MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas. MongoDB is developed by MongoDB Inc. and licensed under the Server Side Public License.


  1. To monitor MongoDB, you need the credentials of the user with the roles “read” and “clusterMonitor”.
1. use admin
2. db.createUser({"user":"<username>","pwd":"<password>","roles":[{role:"read",db:"admin"},{role:"clusterMonitor",db:"admin"},{ role: "read", db: "local" }]})
  1. For Virtual Machines, install the Linux Agent.

Configuring the credentials

Configure the credentials in the directory /opt/opsramp/agent/conf/app.d/creds.yaml

- name: mongodb
  user: <username>
  pwd: <Password>
  encoding-type: plain
    key1: val1
    key2: val2

Configuring the application

Virtual machine

Configure the application in the directory /opt/opsramp/agent/conf/app/discovery/auto-detection.yaml

- name: mongodb
      - mongod
      - mongodb
      - mongodb
      - 27017
      - 27018
      - 27019

Docker environment

Configure the application in the directory /opt/opsramp/agent/conf/app/discovery/auto-container-detection.yaml

- name: mongodb
      - mongo
      - 27017
      - 27018
      - 27019

Kubernetes environment

Configure the application in config.yaml

- name: mongodb
      - mongo
      - 27017
      - 27018
      - 27019


Go to Resources under the Infrastructure tab to check if your resources are onboarded and the metrics are collected.


