CockroachDB is a distributed SQL database built on a transactional and strongly-consistent key-value store. It scales horizontally, survives disk, machine, rack, and even datacenter failures with minimal latency disruption and no manual intervention. CockroachDB provides a familiar SQL API for structuring, manipulating, and querying data.


For Virtual Machines, install the Linux Agent.

Configuring the credentials

Configure the credentials in the directory /opt/opsramp/agent/conf/app.d/creds.yaml

- name: cockroachdb
  user: <username>
  pwd: <Password>
  encoding-type: plain
    key1: val1
    key2: val2

Configuring the application

Virtual machine

Configure the application in the directory /opt/opsramp/agent/conf/app/discovery/auto-detection.yaml

- name: cockroachdb
      - cockroach
      - cockroach
      - 26257
      - 8080

Docker environment

Configure the application in the directory /opt/opsramp/agent/conf/app/discovery/auto-container-detection.yaml

- name: cockroachdb
      - cockroach
      - 26257
      - 8080

Kubernetes environment

Configure the application in config.yaml

- name: cockroachdb
      - cockroach
      - 26257
      - 8080


Go to Resources under the Infrastructure tab to check if your resources are onboarded and the metrics are collected.


OpsRamp MetricMetric Display NameUnitDescription
cockroachdb_addsstable_applicationsAddsstable ApplicationsOperations / secondNumber of SSTable ingestions applied (applied by Replicas)
cockroachdb_addsstable_copiesAddsstable CopiesOperations / secondNumber of SSTable ingestions that required copying files during application
cockroachdb_addsstable_proposalsAddsstable ProposalsOperations / secondNumber of SSTable ingestions proposed (sent to Raft by lease holders)
cockroachdb_build_timestampBuild TimestampTimeBuild information
cockroachdb_capacity_availableCapacity AvailablebytesAvailable storage capacity
cockroachdb_capacity_reservedCapacity ReservedbytesCapacity reserved for snapshots
cockroachdb_capacity_totalCapacity TotalbytesTotal storage capacity
cockroachdb_capacity_usedCapacity UsedbytesUsed storage capacity
cockroachdb_clock_offset_meannanosClock Offset MeannanosnanosecondsMean clock offset with other nodes
cockroachdb_clock_offset_stddevnanosClock Offset StddevnanosnanosecondsStdddev clock offset with other nodes
cockroachdb_compactor_compactingnanosCompactor Compactingnanosnanoseconds / secondTime spent compacting ranges
cockroachdb_compactor_compactions_failureCompactor Compactions FailureRequests / secondNumber of failed compaction requests sent to the storage engine
cockroachdb_compactor_compactions_successCompactor Compactions SuccessRequests / secondNumber of successful compaction requests sent to the storage engine
cockroachdb_compactor_suggestionbytes_compactedCompactor Suggestionbytes Compactedbytes / secondNumber of logical bytes compacted from suggested compactions
cockroachdb_compactor_suggestionbytes_queuedCompactor Suggestionbytes QueuedbytesNumber of logical bytes in suggested compactions in the queue
cockroachdb_compactor_suggestionbytes_skippedCompactor Suggestionbytes Skippedbytes / secondNumber of logical bytes in suggested compactions that were not compacted
cockroachdb_distsender_batches_partialDistsender Batches Partialper secondNumber of partial batches processed
cockroachdb_distsender_batches_totalDistsender Batches Totalper secondNumber of batches processed
cockroachdb_distsender_errors_notleaseholderDistsender Errors NotleaseholderErrors / secondNumber of NotLeaseHolderErrors encountered
cockroachdb_distsender_rpc_sent_localDistsender Rpc Sent Localper secondNumber of local RPCs sent
cockroachdb_distsender_rpc_sent_nextreplicaerrorDistsender Rpc Sent NextreplicaerrorErrors / secondNumber of RPCs sent due to per-replica errors
cockroachdb_distsender_rpc_sent_totalDistsender Rpc Sent Totalper secondNumber of RPCs sent
