Apache Cassandra is an open-source distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure. Cassandra offers robust support for clusters spanning multiple datacenters, with asynchronous masterless replication allowing low latency operations for all clients. Apache Cassandra is the only NoSQL solution that can accommodate the complex requirements of today’s modern line-of-business applications. It’s architected from the ground up for real-time enterprise databases that require vast scalability, high-velocity performance, flexible schema design, and continuous availability.


For Virtual Machines, install the Linux Agent.

Configuring the credentials

Configure the credentials in the directory /opt/opsramp/agent/conf/app.d/creds.yaml

- name: cassandra
  user: <username>
  pwd: <Password>
  encoding-type: plain
    key1: val1
    key2: val2

Configuring the application

Virtual machine

Configure the application in the directory /opt/opsramp/agent/conf/app/discovery/auto-detection.yaml

- name: cassandra
      - cassandra
      - cassandra
      - 9042
      - 9160
      - 7000
  mon-type: "jmx"
    jmx-port: "7199"

Docker environment

Configure the application in the directory /opt/opsramp/agent/conf/app/discovery/auto-container-detection.yaml

- name: cassandra
      - cassandra
      - 9042
      - 9160
      - 7000
  mon-type: "jmx"
    jmx-port: "7199"

Kubernetes environment

Configure the application in config.yaml

- name: cassandra
      - cassandra
      - 9042
      - 9160
      - 7000
  mon-type: "jmx"
    jmx-port: "7199"


Go to Resources under the Infrastructure tab to check if your resources are onboarded and the metrics are collected.