OpsRamp MetricMetric Display NameUnitDescription
mongodb_asserts_msgAsserts Msgassertions / secondNumber of message assertions raised per second
mongodb_asserts_regularAsserts Regularassertions / secondNumber of regular assertions raised per second
mongodb_asserts_rolloversAsserts Rolloversassertions / secondNumber of times the rollover counters roll over per second. The counters rollover to zero every 60 assertions
mongodb_asserts_userAsserts Userassertions / secondNumber of user assertions raised per second
mongodb_asserts_warningAsserts Warningassertions / secondNumber of warnings raised per second
mongodb_backgroundFlushing_AverageMsBackgroundflushing AveragemsmillisecondsAverage time for each flush to disk
mongodb_backgroundFlushing_flushesBackgroundflushing Flushesflush / secondNumber of times the database has flushed all writes to disk
mongodb_backgroundFlushing_last_msBackgroundflushing Last MsmillisecondsAmount of time that the last flush operation took to complete
mongodb_backgroundFlushing_total_msBackgroundflushing Total MsmillisecondsTotal number of time that the MongoDB processes have spent writing ie flushing data to disk
mongodb_connections_availableConnections AvailableconnectionsNumber of unused available incoming connections the database can provide
mongodb_connections_currentConnections CurrentconnectionsNumber of connections to the database server from clients
mongodb_connections_totalCreatedConnections TotalcreatedconnectionsTotal number of connections created
mongodb_cursors_timedOutCursors TimedoutcursorsTotal number of cursors that have timed out since the server process started
mongodb_cursors_totalOpenCursors TotalopencursorsNumber of cursors that MongoDB is maintaining for clients
mongodb_dbs_countDbs CountitemsTotal number of existing databases
mongodb_dur_commitsDur CommitstransactionsNumber of transactions written to the journal during the last journal group commit interval
mongodb_dur_commitsInWriteLockDur CommitsinwritelockcommitsCount of the commits that occurred while a write lock was held
mongodb_dur_compressionDur CompressionfractionsCompression ratio of the data written to the journal
mongodb_dur_earlyCommitsDur EarlycommitscommitsNumber of times MongoDB requested a commit before the scheduled journal group commit interval
mongodb_dur_journaledMBDur JournaledmbmebibytesAmount of data written to journal during the last journal group commit interval
mongodb_dur_timems_CommitsDur Timems CommitsmillisecondsAmount of time spent for commits
mongodb_dur_timems_CommitsInWriteLockDur Timems CommitsinwritelockmillisecondsAmount of time spent for commits that occurred while a write lock was held
mongodb_dur_timems_dtDur Timems DtmillisecondsAmount of time over which MongoDB collected the durtimeMS data
mongodb_dur_timems_prepLogBufferDur Timems PreplogbuffermillisecondAmount of time spent preparing to write to the journal
mongodb_dur_timems_remapPrivateViewDur Timems RemapprivateviewmillisecondsAmount of time spent remapping copyonwrite memory mapped views
mongodb_dur_timems_writeToDataFilesDur Timems WritetodatafilesmillisecondsAmount of time spent writing to data files after journaling
mongodb_dur_timems_writeToJournalDur Timems WritetojournalmillisecondsAmount of time spent writing to the journal
mongodb_dur_writeToDataFilesDur WritetodatafilesmebibytesAmount of data written from journal to the data files during the last journal group commit interval
mongodb_extra_info_page_faultsExtra Info Page FaultsfaultsNumber of page faults per second that require disk operations
mongodb_fsync_lockCountFsync LockcountNumber of fsynclocked performed on a mongo instance
mongodb_globalLock_activeClients_readersGloballock Activeclients ReadersconnectionsCount of the active client connections performing read operations
mongodb_globalLock_activeClients_totalGloballock Activeclients TotalconnectionsTotal number of active client connections to the database
mongodb_globalLock_activeClients_writersGloballock Activeclients WritersconnectionsCount of active client connections performing write operations
mongodb_globalLock_currentQueue_readersGloballock Currentqueue ReadersoperationsNumber of operations that are currently queued and waiting for the read lock
mongodb_globalLock_currentQueue_totalGloballock Currentqueue TotaloperationsTotal number of operations queued waiting for the lock