cockroachdb_exec_errorExec ErrorRequests / secondNumber of batch KV requests that failed to execute on this node
cockroachdb_exec_latencyExec LatencynanosecondsAverage Latency of batch KV requests executed on this node since last pool
cockroachdb_exec_successExec SuccessRequests / secondNumber of batch KV requests executed successfully on this node
cockroachdb_gcbytesageGcbytesagesecondsCumulative age of non-live data
cockroachdb_gossip_bytes_receivedGossip Bytes Receivedbytes / secondNumber of received gossip bytes
cockroachdb_gossip_bytes_sentGossip Bytes Sentbytes / secondNumber of sent gossip bytes
cockroachdb_gossip_connections_incomingGossip Connections IncomingConnectionsNumber of active incoming gossip connections
cockroachdb_gossip_connections_outgoingGossip Connections OutgoingConnectionsNumber of active outgoing gossip connections
cockroachdb_gossip_connections_refusedGossip Connections RefusedConnections / secondNumber of refused incoming gossip connections
cockroachdb_gossip_infos_receivedGossip Infos Receivedper secondNumber of received gossip Info objects
cockroachdb_gossip_infos_sentGossip Infos Sentper secondNumber of sent gossip Info objects
cockroachdb_intentageIntentagesecondsCumulative age of intents
cockroachdb_intentbytesIntentbytesbytesNumber of bytes in intent KV pairs
cockroachdb_intentcountIntentcountKeysCount of intent keys
cockroachdb_keybytesKeybytesBytesNumber of bytes taken up by keys
cockroachdb_keycountKeycountKeysCount of all keys
cockroachdb_lastupdatenanosLastupdatenanosnanosecondsTime since the last update of Unix epoch at which bytes/keys/intents metrics
cockroachdb_leases_epochLeases EpochNumber of replica leaseholders using epoch-based leases
cockroachdb_leases_errorLeases ErrorRequests / secondNumber of failed lease requests
cockroachdb_leases_expirationLeases ExpirationNumber of replica leaseholders using expiration-based leases
cockroachdb_leases_successLeases SuccessRequests / secondNumber of successful lease requests
cockroachdb_leases_transfers_errorLeases Transfers Errorper secondNumber of failed lease transfers
cockroachdb_leases_transfers_successLeases Transfers Successper secondNumber of successful lease transfers
cockroachdb_livebytesLivebytesbytesNumber of bytes of live data (keys plus values)
cockroachdb_livecountLivecountKeysCount of live keys
cockroachdb_liveness_epochincrementsLiveness Epochincrementsper secondNumber of times this node has incremented its liveness epoch
cockroachdb_liveness_heartbeatfailuresLiveness Heartbeatfailuresper secondNumber of failed node liveness heartbeats from this node
cockroachdb_liveness_heartbeatlatencyLiveness HeartbeatlatencynanosecondsAverage node liveness heartbeat latency since last pool
cockroachdb_liveness_heartbeatsuccessesLiveness Heartbeatsuccessesper secondNumber of successful node liveness heartbeats from this node
cockroachdb_liveness_livenodesLiveness LivenodesNumber of live nodes in the cluster (will be 0 if this node is not itself live)
cockroachdb_node_idNode IdNode ID with labels for advertised RPC and HTTP addresses
cockroachdb_queue_consistency_pendingQueue Consistency PendingNumber of pending replicas in the consistency checker queue
cockroachdb_queue_consistency_process_failureQueue Consistency Process Failureper secondNumber of replicas that failed processing in the consistency checker queue
cockroachdb_queue_consistency_process_successQueue Consistency Process Successper secondNumber of replicas successfully processed by the consistency checker queue
cockroachdb_queue_consistency_processingnanosQueue Consistency Processingnanosnanoseconds / secondnanoseconds spent to process replicas in the consistency checker queue
cockroachdb_queue_gc_info_abortspanconsideredQueue Gc Info Abortspanconsideredper secondNumber of AbortSpan entries old enough to be considered for removal
