The Kubernetes apiserver validates and configures data for the api objects which include pods, services, replicationcontrollers, and others. The kube-apiserver services the REST operations and provides the frontend to the cluster’s shared state through which all other components interact.

By default, the kube-apiserver runs on port 6443 and exposes the metrics of /metrics in openMetric format. The Agent hits the endpoint with the kubernetes client and fetches the metrics automatically. Therefore. no extra configuration or detection logic is required.


Go to Resources under the Infrastructure tab to check if your resources are onboarded and the metrics are collected.


OpsRamp MetricMetric Display NameUnitDescription
kube_api_go_threadsGo ThreadsNumber of OS threads created
kube_api_authenticated_user_requestsAuthenticated User RequestsCounter of authenticated requests broken out by username
kube_api_audit_event_totalAudit EventsCounter of audit events generated and sent to the audit backend
kube_api_rest_client_requests_totalRest Client RequestsNumber of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host
kube_api_inflight_requestsInflight RequestsMaximal number of currently used inflight request limit of this apiserver per request kind in last second
kube_api_goroutinesGoRoutinesNumber of goroutines that currently exist
kube_api_etcd_object_countsETCD Object CountNumber of stored objects at the time of last check split by kind
kube_api_longrunning_gaugeLong Running RequestsGauge of all active long-running apiserver requests broken out by verb, group, version, resource, scope and component. Not all requests are tracked this way
kube_api_step_admission_duration_seconds_sumAdmission Sub-Step Latency in SecondssecondsAdmission sub-step latency histogram, broken out for each operation and API resource and step type (validate or admit)
kube_apiserver_step_admission_duration_seconds_countAdmission Sub-Step Latency CountcountAdmission sub-step latency histogram, broken out for each operation and API resource and step type (validate or admit)
kube_api_step_admission_duration_seconds_summary_sumAdmission Sub-Step Latency Summary In Seconds SumsecondsAdmission sub-step latency summary, broken out for each operation and API resource and step type (validate or admit)
kube_api_step_admission_duration_seconds_summary_countAdmission Sub-Step Latency Summary CountcountAdmission sub-step latency summary, broken out for each operation and API resource and step type (validate or admit)
kube_api_step_admission_duration_seconds_summaryAdmission Sub-Step Latency Summary In SecondssecondsAdmission sub-step latency summary, broken out for each operation and API resource and step type (validate or admit)
kube_api_controller_admission_duration_seconds_sumAdmission Controller Latency In SecondssecondsAdmission controller latency histogram, identified by name and broken out for each operation and API resource and type (validate or admit)
kube_api_controller_admission_duration_seconds_countAdmission Controller Latency CountcountAdmission controller latency histogram, identified by name and broken out for each operation and API resource and type (validate or admit)
kube_api_http_requestsHTTP Requests RatecountTotal number of HTTP requests made
kube_api_dropped_requestsDropped Requests RatecountAccumulated number of requests dropped with Try-again-later response
kube_api_request_countRequest Count RatecountCounter of apiserver requests broken out for each verb, group, version, resource, scope, component, client, and HTTP response contentType and code
kube_api_service_registration_controller_depthRegistration Controller DepthcountCurrent depth of workqueue: APIServiceRegistrationController