mongodb_globalLock_currentQueue_writersGloballock Currentqueue WritersoperationsNumber of operations that are currently queued and waiting for the write lock
mongodb_globalLock_lockTimeGloballock LocktimemillisecondsTime since the database last started that the globalLock has been held
mongodb_globalLock_ratioGloballock RatiofractionRatio of the time that the globalLock has been held to the total time since it was created
mongodb_globalLock_totalTimeGloballock TotaltimemicrosecondsTime since the database last started and created the global lock
mongodb_indexCounters_accessesIndexcounters AccesseseventsNumber of times that operations have accessed indexes per second
mongodb_indexCounters_hitsIndexcounters HitshitsNumber of times an index has been accessed per second and MongoDB is able to return the index from memory
mongodb_indexCounters_missesIndexcounters MissesmissNumber of times, per second, an operation is attempted to access an index that was not in memory
mongodb_indexCounters_missRatioIndexcounters MissratiofractionRatio of index hits to misses
mongodb_indexCounters_resetIndexcounters ReseteventNumber of times per second the index counters have been reset
mongodb_locks_Collection_acquireCount_ExclusiveLocks Collection Acquirecount Exclusivelocks / secondNumber of times the collection lock type was acquired in the Exclusive X mode
mongodb_locks_Collection_acquireCount_Intent_ExclusiveLocks Collection Acquirecount Intent Exclusivelocks / secondNumber of times the collection lock type was acquired in the Intent Exclusive IX mode
mongodb_locks_Collection_acquireCount_Intent_SharedLocks Collection Acquirecount Intent Sharedlocks / secondNumber of times the collection lock type was acquired in the Intent Shared IS mode
mongodb_locks_Collection_acquireCount_SharedLocks Collection Acquirecount Sharedlocks / secondNumber of times the collection lock type was acquired in the Shared S mode
mongodb_locks_Collection_acquireWaitCount_ExclusiveLocks Collection Acquirewaitcount Exclusivewait / secondNumber of times the collection lock type acquisition in the Exclusive X mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode
mongodb_locks_Collection_acquireWaitCount_SharedLocks Collection Acquirewaitcount Sharedwait / secondNumber of times the collection lock type acquisition in the Shared S mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode
mongodb_locks_Collection_timeAcquiringMicros_ExclusiveLocks Collection Timeacquiringmicros ExclusivefractionWait time for the collection lock type acquisitions in the Exclusive X mode
mongodb_locks_Collection_timeAcquiringMicros_SharedLocks Collection Timeacquiringmicros SharedfractionWait time for the collection lock type acquisitions in the Shared S mode
mongodb_locks_Database_acquireCount_ExclusiveLocks Database Acquirecount Exclusivelock / secondNumber of times the database lock type was acquired in the Exclusive X mode
mongodb_locks_Database_acquireCount_Intent_ExclusiveLocks Database Acquirecount Intent Exclusivelock / secondNumber of times the database lock type was acquired in the Intent Exclusive IX mode
mongodb_locks_Database_acquireCount_Intent_SharedLocks Database Acquirecount Intent Sharedlock / secondNumber of times the database lock type was acquired in the Intent Shared IS mode
mongodb_locks_Database_acquireCount_SharedLocks Database Acquirecount Sharedlock / secondNumber of times the database lock type was acquired in the Shared S mode
mongodb_locks_Database_acquireWaitCount_ExclusiveLocks Database Acquirewaitcount Exclusivewait / secondNumber of times the database lock type acquisition in the Exclusive X mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode
mongodb_locks_Database_acquireWaitCount_Intent_ExclusiveLocks Database Acquirewaitcount Intent Exclusivewait / secondNumber of times the database lock type acquisition in the Intent Exclusive IX mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode
mongodb_locks_Database_acquireWaitCount_Intent_SharedLocks Database Acquirewaitcount Intent Sharedwait / secondNumber of times the database lock type acquisition in the Intent Shared IS mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode
mongodb_locks_Database_acquireWaitCount_SharedLocks Database Acquirewaitcount Sharedwait / secondNumber of times the database lock type acquisition in the Shared S mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode
mongodb_locks_Database_timeAcquiringMicros_ExclusiveLocks Database Timeacquiringmicros ExclusivefractionWait time for the database lock type acquisitions in the Exclusive X mode
mongodb_locks_Database_timeAcquiringMicros_Intent_ExclusiveLocks Database Timeacquiringmicros Intent ExclusivefractionWait time for the database lock type acquisitions in the Intent Exclusive IX mode
mongodb_locks_Database_timeAcquiringMicros_Intent_SharedLocks Database Timeacquiringmicros Intent SharedfractionWait time for the database lock type acquisitions in the Intent Shared IS mode
mongodb_locks_Database_timeAcquiringMicros_SharedLocks Database Timeacquiringmicros SharedfractionWait time for the database lock type acquisitions in the Shared S mode
mongodb_locks_Global_acquireCount_ExclusiveLocks Global Acquirecount Exclusivelock / secondNumber of times the global lock type was acquired in the Exclusive X mode
mongodb_locks_Global_acquireCount_Intent_ExclusiveLocks Global Acquirecount Intent Exclusivelock / secondNumber of times the global lock type was acquired in the Intent Exclusive IX mode
mongodb_locks_Global_acquireCount_Intent_SharedLocks Global Acquirecount Intent Sharedlock / secondNumber of times the global lock type was acquired in the Intent Shared IS mode
mongodb_locks_Global_acquireCount_SharedLocks Global Acquirecount Sharedlocks / secondNumber of times the global lock type was acquired in the Shared S mode
mongodb_locks_Global_acquireWaitCount_ExclusiveLocks Global Acquirewaitcount Exclusivewaits / secondNumber of times the global lock type acquisition in the Exclusive X mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode
mongodb_locks_Global_acquireWaitCount_Intent_ExclusiveLocks Global Acquirewaitcount Intent Exclusivewaits / secondNumber of times the global lock type acquisition in the Intent Exclusive IX mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode
mongodb_locks_Global_acquireWaitCount_Intent_SharedLocks Global Acquirewaitcount Intent Sharedwaits / secondNumber of times the global lock type acquisition in the Intent Shared IS mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode
mongodb_locks_Global_acquireWaitCount_SharedLocks Global Acquirewaitcount Sharedwaits / secondNumber of times the global lock type acquisition in the Shared S mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode
mongodb_locks_Global_timeAcquiringMicros_ExclusiveLocks Global Timeacquiringmicros ExclusivefractionWait time for the global lock type acquisitions in the Exclusive X mode
mongodb_locks_Global_timeAcquiringMicros_Intent_ExclusiveLocks Global Timeacquiringmicros Intent ExclusivefractionWait time for the global lock type acquisitions in the Intent Exclusive IX mode
mongodb_locks_Global_timeAcquiringMicros_Intent_SharedLocks Global Timeacquiringmicros Intent SharedfractionWait time for the global lock type acquisitions in the Intent Shared IS mode
mongodb_locks_Global_timeAcquiringMicros_SharedLocks Global Timeacquiringmicros SharedfractionWait time for the global lock type acquisitions in the Shared S mode
mongodb_locks_Metadata_acquireCount_Intent_ExclusiveLocks Metadata Acquirecount Intent Exclusivelocks / secondNumber of times the metadata lock type was acquired in the Exclusive X mode
mongodb_locks_Metadata_acquireCount_Intent_SharedLocks Metadata Acquirecount Intent Sharedlocks / secondNumber of times the metadata lock type was acquired in the Shared S mode
mongodb_locks_MMAPV1Journal_acquireCount_Intent_ExclusiveMongodb Locks Mmapv1Journal Acquirecount Intent ExclusivepslocksNumber of times the MMAPv1 storage engine lock type was acquired in the Intent Exclusive IX mode
mongodb_locks_MMAPV1Journal_acquireCount_Intent_SharedMongodb Locks Mmapv1Journal Acquirecount Intent SharedpslocksNumber of times the MMAPv1 storage engine lock type was acquired in the Intent Shared IS mode
mongodb_locks_MMAPV1Journal_acquireWaitCount_Intent_ExclusiveMongodb Locks Mmapv1Journal Acquirewaitcount Intent ExclusivepswaitsNumber of times the MMAPv1 storage engine lock type acquisition in the Intent Exclusive IX mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode
mongodb_locks_MMAPV1Journal_acquireWaitCount_Intent_SharedMongodb Locks Mmapv1Journal Acquirewaitcount Intent SharedpswaitsNumber of times the MMAPv1 storage engine lock type acquisition in the Intent Shared IS mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode
mongodb_locks_MMAPV1Journal_timeAcquiringMicros_Intent_ExclusiveMongodb Locks Mmapv1Journal Timeacquiringmicros Intent ExclusivepsfractionWait time for the MMAPv1 storage engine lock type acquisitions in the Intent Exclusive IX mode
mongodb_locks_MMAPV1Journal_timeAcquiringMicros_Intent_SharedMongodb Locks Mmapv1Journal Timeacquiringmicros Intent SharedpsfractionWait time for the MMAPv1 storage engine lock type acquisitions in the Intent Shared IS mode
mongodb_locks_oplog_acquireCount_Intent_ExclusiveLocks Oplog Acquirecount Intent Exclusivelocks / secondNumber of times the oplog lock type was acquired in the Intent Exclusive IX mode
mongodb_locks_oplog_acquireCount_Intent_SharedLocks Oplog Acquirecount Intent Sharedlocks / secondNumber of times the oplog lock type was acquired in the Shared S mode
mongodb_locks_oplog_acquireWaitCount_Intent_ExclusiveLocks Oplog Acquirewaitcount Intent Exclusivewaits / secondNumber of times the oplog lock type acquisition in the Intent Exclusive IX mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode
mongodb_locks_oplog_acquireWaitCount_SharedLocks Oplog Acquirewaitcount Sharedwaits / secondNumber of times the oplog lock type acquisition in the Shared S mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode
mongodb_locks_oplog_timeAcquiringMicros_Intent_ExclusiveLocks Oplog Timeacquiringmicros Intent ExclusivefractionWait time for the oplog lock type acquisitions in the Intent Exclusive IX mode
mongodb_locks_oplog_timeAcquiringMicros_SharedLocks Oplog Timeacquiringmicros SharedfractionWait time for the oplog lock type acquisitions in the Shared S mode
mongodb_mem_bitsMem BitsmebibytesSize of the in-memory storage engine
mongodb_mem_mappedMem MappedmebibytesAmount of mapped memory by the database
mongodb_mem_mappedWithJournalMem MappedwithjournalmebibytesThe amount of mapped memory including the memory used for journaling
mongodb_mem_residentMem ResidentmebibytesAmount of memory currently used by the database process
mongodb_mem_virtualMem VirtualmebibytesAmount of virtual memory used by the mongod process
mongodb_metrics_commands_count_failedMetrics Commands Count FailedcommandsNumber of times count failed
mongodb_metrics_commands_count_totalMetrics Commands Count TotalcommandsNumber of times count executed
mongodb_metrics_commands_createIndexes_failedMetrics Commands Createindexes FailedcommandsNumber of times createIndexes failed
mongodb_metrics_commands_createIndexes_totalMetrics Commands Createindexes TotalcommandsNumber of times createIndexes executed
mongodb_metrics_commands_delete_failedMetrics Commands Delete FailedcommandsNumber of times delete failed
mongodb_metrics_commands_delete_totalMetrics Commands Delete TotalcommandsNumber of times delete executed
mongodb_metrics_commands_eval_failedMetrics Commands Eval FailedcommandsNumber of times evaluation failed
mongodb_metrics_commands_eval_totalMetrics Commands Eval TotalcommandsNumber of times evaluation executed
mongodb_metrics_commands_findAndModify_failedMetrics Commands Findandmodify FailedcommandsNumber of times findAndModify failed
mongodb_metrics_commands_findAndModify_totalMetrics Commands Findandmodify TotalcommandsNumber of times findAndModify executed
mongodb_metrics_commands_insert_failedMetrics Commands Insert FailedcommandsNumber of times insert failed
mongodb_metrics_commands_insert_totalMetrics Commands Insert TotalcommandsNumber of times insert executed
mongodb_metrics_commands_update_failedMetrics Commands Update FailedcommandsNumber of times update failed
mongodb_metrics_commands_update_totalMetrics Commands Update TotalcommandsNumber of times update executed
mongodb_metrics_cursor_open_noTimeoutMetrics Cursor Open NotimeoutcursorsNumber of open cursors with the option DBQueryOptionnoTimeout set to prevent timeout after a period of inactivity
mongodb_metrics_cursor_open_pinnedMetrics Cursor Open PinnedcursorsNumber of pinned open cursors
mongodb_metrics_cursor_open_totalMetrics Cursor Open TotalcursorsNumber of cursors that MongoDB is maintaining for clients
mongodb_metrics_cursor_timedOutMetrics Cursor Timedoutcursors / secondNumber of cursors that time out per second