cockroachdb_queue_gc_info_abortspangcnumQueue Gc Info Abortspangcnumper secondNumber of AbortSpan entries fit for removal
cockroachdb_queue_gc_info_abortspanscannedQueue Gc Info AbortspanscannedTransactions / secondNumber of transactions present in the AbortSpan scanned from the engine
cockroachdb_queue_gc_info_intentsconsideredQueue Gc Info Intentsconsideredper secondNumber of 'old' intents
cockroachdb_queue_gc_info_intenttxnsQueue Gc Info IntenttxnsTransactions / secondNumber of associated distinct transactions
cockroachdb_queue_gc_info_numkeysaffectedQueue Gc Info NumkeysaffectedKeys / secondNumber of keys with GC'able data
cockroachdb_queue_gc_info_pushtxnQueue Gc Info Pushtxnper secondNumber of attempted pushes
cockroachdb_queue_gc_info_resolvesuccessQueue Gc Info Resolvesuccessper secondNumber of successful intent resolutions
cockroachdb_queue_gc_info_resolvetotalQueue Gc Info Resolvetotalper secondNumber of attempted intent resolutions
cockroachdb_queue_gc_info_transactionspangcabortedQueue Gc Info Transactionspangcabortedper secondNumber of GC'able entries corresponding to aborted transactions
cockroachdb_queue_gc_info_transactionspangccommittedQueue Gc Info Transactionspangccommittedper secondNumber of GC'able entries corresponding to committed transactions
cockroachdb_queue_gc_info_transactionspangcpendingQueue Gc Info Transactionspangcpendingper secondNumber of GC'able entries corresponding to pending transactions
cockroachdb_queue_gc_info_transactionspanscannedQueue Gc Info Transactionspanscannedper secondNumber of entries in transaction spans scanned from the engine
cockroachdb_queue_gc_pendingQueue Gc PendingNumber of pending replicas in the GC queue
cockroachdb_queue_gc_process_failureQueue Gc Process Failureper secondNumber of replicas that failed processing in the GC queue
cockroachdb_queue_gc_process_successQueue Gc Process Successper secondNumber of replicas successfully processed by the GC queue
cockroachdb_queue_gc_processingnanosQueue Gc Processingnanosnanoseconds / secondTime spent to process replicas in the GC queue
cockroachdb_queue_raftlog_pendingQueue Raftlog PendingNumber of pending replicas in the Raft log queue
cockroachdb_queue_raftlog_process_failureQueue Raftlog Process Failureper secondNumber of replicas that failed processing in the Raft log queue
cockroachdb_queue_raftlog_process_successQueue Raftlog Process Successper secondNumber of replicas successfully processed by the Raft log queue
cockroachdb_queue_raftlog_processingnanosQueue Raftlog Processingnanosnanoseconds / secondTime spent to process replicas in the Raft log queue
cockroachdb_queue_raftsnapshot_pendingQueue Raftsnapshot PendingNumber of pending replicas in the Raft repair queue
cockroachdb_queue_raftsnapshot_process_failureQueue Raftsnapshot Process Failureper secondNumber of replicas that failed processing in the Raft repair queue
cockroachdb_queue_raftsnapshot_process_successQueue Raftsnapshot Process Successper secondNumber of replicas successfully processed by the Raft repair queue
cockroachdb_queue_raftsnapshot_processingnanosQueue Raftsnapshot Processingnanosnanoseconds / secondTime spent to process replicas in the Raft repair queue
cockroachdb_queue_replicagc_pendingQueue Replicagc PendingNumber of pending replicas in the replica GC queue
cockroachdb_queue_replicagc_process_failureQueue Replicagc Process Failureper secondNumber of replicas that failed processing in the replica GC queue
cockroachdb_queue_replicagc_process_successQueue Replicagc Process Successper secondNumber of replicas successfully processed by the replica GC queue
cockroachdb_queue_replicagc_processingnanosQueue Replicagc Processingnanosnanoseconds / secondTime spent processing replicas in the replica GC queue
cockroachdb_queue_replicagc_removereplicaQueue Replicagc Removereplicaper secondNumber of replica removals attempted by the replica gc queue
