthetic graphs not populating on the User Interface (UI).

Synthetic graphs do not populate data in the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: Network breakdown between the Gateway and OpsRamp API server

To check the connection:

  1. Log into the OpsRamp Gateway.
  2. Run the command: curl http://localhost:5481/stats and check the following metrics:
    • webmon.offline.datapoints
    • Webmon.monconf.sync.lapsed.time

The metric value zero indicates that the communication between Gateway and OpsRamp is lost.

Gateway Connectivity

Gateway Connectivity

Scenario 2: Synthetic application: webprobe in Gateway crashed or not running.

To check the network:

  1. Log into Gateway.
  2. Run the command: curl http://localhost:5481/stats.

If the command does not generate a response in less than a minute, then the webprobe is either crashed or not running. Run the command monit restart webprobe to restart the application.

Scenario 3: Gateway is in Read-Only mode or Down.

Check for open alerts in Read-Only mode or in Down state in the Gateway. Contact OpsRamp Support to change the gateway status to UP.

Scenario 4: Delay in synthetic metric data processing on OpsRamp Cloud.

Contact OpsRamp Support to check the synthetic metric data.

Linux commands to validate synthetic monitors

Refer to the following table to validate the synthetic monitor status:

Linux Commands
HTTP/HTTPScurl -I -L [url]curl -I -L
HTTP/HTTPs with Headerscurl -I -L --header '[header:value]' [URL]curl -I -L --header ''
PINGping [url /IP]ping / ping
SSLcurl --insecure -v [URL] 2>&1 | awk 'BEGIN { cert=0 } /^\* Server certificate:/ { cert=1 } /^\*/ { if (cert) print }'curl --insecure -v 2>&1 | awk 'BEGIN { cert=0 } /^\* Server certificate:/ { cert=1 } /^\*/ { if (cert) print }'
TCPtelnet [host/IP] [port]telnet 80
UDPtelnet [host/IP] [port]telnet 80
DNSnslookup [host]nslookup
SMTPcurl [smtp-server] --mail-from [sender email address] --mail-rcpt [receiver email address]curl smtp:// --mail-from --mail-rcpt
IMAPcurl -v imap://user:password@[imapserver]curl -v imap://
POP3curl -v pop3://user:password@[pop3 server]curl -v pop3://

Check the Response Time and Response Code of a website (HTTP/HTTPS)

To check the response time and response code:

  1. Log into Gateway.
  2. Run the command: time curl -I -L <URL>.
Response Time and Response Code of a Website

Response Time and Response Code of a Website

False alerts generated in the absence of monitoring issues

To stop the generation of false alerts even in the absence of monitoring issues, set a value greater than or equal to one while configuring component threshold values for availability.down.locations.count. For more information, see Modifying Threshold Values.