mongodb_metrics_document_deletedMetrics Document Deleteddocuments / secondNumber of documents deleted per second
mongodb_metrics_document_insertedMetrics Document Inserteddocuments / secondNumber of documents inserted per second
mongodb_metrics_document_returnedMetrics Document Returneddocuments / secondNumber of documents returned by queries per second
mongodb_metrics_document_updatedMetrics Document Updateddocuments / secondNumber of documents updated per second
mongodb_metrics_getLastError_wtime_numMetrics Getlasterror Wtime Numoperations / secondNumber of getLastError operations per second with a specified write concern. Wait for one or more members of a replica set to acknowledge the write operation
mongodb_metrics_getLastError_wtime_totalMillisMetrics Getlasterror Wtime TotalmillisfractionFraction of time ms per s that the mongodb has spent performing getLastError operations with write concern ie w that wait for one or more members of a replica set to acknowledge the write operation
mongodb_metrics_getLastError_wtimeoutsMetrics Getlasterror Wtimeoutsevents / secondNumber of times per second the write concern operations have timed out as a result of the wtimeout threshold to getLastError
mongodb_metrics_operation_fastmodMetrics Operation Fastmodoperations / secondNumber of update operations per second that neither cause documents to grow nor require updates to the index
mongodb_metrics_operation_idhackMetrics Operation Idhackqueries / secondNumber of queries per second that contain the ID field
mongodb_metrics_operation_writeConflictsMetrics Operation WriteconflictseventsNumber of times per second that write concern operations has encounter a conflict
mongodb_metrics_operation_scanAndOrderMetrics Operation ScanandorderqueryNumber of queries per second that return sorted numbers that cannot perform the sort operation using an index
mongodb_metrics_queryExecutor_scannedMetrics Queryexecutor ScannedoperationsNumber of index items scanned per second during queries and queryplan evaluation
mongodb_metrics_record_movesMetrics Record MovesoperationsNumber of times per second documents move within the ondisk representation of the MongoDB data set
mongodb_metrics_repl_apply_batches_numMetrics Repl Apply Batches Numoperations / secondNumber of batches applied across all databases per second
mongodb_metrics_repl_apply_batches_totalMillisMetrics Repl Apply Batches TotalmillisfractionFraction of time ms per s the MongoDB has spent applying operations from the oplog
mongodb_metrics_repl_apply_opsMetrics Repl Apply Opsoperations / secondNumber of oplog operations applied per second
mongodb_metrics_repl_buffer_countMetrics Repl Buffer Countoperations / secondNumber of operations in the oplog buffer
mongodb_metrics_repl_buffer_maxSizeBytesMetrics Repl Buffer MaxsizebytesbytesMaximum size of the buffer
mongodb_metrics_repl_buffer_sizeBytesMetrics Repl Buffer SizebytesbytesCurrent size of the contents of the oplog buffer
mongodb_metrics_repl_network_bytesMetrics Repl Network Bytesbytes / secondAmount of data read from the replication sync source per second
mongodb_metrics_repl_network_getmores_numMetrics Repl Network Getmores Numoperations / secondNumber of getmore operations per second
mongodb_metrics_repl_network_getmores_totalMillisMetrics Repl Network Getmores Totalmillisfractions / secondFraction of time ms per s required to collect data from getmore operations
mongodb_metrics_repl_network_opsMetrics Repl Network Opsoperations / secondNumber of operations read from the replication source per second
mongodb_metrics_repl_network_readersCreatedMetrics Repl Network Readerscreatedprocesses / secondNumber of oplog query processes created per second
mongodb_metrics_repl_preload_docs_numMetrics Repl Preload Docs Numdocuments / secondNumber of documents loaded during the prefetch stage of replication
mongodb_metrics_repl_preload_docs_totalMillisMetrics Repl Preload Docs TotalmillismillisecondsAmount of time spent loading documents as part of the prefetch stage of replication
mongodb_metrics_repl_preload_indexes_numMetrics Repl Preload Indexes NummillisecondsAmount of time spent loading documents as part of the prefetch stage of replication
mongodb_metrics_ttl_deletedDocumentsMetrics Ttl Deleteddocumentsdocuments / secondNumber of documents deleted from collections with a ttl index per second