cockroachdb_queue_replicate_addreplicaQueue Replicate Addreplicaper secondNumber of replica additions attempted by the replicate queue
cockroachdb_queue_replicate_pendingQueue Replicate PendingNumber of pending replicas in the replicate queue
cockroachdb_queue_replicate_process_failureQueue Replicate Process Failureper secondNumber of replicas that failed processing in the replicate queue
cockroachdb_queue_replicate_process_successQueue Replicate Process Successper secondNumber of replicas successfully processed by the replicate queue
cockroachdb_queue_replicate_processingnanosQueue Replicate Processingnanosnanoseconds / secondTime spent to process replicas in the replicate queue
cockroachdb_queue_replicate_purgatoryQueue Replicate PurgatoryNumber of replicas in the replicate queue's purgatory, awaiting allocation options
cockroachdb_queue_replicate_rebalancereplicaQueue Replicate Rebalancereplicaper secondNumber of replica rebalancer-initiated additions attempted by the replicate queue
cockroachdb_queue_replicate_removedeadreplicaQueue Replicate Removedeadreplicaper secondNumber of dead replica removals attempted by the replicate queue (typically in response to a node outage)
cockroachdb_queue_replicate_removereplicaQueue Replicate Removereplicaper secondNumber of replica removals attempted by the replicate queue (typically in response to a rebalancer-initiated addition)
cockroachdb_queue_replicate_transferleaseQueue Replicate Transferleaseper secondNumber of range lease transfers attempted by the replicate queue
cockroachdb_queue_split_pendingQueue Split PendingNumber of pending replicas in the split queue
cockroachdb_queue_split_process_failureQueue Split Process Failureper secondNumber of replicas that failed processing in the split queue
cockroachdb_queue_split_process_successQueue Split Process Successper secondNumber of replicas successfully processed by the split queue
cockroachdb_queue_split_processingnanosQueue Split Processingnanosnanoseconds / secondTime spent to process replicas in the split queue
cockroachdb_queue_tsmaintenance_pendingQueue Tsmaintenance PendingNumber of pending replicas in the time series maintenance queue
cockroachdb_queue_tsmaintenance_process_failureQueue Tsmaintenance Process Failureper secondNumber of replicas that failed processing in the time series maintenance queue
cockroachdb_queue_tsmaintenance_process_successQueue Tsmaintenance Process Successper secondNumber of replicas successfully processed by the time series maintenance queue
cockroachdb_queue_tsmaintenance_processingnanosQueue Tsmaintenance Processingnanosnanoseconds / secondTime spent to process replicas in the time series maintenance queue
cockroachdb_raft_commandsappliedRaft CommandsappliedCommands / secondCount of Raft commands applied
cockroachdb_raft_enqueued_pendingRaft Enqueued PendingNumber of pending outgoing messages in the Raft Transport queue
cockroachdb_raft_heartbeats_pendingRaft Heartbeats PendingNumber of pending heartbeats and responses waiting to be coalesced
cockroachdb_raft_process_commandcommit_latencyRaft Process Commandcommit LatencynanosecondsAverage latency histogram for committing Raft commands since last pool
cockroachdb_raft_process_logcommit_latencyRaft Process Logcommit LatencynanosecondsAverage Latency histogram for committing Raft log entries since last pool
cockroachdb_raft_process_tickingnanosRaft Process Tickingnanosnanoseconds / secondTime spent in store.processRaft() processing replica.Tick()
cockroachdb_raft_process_workingnanosRaft Process Workingnanosnanoseconds / secondTime spent in store.processRaft() working
cockroachdb_raft_rcvd_appRaft Rcvd Appper secondNumber of MsgApp messages received by this store
cockroachdb_raft_rcvd_apprespRaft Rcvd Apprespper secondNumber of MsgAppResp messages received by this store