OpsRamp MetricMetric Display NameUnitDescription
cassandra_BloomFilterDiskSpaceUsedBloom Filter Disk Space UsedMBDisk space used by bloom filter
cassandra_BloomFilterFalsePositivesBloom Filter False PositivesEventsNumber of false positives on tables bloom filter
cassandra_BloomFilterFalseRatioBloom Filter False RatioFractionFalse positive ratio of tables bloom filter
cassandra_Cache_HitRateCache Hit RateCache hit rateAll time cache hit rate
cassandra_Cache_HitsHits CountCache hits / secondTotal number of cache hits
cassandra_Cache_RequestsRequests CountCache requests / secondTotal number of cache requests
cassandra_Cache_SizeCache SizeMBTotal size of occupied cache
cassandra_Cache_CapacityCache CapacityMBCapacity of Cache
cassandra_ClientRequest_Latency_ReadRead Request LatencymillisecondsRead latency while reading
cassandra_ClientRequest_TotalLatency_ReadTotal Read Request LatencymillisecondsTotal latency while reading
cassandra_ClientRequest_TotalLatency_WriteTotal Write Request LatencymillisecondsRead latency while writing
cassandra_ClientRequest_Latency_WriteWrite Request LatencymillisecondsWrite latency while reading
cassandra_CommitLog_CompletedTasksCommitlog Completed TasksTasks / secondTotal number of commit log messages written since [re]start
cassandra_CommitLog_PendingTasksCommitlog Pending TasksTasksNumber of commit log messages written but yet to be fsyncd
cassandra_TotalCommitLogSizeCommitlog SizeMBCurrent size used by all the commit log segments
cassandra_Compaction_CompletedTasksCompaction Completed TasksTasks / secondNumber of completed compactions since server [re]start
cassandra_Compaction_PendingTasksCompaction Pending TasksTasksEstimated number of compactions remaining to perform
cassandra_BytesCompactedCompacted BytesMBTotal number of bytes compacted since server [re]start
cassandra_TotalCompactionsCompletedCompactions CompletedCompactions / secThroughput of completed compactions since server [re]start
cassandra_CompressionRatioCompressionRatioCurrent compression ratio for all SSTables
cassandra_Connection_TotalTimeoutsConnection TimeoutsTimeouts / secondNumber of timeouts occurred for this node per second
cassandra_DroppedMessage_DroppedDropped MessagesDrops / secondNumber of dropped messages
cassandra_Storage_ExceptionsStorage ExceptionsErrorsNumber of internal exceptions caught. Note: Under normal exceptions this should be zero
cassandra_CurrentlyBlockedTasks_internalCurrently Blocked Tasks internalNumber of tasks that are currently blocked due to queue saturation but will be unblocked on retry
cassandra_PendingTasks_internalInternal Pending TasksPending TasksNumber of queued tasks queued up on thread pool
cassandra_ActiveTasks_internalInternal Active TasksActive TasksNumber of tasks being actively worked on thread pool
cassandra_TotalBlockedTasks_internalInternal Blocked TasksTasks / secondNumber of tasks that were blocked due to queue saturation
cassandra_CompletedTasks_internalInternal Completed TasksTasks / secondNumber of tasks that were completed due to queue saturation
cassandra_jvm_GarbageCollector_CollectionCountJVM GC collection countObjects collectedNumber of garbage objects collected
cassandra_jvm_GarbageCollector_CollectionTimeJVM GC collection timesecondsTime taken for collection of the garbage objects
cassandra_jvm_HeapMemoryUsage_committedJVM Mem heap committedMBHeap memory committed for the server
cassandra_jvm_HeapMemoryUsage_usedJVM Mem heap usedMBHeap memory usage of the server
cassandra_jvm_NonHeapMemoryUsage_committedJVM Mem non heap committedMBNon-heap memory committed for the server
cassandra_jvm_NonHeapMemoryUsage_usedJVM Mem non heap usedMBNon-heap memory usage of the server
cassandra_jvm_OpenFileDescriptorCountJVM OpenFDs CountOpen FDsNumber of Open file descriptors of the server
cassandra_jvm_Threading_ThreadCountJVM Threads CountThreadsTotal number of threads.
cassandra_jvm_Runtime_UptimeUptimeminutesUptime of the server
cassandra_LiveDiskSpaceUsedLive Disk Space Used CountMBDisk space used by SSTables belonging to this table
cassandra_LiveSSTableCountLive SS Table CountfilesNumber of SSTables on disk for this table
cassandra_Storage_LoadLoad StorageMBSize of the on disk data size this node manages
cassandra_MaxRowSizeMax Row SizeMBSize of the largest compacted row
cassandra_MeanRowSizeMean Row SizeMBAverage size of compacted rows
cassandra_MemtableColumnsCountMemtable Columns CountColomnsTotal number of columns present in the memtable
cassandra_MemtableLiveDataSizeMemtable Live Data SizeMBTotal amount of live data stored in the memtable, excluding any data structure overhead
cassandra_MemtableSwitchCountMemtable Switch CountEventsNumber of times flush has resulted in the memtable being switched out
cassandra_MinRowSizeMin Row SizeMBSize of the smallest compacted row
cassandra_Timeouts_ReadTimeouts ReadNumber of timeouts encountered while reading
cassandra_Unavailables_ReadUnavailables ReadNumber of unavailable exceptions encountered while reading
cassandra_Latency_Read_OneMinuteRateRead Latency OneMinuteRatemillisecondsRead latency rate per minute
cassandra_Streaming_ActiveOutboundStreamsStreaming Active Outbound StreamsMBpsCurrently active outbound streams
cassandra_Streaming_TotalIncomingBytesStreaming Total Incoming BytesMBpsNumber of bytes streamed to this node from the peer shown
cassandra_Streaming_TotalOutgoingBytesStreaming Total Outgoing BytesMBpsNumber of bytes streamed to the peer endpoint from this node shown in MBps
cassandra_ActiveTasksActive TasksApproximate number of tasks thread pool is actively executing on path - request
cassandra_TotalBlockedTasksTotal Blocked TasksNumber of blocked tasks per second on path - request
cassandra_CompletedTasksCompleted TasksApproximate number of tasks on which the thread pool has completed execution per second on path - request
cassandra_CurrentlyBlockedTasksCurrently Blocked TasksNumber of currently blocked tasks on path - request
cassandra_PendingTasks_requestPending Tasks requestApproximate number of pending tasks thread pool has on path - request
cassandra_TotalDiskSpaceUsedTotal Disk Space UsedMBTotal disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table, including obsolete ones waiting to be GCd
cassandra_Timeouts_WriteTimeouts WriteNumber of timeouts encountered while writing
cassandra_Unavailables_WriteUnavailables WriteNumber of unavailable exceptions encountered while writing
cassandra_Latency_Write_OneMinuteRateLatency Write One Minute RatemillisecondsWrite latency OneMinuteRate
