
This guide discusses supported choices and recommendations to instrument your environment for discovery and monitoring.


Instrumentation for discovery
Resource typeEnvironmentRequired instrumentation
Linux serverData centerGateway Appliance
Linux serverCloudPublic Cloud Collector
Windows serverData centerWindows Gateway. See guidelines for Windows Gateway below.
Windows serverCloudPublic Cloud Collector
VMware ESXi serverData centerGateway Appliance
SNMP enabled network resources (switches, routers, ...)Data centerGateway Appliance
Storage arrays (NAS and SAN)Data centerGateway Appliance
Other IaaS, PaaS resourcesCloudPublic Cloud Collector


Instrumentation for monitoring
Resource typeEnvironmentInstrumentation choicesRecommended choice
Linux serverData centerLinux Agent, Gateway ApplianceLinux Agent
Linux serverCloudLinux Agent, Gateway Appliance, Public Cloud CollectorLinux Agent
Windows serverData centerWindows Agent, Windows GatewayWindows Agent
Windows serverCloudWindows Agent, Windows Gateway, Public Cloud CollectorWindows Agent
VMware ESXi serverData centerGateway ApplianceGateway Appliance
Other IaaS, PaaS resourcesCloudPublic Cloud CollectorPublic Cloud Collector
SNMP enabled network resources (switches, routers, ...)Data centerGateway ApplianceGateway Appliance

Guidelines for Windows Gateway

The Windows Gateway is a Windows application. It supports limited functionality compared to the Gateway Appliance.

The Windows Gateway should be used only in the following scenarios:

  • To monitor network devices in small office environments.
  • To discover Windows servers

Monitoring network devices in small office environments

Small office IT environments may not have a hypervisor to run the Gateway Appliance.

The Windows Gateway can be used to discover and monitor network resources (switches, routers, firewalls, etc.) in such environments.

A single instance of the Windows Gateway can manage up to 30 network resources.

Discovering Windows servers

In IT environments with Windows running on bare metal, Windows servers may need to be discovered individually. The Windows Gateway can be used to discover Windows servers in these environments.

A single instance of the Windows Gateway can discover up to 500 Windows servers.