cockroachdb_raft_rcvd_droppedRaft Rcvd Droppedper secondNumber of dropped incoming Raft messages
cockroachdb_raft_rcvd_heartbeatRaft Rcvd Heartbeatper secondNumber of (coalesced, if enabled) MsgHeartbeat messages received by this store
cockroachdb_raft_rcvd_heartbeatrespRaft Rcvd Heartbeatrespper secondNumber of (coalesced, if enabled) MsgHeartbeatResp messages received by this store
cockroachdb_raft_rcvd_prevoteRaft Rcvd Prevoteper secondNumber of MsgPreVote messages received by this store
cockroachdb_raft_rcvd_prevoterespRaft Rcvd Prevoterespper secondNumber of MsgPreVoteResp messages received by this store
cockroachdb_raft_rcvd_propRaft Rcvd Propper secondNumber of MsgProp messages received by this store
cockroachdb_raft_rcvd_snapRaft Rcvd Snapper secondNumber of MsgSnap messages received by this store
cockroachdb_raft_rcvd_timeoutnowRaft Rcvd Timeoutnowper secondNumber of MsgTimeoutNow messages received by this store
cockroachdb_raft_rcvd_transferleaderRaft Rcvd Transferleaderper secondNumber of MsgTransferLeader messages received by this store
cockroachdb_raft_rcvd_voteRaft Rcvd Voteper secondNumber of MsgVote messages received by this store
cockroachdb_raft_rcvd_voterespRaft Rcvd Voterespper secondNumber of MsgVoteResp messages received by this store
cockroachdb_raft_ticksRaft Ticksper secondNumber of Raft ticks queued
cockroachdb_raftlog_behindRaftlog BehindEntriesNumber of Raft log entries followers on other stores are behind
cockroachdb_raftlog_truncatedRaftlog TruncatedEntries / secondNumber of Raft log entries truncated
cockroachdb_range_addsRange Addsper secondNumber of range additions
cockroachdb_range_raftleadertransfersRange Raftleadertransfersper secondNumber of raft leader transfers
cockroachdb_range_removesRange Removesper secondNumber of range removals
cockroachdb_range_snapshots_generatedRange Snapshots Generatedper secondNumber of generated snapshots
cockroachdb_range_snapshots_normal_appliedRange Snapshots Normal Appliedper secondNumber of applied snapshots
cockroachdb_range_snapshots_preemptive_appliedRange Snapshots Preemptive Appliedper secondNumber of applied pre-emptive snapshots
cockroachdb_range_splits_totalRange Splits Totalper secondNumber of range splits
cockroachdb_rangesRangesNumber of ranges
cockroachdb_ranges_unavailableRanges UnavailableNumber of ranges with fewer live replicas than needed for quorum
cockroachdb_ranges_underreplicatedRanges UnderreplicatedNumber of ranges with fewer live replicas than the replication target
cockroachdb_rebalancing_writespersecondRebalancing WritespersecondKeysNumber of keys written (applied by raft) per second to the store, averaged over a large time period as used in rebalancing decisions
cockroachdb_replicas_commandqueue_combinedqueuesizeReplicas Commandqueue CombinedqueuesizeCommandsNumber of commands in all CommandQueues combined
cockroachdb_replicas_commandqueue_combinedreadcountReplicas Commandqueue CombinedreadcountCommandsNumber of read-only commands in all CommandQueues combined
cockroachdb_replicas_commandqueue_combinedwritecountReplicas Commandqueue CombinedwritecountCommandsNumber of read-write commands in all CommandQueues combined
cockroachdb_replicas_commandqueue_maxoverlapsReplicas Commandqueue MaxoverlapsCommandsLargest number of overlapping commands seen when adding to any CommandQueue
cockroachdb_replicas_commandqueue_maxreadcountReplicas Commandqueue MaxreadcountCommandsLargest number of read-only commands in any CommandQueue
cockroachdb_replicas_commandqueue_maxsizeReplicas Commandqueue MaxsizeCommandsLargest number of commands in any CommandQueue
cockroachdb_replicas_commandqueue_maxtreesizeReplicas Commandqueue MaxtreesizeLargest number of intervals in any CommandQueue's interval tree
cockroachdb_replicas_commandqueue_maxwritecountReplicas Commandqueue MaxwritecountCommandsLargest number of read-write commands in any CommandQueue