mongodb_metrics_ttl_passesMetrics Ttl Passesoperations / secondNumber of times per second the background process removes documents from collections with a ttl index
mongodb_network_bytesInNetwork Bytesinbytes / secondThe number of bytes that reflects the amount of network traffic received by this database
mongodb_network_bytesOutNetwork Bytesoutbytes / secondThe number of bytes that reflects the amount of network traffic sent from this database
mongodb_network_numRequestsNetwork Numrequestsrequests / secondNumber of distinct requests that the server has received
mongodb_opcountes_commandOpcountes Commandcommands / secondTotal number of commands per second issued to the database
mongodb_opcountes_deleteOpcountes Deleteoperations / secondNumber of delete operations per second
mongodb_opcountes_getmoreOpcountes Getmoreoperations / secondNumber of getmore operations per second
mongodb_opcountes_insertOpcountes Insertoperations / secondNumber of insert operations per second
mongodb_opcountes_queryOpcountes Queryquery / secondTotal number of queries per second
mongodb_opcountes_updateOpcountes Updateoperations / secondNumber of update operations per second
mongodb_opcountersRepl_commandOpcountersrepl Commandcommands / secondTotal number of replicated commands issued to the database per second
mongodb_opcountersRepl_deleteOpcountersrepl Deleteoperations / secondNumber of replicated delete operations per second
mongodb_opcountersRepl_getmoreOpcountersrepl Getmoreoperations / secondNumber of replicated getmore operations per second
mongodb_opcountersRepl_insertOpcountersrepl Insertoperations / secondNumber of replicated insert operations per second
mongodb_opcountersRepl_queryOpcountersrepl Queryquery / secondTotal number of replicated queries per second
mongodb_opcountersRepl_updateOpcountersrepl Updateoperations / secondNumber of replicated update operations per second
mongodb_replicationlagReplicationlagsecondsDelay between a write operation on the primary and its copy to a secondary
mongodb_myStateMystateState of a replica that reflects its disposition within the set
mongodb_stats_dataSizeStats DatasizebytesTotal size of the data held in this database including the padding factor
mongodb_stats_indexesStats IndexesindexTotal number of indexes across all collections in the database
mongodb_stats_indexSizeStats IndexsizebytesTotal size of all indexes created on this database
mongodb_stats_objectsStats ObjectsobjectsNumber of objects documents in the database across all collections
mongodb_stats_storageSizeStats StoragesizebytesTotal amount of space allocated to collections in this database for document storage
mongodb_uptimeUptimeminutesNumber of seconds that the mongos or mongod process has been active
mongodb_wiredtiger_cache_cache.bytes_currently_in_cacheWiredtiger Cache Cache.Bytes Currently In CachebytesSize of the data currently in cache
mongodb_wiredtiger_cache_in_memory_page_splitsWiredtiger Cache In Memory Page SplitssplitIn-memory page splits
mongodb_wiredtiger_cache_maximum_bytes_configuredWiredtiger Cache Maximum Bytes ConfiguredbytesMaximum cache size
mongodb_wiredtiger_cache_maximum_page_size_at_evictionWiredtiger Cache Maximum Page Size At EvictionbytesMaximum page size at eviction
mongodb_wiredtiger_cache_modified_pages_evictedWiredtiger Cache Modified Pages EvictedpageNumber of pages that have been modified evicted from the cache
mongodb_wiredtiger_cache_pages_currently_held_in_cacheWiredtiger Cache Pages Currently Held In CachepageNumber of pages currently held in the cache
mongodb_wiredtiger_cache_pages_evicted_by_application_threadsWiredtiger Cache Pages Evicted By Application ThreadspageNumber of page evicted by application threads per second
mongodb_wiredtiger_cache_tracked_dirty_bytes_in_cacheWiredtiger Cache Tracked Dirty Bytes In CachebytesSize of the dirty data in the cache
mongodb_wiredtiger_cache_unmodified_pages_evictedWiredtiger Cache Unmodified Pages EvictedpageNumber of pages that were not modified evicted from the cache
mongodb_wiredTiger_concurrentTransactions_write_availableWiredtiger Concurrenttransactions Write AvailableticketNumber of available read tickets concurrent transactions remaining
