
AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed build service in the cloud. CodeBuild compiles your source code, runs unit tests, and produces artifacts that are ready to deploy. CodeBuild eliminates the need to provision, manage, and scale your own build servers. It provides prepackaged build environments for popular programming languages and build tools such as Apache Maven, Gradle, and more. You can also customize build environments in CodeBuild to use your own build tools. CodeBuild scales automatically to meet peak build requests.


To set up the OpsRamp AWS integration and discover the AWS service, go to AWS Integration Discovery Profile and select CodeBuild.


OpsRamp MetricMetric Display NameUnitAggregation TypeDescription
aws_codebuild_DurationDurationMillisecondsAVERAGEMeasures the elapsed wall clock time from when the function code starts executing as a result of an invocation to when it stops executing.
aws_codebuild_BuildDurationBuild DurationSecondsAverageMeasures the duration of the builds BUILD phase.
aws_codebuild_BuildsBuildsCountSumMeasures the number of builds triggered.
aws_codebuild_DownloadSourceDurationDownload Source DurationSecondsAverageMeasures the duration of the builds DOWNLOAD_SOURCE phase.
aws_codebuild_DurationDurationSecondsAverageMeasures the duration of all builds over time.
aws_codebuild_FailedBuildsFailed BuildsCountAverageMeasures the number of builds that failed because of client error or a timeout.
aws_codebuild_FinalizingDurationFinalizing DurationSecondsAverageMeasures the duration of the builds FINALIZING phase.
aws_codebuild_InstallDurationInstall DurationSecondsAverageMeasures the duration of the builds INSTALL phase.
aws_codebuild_PostBuildDurationPostBuild DurationSecondsAverageMeasures the duration of the builds POST_BUILD phase.
aws_codebuild_PreBuildDurationPre Build DurationSecondsAverageMeasures the duration of the builds PRE_BUILD phase.
aws_codebuild_ProvisioningDurationProvisioning DurationSecondsAverageMeasures the duration of the builds PROVISIONING phase.
aws_codebuild_QueuedDurationQueued DurationSecondsAverageMeasures the duration of the build QUEUED phase.
aws_codebuild_SubmittedDurationSubmitted DurationSecondsAverageMeasures the duration of the build SUBMITTED phase.
aws_codebuild_SucceededBuildsSucceeded BuildsCountSumMeasures the number of successful builds.
aws_codebuild_UploadArtifactsDurationUpload Artifacts DurationSecondsAverageMeasures the duration of the build UPLOAD_ARTIFACTS phase.

Event support

CloudTrail event support

  • Supported
  • Configurable in OpsRamp AWS Integration Discovery Profile.

CloudWatch alarm support

  • Supported
  • Configurable in OpsRamp AWS Integration Discovery Profile..

External reference