cockroachdb_replicas_leadersReplicas LeadersNumber of raft leaders
cockroachdb_replicas_leaders_not_leaseholdersReplicas Leaders Not LeaseholdersNumber of replicas that are Raft leaders whose range lease is held by another store
cockroachdb_replicas_leaseholdersReplicas LeaseholdersNumber of lease holders
cockroachdb_replicas_quiescentReplicas QuiescentNumber of quiesced replicas
cockroachdb_replicas_reservedReplicas ReservedNumber of replicas reserved for snapshots
cockroachdb_replicas_totalReplicas TotalNumber of replicas
cockroachdb_requests_backpressure_splitRequests Backpressure SplitNumber of backpressured writes waiting on a Range split
cockroachdb_requests_slow_commandqueueRequests Slow CommandqueueRequestsNumber of requests that have been stuck for a long time in the command queue
cockroachdb_requests_slow_distsenderRequests Slow DistsenderRequestsNumber of requests that have been stuck for a long time in the dist sender
cockroachdb_requests_slow_leaseRequests Slow LeaseRequestsNumber of requests that have been stuck for a long time acquiring a lease
cockroachdb_requests_slow_raftRequests Slow RaftRequestsNumber of requests that have been stuck for a long time in raft
cockroachdb_rocksdb_block_cache_hitsRocksdb Block Cache HitsCount of block cache hits
cockroachdb_rocksdb_block_cache_missesRocksdb Block Cache MissesCount of block cache misses
cockroachdb_rocksdb_block_cache_pinned_usageRocksdb Block Cache Pinned UsagebytesBytes pinned by the block cache
cockroachdb_rocksdb_block_cache_usageRocksdb Block Cache UsagebytesBytes used by the block cache
cockroachdb_rocksdb_bloom_filter_prefix_checkedRocksdb Bloom Filter Prefix CheckedNumber of times the bloom filter was checked
cockroachdb_rocksdb_bloom_filter_prefix_usefulRocksdb Bloom Filter Prefix UsefulNumber of times the bloom filter helped avoid iterator creation
cockroachdb_rocksdb_compactions_totalRocksdb Compactions TotalNumber of table compactions
cockroachdb_rocksdb_flushes_totalRocksdb Flushes TotalNumber of table flushes
cockroachdb_rocksdb_memtable_total_sizeRocksdb Memtable Total SizebytesCurrent size of memtable
cockroachdb_rocksdb_num_sstablesRocksdb Num SstablesTablesNumber of rocksdb SSTables
cockroachdb_rocksdb_read_amplificationRocksdb Read AmplificationReadsNumber of disk reads per query
cockroachdb_rocksdb_table_readers_mem_estimateRocksdb Table Readers Mem EstimateMemory used by index and filter blocks
cockroachdb_round_trip_latencyRound Trip LatencynanosecondsAverage distribution of round-trip latencies with other nodes since last pool
cockroachdb_sql_bytesinSql Bytesinbytes / secondNumber of SQL bytes received
cockroachdb_sql_bytesoutSql Bytesoutbytes / secondNumber of SQL bytes sent
cockroachdb_sql_connsSql ConnsConnectionsNumber of active SQL connections
cockroachdb_sql_ddl_countSql Ddl Countper secondNumber of SQL DDL statements
cockroachdb_sql_delete_countSql Delete Countper secondNumber of SQL DELETE statements
cockroachdb_sql_distsql_exec_latencySql Distsql Exec LatencynanosecondsAverage Latency of DistSQL statement execution since last pool
cockroachdb_sql_distsql_flows_activeSql Distsql Flows ActiveNumber of distributed SQL flows currently active
cockroachdb_sql_distsql_flows_totalSql Distsql Flows Totalper secondNumber of distributed SQL flows executed
cockroachdb_sql_distsql_queries_activeSql Distsql Queries ActiveNumber of distributed SQL queries currently active
cockroachdb_sql_distsql_queries_totalSql Distsql Queries Totalper secondNumber of distributed SQL queries executed
cockroachdb_sql_distsql_select_countSql Distsql Select Countper secondNumber of DistSQL SELECT statements
cockroachdb_sql_distsql_service_latencySql Distsql Service LatencynanosecondsAverage Latency of DistSQL request execution since last pool
cockroachdb_sql_exec_latencySql Exec LatencynanosecondsAverage Latency of SQL statement execution since last pool