mongodb_wiredTiger_concurrentTransactions_read_outWiredtiger Concurrenttransactions Read OutticketNumber of read tickets concurrent transactions in use
mongodb_wiredTiger_concurrentTransactions_read_totalTicketsWiredtiger Concurrenttransactions Read TotalticketsticketTotal number of read tickets concurrent transactions available
mongodb_wiredTiger_concurrentTransactions_write_outWiredtiger Concurrenttransactions Write OutticketNumber of write tickets concurrent transactions in use
mongodb_wiredTiger_concurrentTransactions_write_totalTicketsWiredtiger Concurrenttransactions Write TotalticketsticketTotal number of write tickets concurrent transactions available
mongodb_collection_sizeCollection SizebytesTotal size in bytes of the data in the collection plus the size of every indexes on the mongodbcollection
mongodb_collection_avgObjSizeCollection AvgobjsizebytesSize of the average object in the collection in bytes
mongodb_collection_countCollection CountitemTotal number of objects in the collection
mongodb_collection_cappedCollection CappedrecordWhether the collection is capped
mongodb_collection_storageSizeCollection StoragesizebytesTotal storage space allocated to this collection for document storage
mongodb_collection_nindexesCollection NindexesindexTotal number of indices on the collection
mongodb_collection_totalIndexSizeCollection TotalindexsizebytesSize of index in bytes
mongodb_top_commands_countTop Commands Countcommands / secondNumber of commands per second
mongodb_top_commands_timeTop Commands TimemicrosecondsTotal time spent performing commands in microseconds
mongodb_top_getmore_countTop Getmore CountfetchNumber of getmore per second
mongodb_top_getmore_timeTop Getmore TimemicrosecondsTotal time spent performing getmore in microseconds
mongodb_top_insert_countTop Insert CountcommitNumber of inserts per second
mongodb_top_insert_timeTop Insert TimemicrosecondsTotal time spent performing inserts in microseconds
mongodb_top_queries_countTop Queries CountqueryNumber of queries per second
mongodb_top_queries_timeTop Queries TimemicrosecondsTotal time spent performing queries in microseconds
mongodb_top_readLock_countTop Readlock CountlocksNumber of read locks per second
mongodb_top_readLock_timeTop Readlock TimemicrosecondsTotal time spent performing read locks in microseconds
mongodb_top_remove_countTop Remove CountcommitNumber of removals per second
mongodb_top_remove_timeTop Remove TimemicrosecondsTotal time spent performing removals in microseconds
mongodb_top_total_countTop Total CountcommandNumber of operations per second
mongodb_top_total_timeTop Total TimemicrosecondsTotal time spent performing operations in microseconds
mongodb_top_update_countTop Update CountcommitNumber of updates per second
mongodb_top_update_timeTop Update TimemicrosecondsTotal time spent performing updates in microseconds
mongodb_top_writeLock_countTop Writelock CountlocksNumber of write locks per second
mongodb_top_writeLock_timeTop Writelock TimemicrosecondsTotal time spent performing write locks in microseconds
mongodb_tcmalloc_generic_current_allocated_bytesTcmalloc Generic Current Allocated BytesbytesBytes of system memory reserved by TCMalloc
mongodb_tcmalloc_aggressive_memory_decommitTcmalloc Aggressive Memory DecommitStatus of aggressive memory decommit mode
mongodb_tcmalloc_central_cache_free_bytesTcmalloc Central Cache Free BytesbytesNumber of free bytes in the central cache
mongodb_tcmalloc_current_total_thread_cache_bytesTcmalloc Current Total Thread Cache BytesbytesNumber of bytes used across all thread caches
mongodb_tcmalloc_max_total_thread_cache_bytesTcmalloc Max Total Thread Cache BytesbytesUpper limit on total number of bytes stored across all perthread caches
mongodb_tcmalloc_pageheap_free_bytesTcmalloc Pageheap Free BytesbytesNumber of bytes in free mapped pages in page heap
mongodb_tcmalloc_pageheap_unmapped_bytesTcmalloc Pageheap Unmapped BytesbytesNumber of bytes in free unmapped pages in page heap
mongodb_tcmalloc_thread_cache_free_bytesTcmalloc Thread Cache Free BytesbytesNumber of free bytes in thread caches
mongodb_tcmalloc_transfer_cache_free_bytesTcmalloc Transfer Cache Free BytesbytesNumber of free bytes that are waiting to be transfered between the central cache and a thread cache
mongodb_tcmalloc_spinlock_total_delay_nsTcmalloc Spinlock Total Delay NsnanosecondsSpinlock delay time