
Azure Analysis Services is a fully managed platform as a service (PaaS) that provides enterprise-grade data models in the cloud.

Use advanced mashup and modeling features to combine data from multiple data sources, define metrics, and secure your data in a single, trusted tabular semantic data model. The data model provides an easier and faster way for users to browse massive amounts of data for ad hoc data analysis.


To set up the OpsRamp Azure integration and discover the Azure service, go to Azure Integration Discovery Profile and select Analysis Service.


OpsRamp MetricMetric Display NameUnitAggregation TypeDescription
azure_qpu_metricQPUCountAverageQPU. Range 0-100 for S1, 0-200 for S2 and 0-400 for S
azure_memory_metricMemoryBytesAverageMemory. Range 0-25 GB for S1, 0-50 GB for S2 and 0-100 GB for S4
azure_total_connection_requestsTotal Connection RequestsCountAverageTotal connection requests. These are arrivals.
azure_successfull_connections_per_secSuccessful Connections Per SecCountPerSecondAverageNumber of workflow runs failed.
azure_total_connection_failuresTotal Connection FailuresCountAverageNumber of workflow runs canceled.
azure_current_user_sessionsCurrent User SessionsCountAverageCurrent number of user sessions established.
azure_query_pool_busy_threadsQuery Pool Busy ThreadsSecondsAverageNumber of busy threads in the query thread pool.
azure_command_pool_job_queue_lengthCommand Pool Job Queue LengthCountAverageNumber of workflow action or trigger throttled events.
azure_processing_pool_job_queue_lengthProcessing Pool Job Queue LengthCountAverageNumber of non-I\O jobs in the queue of the processing thread pool.
azure_current_connectionsConnection: Current connectionsCountAverageCurrent number of client connections established.
azure_cleaner_current_priceMemory: Cleaner Current PriceCountAverageCurrent price of memory, $/byte/time, normalized to 1000.
azure_cleaner_memory_shrinkableMemory: Cleaner Memory shrinkableBytesAverageAmount of memory, in bytes, subject to purging by the background
azure_cleaner_memory_nonshrinkableMemory: Cleaner Memory nonshrinkableBytesAverageAmount of memory, in bytes, not subject to purging by the background cleaner.
azure_memory_usageMemory: Memory UsageBytesAverageMemory usage of the server process as used in calculating cleaner memory price.Equal to counter Process\PrivateBytes plus the size of memory-mapped data, ignoring any memory which was mapped or allocated by the xVelocity in-memory analytics engine (VertiPaq) in excess of the xVelocity engine Memory Limit.
azure_memory_limit_hardMemory: Memory Limit HardBytesAverageHard memory limit, from configuration file.
azure_memory_limit_highMemory: Memory Limit HighBytesAverageHigh memory limit, from configuration file.
azure_memory_limit_lowMemory: Memory Limit LowBytesAverageLow memory limit, from configuration file.
azure_memory_limit_verti_paqMemory: Memory Limit VertiPaqBytesAverageIn-memory limit, from configuration file.
azure_quotaMemory: QuotaBytesAverageCurrent memory quota, in bytes. Memory quota is also known as a memory grant or memory reservation.
azure_quota_blockedMemory: Quota BlockedCountAverageCurrent number of quota requests that are blocked until other memory quotas are freed.
azure_verti_paq_nonpagedMemory: VertiPaq NonpagedBytesAverageBytes of memory locked in the working set for use by the in-memory engine.
azure_verti_paq_pagedMemory: VertiPaq PagedBytesAverageBytes of paged memory in use for in-memory data.
azure_rows_read_per_secProcessing: Rows read per secCountPerSecondAverageRate of rows read from all relational databases.
azure_rows_converted_per_secProcessing: Rows converted per secCountPerSecondAverageRate of rows converted during processing.
azure_rows_written_per_secProcessing: Rows written per secCountPerSecondAverageRate of rows written during processing.
azure_command_pool_busy_threadsThreads: Command pool busy threadsCountAverageNumber of busy threads in the command thread pool.
azure_command_pool_idle_threadsThreads: Command pool idle threadsCountAverageNumber of idle threads in the command thread pool.
azure_long_parsing_busy_threadsThreads: Long parsing busy threadsCountAverageNumber of busy threads in the long parsing thread pool.
azure_long_parsing_idle_threadsThreads: Long parsing idle threadsCountAverageNumber of idle threads in the long parsing thread pool.
azure_long_parsing_job_queue_lengthThreads: Long parsing job queue lengthCountAverageNumber of jobs in the queue of the long parsing thread pool.
azure_long_parsing_job_queue_lengthThreads: Processing pool busy I/O job threadsCountAverageNumber of jobs in the queue of the long parsing thread pool.
azure_processing_pool_busy_io_job_threadsThreads: Processing pool busy I/O job threadsCountAverageNumber of threads running I/O jobs in the processing thread pool.
azure_processing_pool_busy_non_io_job_threadsThreads: Processing pool busy non-I/O threadsCountAverageNumber of threads running non-I/O jobs in the processing thread pool.
azure_processing_pool_io_job_queue_lengthThreads: Processing pool I/O job queue lengthCountAverageNumber of I/O jobs in the queue of the processing thread pool.
azure_processing_pool_idle_io_job_threadsThreads: Processing pool idle I/O job threadsCountAverageNumber of idle threads for I/O jobs in the processing thread pool.
azure_processing_pool_idle_non_io_threadsThreads: Processing pool idle non-I/O threadsCountAverageNumber of idle threads in the processing thread pool dedicated to non-I/O jobs.
azure_query_pool_idle_threadsThreads: Query pool idle threadsCountAverageNumber of idle threads for I/O jobs in the processing thread pool.
azure_query_pool_job_queue_lengthThreads: Query pool job queue lengthCountAverageNumber of jobs in the queue of the query thread pool.
azure_short_parsing_busy_threadsThreads: Short parsing busy threadsCountAverageNumber of busy threads in the short parsing thread pool.
azure_short_parsing_idle_threadsThreads: Short parsing idle threadsCountAverageNumber of idle threads in the short parsing thread pool.
azure_short_parsing_job_queue_lengthThreads: Short parsing job queue lengthCountAverageNumber of jobs in the queue of the short parsing thread pool.
azure_mashup_engine_QPU_metricM Engine QPUCountAverageQPU usage by mashup engine processes.
azure_mashup_engine_memory_metricM Engine MemoryCountAverageMemory usage by mashup engine processes.
azure_memory_thrashing_metricMemory ThrashingPercentAverageAverage memory thrashing.
azure_private_bytes_metricPrivate BytesBytesAverageTotal amount of memory the Analysis Services engine process and Mashup container processes have allocated, not including memory shared with other processes.
azure_virtual_bytes_metricVirtual BytesBytesAverageCurrent size of the virtual address space that Analysis Services engine process and Mashup container processes are using.
cloud_instance_stateStatus/Staten/an/aAnalysis Service state metric.

Event support

  • Supported
  • Configurable in OpsRamp Azure Integration Discovery Profile.

External reference