cockroachdb_sql_insert_countSql Insert Countper secondNumber of SQL INSERT statements
cockroachdb_sql_mem_admin_currentSql Mem Admin CurrentCurrent SQL statement memory usage for admin
cockroachdb_sql_mem_admin_maxSql Mem Admin MaxAverage memory usage per SQL statement for admin since last pool
cockroachdb_sql_mem_admin_session_currentSql Mem Admin Session CurrentCurrent SQL session memory usage for admin
cockroachdb_sql_mem_admin_session_maxSql Mem Admin Session MaxAverage memory usage per SQL session for admin since last pool
cockroachdb_sql_mem_admin_txn_currentSql Mem Admin Txn CurrentCurrent SQL transaction memory usage for admin
cockroachdb_sql_mem_admin_txn_maxSql Mem Admin Txn MaxAverage memory usage per SQL transaction for admin since the last pool.
cockroachdb_sql_mem_client_currentSql Mem Client CurrentCurrent SQL statement memory usage for client
cockroachdb_sql_mem_client_maxSql Mem Client MaxAverage memory usage per SQL statement for client since the last pool.
cockroachdb_sql_mem_client_session_currentSql Mem Client Session CurrentCurrent SQL session memory usage for client
cockroachdb_sql_mem_client_session_maxSql Mem Client Session MaxAverage memory usage per SQL session for client since last pool.
cockroachdb_sql_mem_client_txn_currentSql Mem Client Txn CurrentCurrent SQL transaction memory usage for client
cockroachdb_sql_mem_client_txn_maxSql Mem Client Txn MaxAverage memory usage per SQL transaction for client since last pool.
cockroachdb_sql_mem_conns_currentSql Mem Conns CurrentCurrent SQL statement memory usage for conns
cockroachdb_sql_mem_conns_maxSql Mem Conns MaxAverage memory usage per SQL statement for conns since last pool.
cockroachdb_sql_mem_conns_session_currentSql Mem Conns Session CurrentCurrent SQL session memory usage for conns
cockroachdb_sql_mem_conns_session_maxSql Mem Conns Session MaxAverage memory usage per SQL session for conns since last pool.
cockroachdb_sql_mem_conns_txn_currentSql Mem Conns Txn CurrentCurrent SQL transaction memory usage for conns
cockroachdb_sql_mem_conns_txn_maxSql Mem Conns Txn MaxAverage memory usage per SQL transaction for conns since last pool.
cockroachdb_sql_mem_distsql_currentSql Mem Distsql CurrentCurrent SQL statement memory usage for distsql
cockroachdb_sql_mem_distsql_maxSql Mem Distsql MaxAverage memory usage per SQL statement for distsql since last pool.
cockroachdb_sql_mem_internal_currentSql Mem Internal CurrentCurrent sql statement memory usage for internal
cockroachdb_sql_mem_internal_maxSql Mem Internal MaxAverage memory usage per SQL statement for internal since last pool.
cockroachdb_sql_mem_internal_session_currentSql Mem Internal Session CurrentCurrent sql session memory usage for internal
cockroachdb_sql_mem_internal_session_maxSql Mem Internal Session MaxAverage memory usage per SQL session for internal since last pool.
cockroachdb_sql_mem_internal_txn_currentSql Mem Internal Txn CurrentCurrent sql transaction memory usage for internal
cockroachdb_sql_mem_internal_txn_maxSql Mem Internal Txn MaxAverage memory usage per SQL transaction for internal since last pool
cockroachdb_sql_misc_countSql Misc Countper secondNumber of other SQL statements
cockroachdb_sql_query_countSql Query Countper secondNumber of SQL queries
cockroachdb_sql_select_countSql Select Countper secondNumber of SQL SELECT statements
cockroachdb_sql_service_latencySql Service LatencynanosecondsAverage latency of SQL request execution since last pool
cockroachdb_sql_txn_abort_countSql Txn Abort Countper secondNumber of SQL transaction ABORT statements
cockroachdb_sql_txn_begin_countSql Txn Begin Countper secondNumber of SQL transaction BEGIN statements
cockroachdb_sql_txn_commit_countSql Txn Commit Countper secondNumber of SQL transaction COMMIT statements