cassandra_BytesFlushedBytes FlushedbytesTotal number of bytes flushed since server [re]start
cassandra_CasCommitLatency_75thPercentileCas Commit Latency 75th PercentileLatency of paxos commit round 75th percentile
cassandra_CasCommitLatency_95thPercentileCas Commit Latency 95thPercentileLatency of paxos commit round 95th percentile
cassandra_CasCommitLatency_OneMinuteRateCas Commit Latency OneMinuteRateLatency of paxos commit round OneMinuteRate
cassandra_CasPrepareLatency_75thPercentileCas Prepare Latency 75th PercentileLatency of paxos prepare round 75th Percentile
cassandra_CasPrepareLatency_95thPercentileCas Prepare Latency 95thPercentileLatency of paxos prepare round 95th Percentile
cassandra_CasPrepareLatency_OneMinuteRateCas Prepare Latency OneMinuteRateLatency of paxos prepare round OneMinuteRate
cassandra_CasProposeLatency_75thPercentileCas Propose Latency 75th PercentileLatency of paxos propose round.75th Percentile
cassandra_CasProposeLatency_95thPercentileCas Propose Latency 95thPercentileLatency of paxos propose round. 95th Percentile
cassandra_CasProposeLatency_OneMinuteRateCas Propose Latency OneMinuteRateLatency of paxos propose round. OneMinuteRate
cassandra_ColUpdateTimeDeltaHistogram_75thPercentileCol Update Time Delta Histogram 75th PercentileHistogram of column update time delta on this table 75th Percentile
cassandra_ColUpdateTimeDeltaHistogram_95thPercentileCol Update Time Delta Histogram 95thPercentileHistogram of column update time delta on this table 95th Percentile
cassandra_ColUpdateTimeDeltaHistogram_MinCol Update Time Delta Histogram MinHistogram of column update time delta on this table Minimum value
cassandra_db_DroppableTombstoneRatiodb Droppable Tombstone RatioFractionEstimate of the droppable tombstone ratio
cassandra_KeyCacheHitRateKey Cache Hit RateFractionKey cache hit rate for this table
cassandra_Latency_75thPercentileLatency 75th PercentileCache hit rateClient request latency 75th Percentile
cassandra_Latency_95thPercentileLatency 95thPercentileClient request latency 95th Percentile
cassandra_Latency_OneMinuteRateLatency OneMinuteRateClient request latency OneMinuteRate
cassandra_MaxPartitionSizeMax Partition SizeMBSize of the largest compacted partition
cassandra_MeanPartitionSizeMean Partition SizeMBSize of the largest compacted row
cassandra_FailureDetector_DownEndpointCountFailure Detector Down Endpoint CountNodesNumber of unhealthy nodes in the cluster. Note: They represent each individual node's view of the cluster and thus should not be summed across reporting nodes.
cassandra_FailureDetector_UpEndpointCountFailure Detector Up Endpoint CountNodesNumber of healthy nodes in the cluster. Note: They represent each individual node's view of the cluster and thus should not be summed across reporting nodes.
cassandra_PendingFlushesPendingFlushesTasksEstimated number of flush tasks pending for this table
cassandra_RangeLatency_75thPercentileRangeLatency 75th PercentileLocal range scan latency for this table 75th Percentile
cassandra_RangeLatency_95thPercentileRangeLatency 95thPercentileLocal range scan latency for this table 95th Percentile
cassandra_RangeLatency_OneMinuteRateRange Latency One Minute RateLocal range scan latency for this table OneMinuteRate
cassandra_ReadLatency_75thPercentileRead Latency 75th PercentileLocal read latency for this table 75th Percentile
cassandra_ReadLatency_95thPercentileRead Latency 95th PercentileLocal read latency for this table 95th Percentile
cassandra_ReadLatency_99thPercentileRead Latency 99th PercentileLocal read latency for this table 99th Percentile
cassandra_ReadLatency_OneMinuteRateRead Latency One Minute RateLocal read latency for this table OneMinuteRate
cassandra_RowCacheHitOutOfRangeRow Cache Hit Out Of RangeNumber of rows of table cache hits that do not satisfy the query filter
cassandra_RowCacheHitRow Cache HitCache hitsNumber of table row cache hits
cassandra_RowCacheMissRow Cache MissCache missNumber of table row cache misses
cassandra_SnapshotsSizeSnapshots SizeMBDisk space truly used by snapshots
cassandra_SSTablesPerReadHistogram_75thPercentileSSTables Per Read Histogram 75th PercentileNumber of SSTable data files accessed per read 75th Percentile
cassandra_SSTablesPerReadHistogram_95thPercentileSSTables Per Read Histogram 95th PercentileNumber of SSTable data files accessed per read 95th Percentile
cassandra_TombstoneScannedHistogram_75thPercentileTombstone Scanned Histogram 75th PercentileHistogram of tombstones scanned in queries on this table 75th Percentile
cassandra_TombstoneScannedHistogram_95thPercentileTombstone Scanned Histogram 95th PercentileHistogram of tombstones scanned in queries on this table 95th Percentile
cassandra_ViewLockAcquireTime_75thPercentileView Lock Acquire Time 75th PercentileTime taken acquiring a partition lock for materialized view updates on this table 75th Percentile
cassandra_ViewLockAcquireTime_95thPercentileView Lock Acquire Time 95th PercentileTime taken acquiring a partition lock for materialized view updates on this table 95th Percentile
cassandra_ViewLockAcquireTime_OneMinuteRateView Lock Acquire Time One Minute RateTime taken acquiring a partition lock for materialized view updates on this table OneMinuteRate
cassandra_ViewReadTime_75thPercentileView Read Time 75th PercentileTime taken during the local read of a materialized view update 75th Percentile
cassandra_ViewReadTime_95thPercentileView Read Time 95th PercentileTime taken during the local read of a materialized view update 95th Percentile
cassandra_ViewReadTime_OneMinuteRateView Read Time One Minute RateTime taken during the local read of a materialized view update OneMinuteRate
cassandra_WaitingOnFreeMemtableSpace_75thPercentileWaiting On Free Memtable Space 75th PercentileHistogram of time spent waiting for free memtable space, either on- or off-heap 75th Percentile
cassandra_WaitingOnFreeMemtableSpace_95thPercentileWaiting On Free Memtable Space 95th PercentileHistogram of time spent waiting for free memtable space, either on-heap or off-heap 95th Percentile
cassandra_WriteLatency_75thPercentileWrite Latency 75th PercentileLocal write latency 75th Percentile
cassandra_WriteLatency_95thPercentileWrite Latency 95th PercentileLocal write latency 95th Percentile
cassandra_WriteLatency_99thPercentileWrite Latency 99th PercentileLocal write latency 99th Percentile
cassandra_WriteLatency_OneMinuteRateWrite Latency One Minute RateNumber of local write requests per minute