cockroachdb_sql_txn_rollback_countSql Txn Rollback Countper secondNumber of SQL transaction ROLLBACK statements
cockroachdb_sql_update_countSql Update Countper secondNumber of SQL UPDATE statements
cockroachdb_sys_cgo_allocbytesSys Cgo AllocbytesbytesCurrent bytes of memory allocated by cgo
cockroachdb_sys_cgo_totalbytesSys Cgo TotalbytesbytesTotal bytes of memory allocated by cgo, but not released
cockroachdb_sys_cgocallsSys CgocallsTotal number of cgo calls
cockroachdb_sys_cpu_sys_nsSys Cpu Sys NsnanosecondsTotal system CPU time
cockroachdb_sys_cpu_sys_percentSys Cpu Sys PercentCurrent system CPU percentage
cockroachdb_sys_cpu_user_nsSys Cpu User NsnanosecondsTotal user CPU time
cockroachdb_sys_cpu_user_percentSys Cpu User PercentpercentCurrent user CPU percentage
cockroachdb_sys_fd_openSys Fd OpenProcess open file descriptors
cockroachdb_sys_fd_softlimitSys Fd SoftlimitProcess open FD soft limit
cockroachdb_sys_gc_countSys Gc CountTotal number of GC runs
cockroachdb_sys_gc_pause_nsSys Gc Pause NsnanosecondsTotal GC pause
cockroachdb_sys_gc_pause_percentSys Gc Pause PercentpercentCurrent GC pause percentage
cockroachdb_sys_go_allocbytesSys Go AllocbytesbytesCurrent bytes of memory allocated by go
cockroachdb_sys_go_totalbytesSys Go TotalbytesbytesTotal bytes of memory allocated by go, but not released
cockroachdb_sys_goroutinesSys GoroutinesCurrent number of goroutines
cockroachdb_sys_rssSys RssCurrent process RSS
cockroachdb_sys_uptimeSys UptimesecondsProcess uptime
cockroachdb_sysbytesSysbytesbytesNumber of bytes in system KV pairs
cockroachdb_syscountSyscountCount of system KV pairs
cockroachdb_timeseries_write_bytesTimeseries Write Bytesbytes / secondTotal size of metric samples written to disk
cockroachdb_timeseries_write_errorsTimeseries Write ErrorsErrors / secondTotal errors encountered while attempting to write metrics to disk
cockroachdb_timeseries_write_samplesTimeseries Write Samplesper secondTotal number of metric samples written to disk
cockroachdb_totalbytesTotalbytesBytesTotal number of bytes taken up by keys and values including non-live data
cockroachdb_tscache_skl_read_pagesTscache Skl Read PagesNumber of pages in the read timestamp cache
cockroachdb_tscache_skl_read_rotationsTscache Skl Read Rotationsper secondNumber of page rotations in the read timestamp cache
cockroachdb_tscache_skl_write_pagesTscache Skl Write PagesNumber of pages in the write timestamp cache
cockroachdb_tscache_skl_write_rotationsTscache Skl Write Rotationsper secondNumber of page rotations in the write timestamp cache
cockroachdb_txn_abandonsTxn Abandonsper secondNumber of abandoned KV transactions
cockroachdb_txn_abortsTxn Abortsper secondNumber of aborted KV transactions
cockroachdb_txn_autoretriesTxn Autoretriesper secondNumber of automatic retries to avoid serializable restarts
cockroachdb_txn_commitsTxn Commitsper secondNumber of committed KV transactions (including 1PC)
cockroachdb_txn_commits1PCTxn Commits1Pcper secondNumber of committed one-phase KV transactions
cockroachdb_txn_durationsTxn DurationsAverage KV transaction durations since last pool.
cockroachdb_txn_restartsTxn RestartsAverage Number of restarted KV transactions since last pool.
cockroachdb_txn_restarts_deleterangeTxn Restarts Deleterangeper secondNumber of restarts due to a forwarded commit timestamp and a DeleteRange command
cockroachdb_txn_restarts_possiblereplayTxn Restarts Possiblereplayper secondNumber of restarts due to possible replays of command batches at the storage layer
cockroachdb_txn_restarts_serializableTxn Restarts Serializableper secondNumber of restarts due to a forwarded commit timestamp and isolation=SERIALIZABLE
cockroachdb_txn_restarts_writetoooldTxn Restarts Writetoooldper secondNumber of restarts due to a concurrent writer committing first
cockroachdb_valbytesValbytesbytesNumber of bytes taken up by values
cockroachdb_valcountValcountCount of all values