
Azure Notification Hub provides an easy-to-use and scaled-out push engine that permits you to send notifications to any platform, such as iOS, Android, Windows, Kindle, and Baidu, from any back end (cloud or on-premises). Notification Hubs works great for both enterprise and consumer scenarios.


To set up the OpsRamp Azure integration and discover the Azure service, go to Azure Integration Discovery Profile and select Notification Hub.


OpsRamp MetricMetric Display NameUnitAggregation TypeDescription
azure_registration_allRegistration OperationsCountTotalCount of all successful registration operations (creations updates queries and deletions).
azure_registration_createRegistration Create OperationsCountTotalCount of all successful registration creations.
azure_registration_updateRegistration Update OperationsCountTotalCount of all successful registration updates.
azure_registration_getRegistration Read OperationsCountTotalCount of all successful registration queries.
azure_registration_deleteRegistration Delete OperationsCountTotalCount of all successful registration deletions.
azure_incomingIncoming MessagesCountTotalCount of all successful send API calls.
azure_incoming_scheduledScheduled Push Notifications SentCountTotalScheduled Push Notifications Sent
azure_incoming_scheduled_cancelScheduled Push Notifications CancelledCountTotalScheduled Push Notifications Cancelled
azure_scheduled_pendingPending Scheduled NotificationsCountTotalPending Scheduled Notifications
azure_installation_allInstallation Management OperationsCountTotalInstallation Management Operations
azure_installation_getGet Installation OperationsCountTotalGet Installation Operations
azure_installation_upsertCreate or Update Installation OperationsCountTotalCreate or Update Installation Operations
azure_installation_patchPatch Installation OperationsCountTotalPatch Installation Operations
azure_installation_deleteDelete Installation OperationsCountTotalDelete Installation Operations
azure_outgoing_allpns_successSuccessful notificationsCountTotalCount of all successful notifications.
azure_outgoing_allpns_invalidpayloadPayload ErrorsCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the PNS returned a bad payload error.
azure_outgoing_allpns_pnserrorExternal Notification System ErrorsCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because there was a problem communicating with the PNS (excludes authentication problems).
azure_outgoing_allpns_channelerrorChannel ErrorsCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the channel was invalid not associated with the correct app throttled or expired.
azure_outgoing_allpns_badorexpiredchannelBad or Expired Channel ErrorsCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the channel/token/registrationId in the registration was expired or invalid.
azure_outgoing_wns_successWNS Successful NotificationsCountTotalCount of all successful notifications.
azure_outgoing_wns_invalidcredentialsWNS Authorization Errors (Invalid Credentials)CountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked. (Windows Live does not recognize the credentials).
azure_outgoing_wns_badchannelWNS Bad Channel ErrorCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI in the registration was not recognized (WNS status: 404 not found)
azure_outgoing_wns_expiredchannelWNS Expired Channel ErrorCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI is expired (WNS status: 410 Gone).
azure_outgoing_wns_throttledWNS Throttled NotificationsCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because WNS is throttling this app (WNS status: 406 Not Acceptable).
azure_outgoing_wns_tokenproviderunreachableWNS Authorization Errors (Unreachable)CountTotalWindows Live is not reachable.
azure_outgoing_wns_invalidtokenWNS Authorization Errors (Invalid Token)CountTotalThe token provided to WNS is not valid (WNS status: 401 Unauthorized).
azure_outgoing_wns_wrongtokenWNS Authorization Errors (Wrong Token)CountTotalThe token provided to WNS is valid but for another application (WNS status: 403 Forbidden). This can happen if the Channel URI in the registration is associated with another app. Check that the client app is associated with the same app whose credentials are in the notification hub.
azure_outgoing_wns_invalidnotificationformatWNS Invalid Notification FormatCountTotalThe format of the notification is invalid (WNS status: 400). Note that WNS does not reject all invalid payloads.
azure_outgoing_wns_invalidnotificationsizeWNS Invalid Notification Size ErrorCountTotalNotification payload is too large (WNS status: 413).
azure_outgoing_wns_channelthrottledWNS Channel ThrottledCountTotalNotification was dropped because the ChannelURI in the registration is throttled (WNS response header: X-WNS-NotificationStatus:channelThrottled).
azure_outgoing_wns_channeldisconnectedWNS Channel DisconnectedCountTotalNotification was dropped because the ChannelURI in the registration is throttled (WNS response header: X-WNS-DeviceConnectionStatus: disconnected).
azure_outgoing_wns_droppedWNS Dropped NotificationsCountTotalNotification was dropped because the ChannelURI in the registration is throttled (X-WNS-NotificationStatus: dropped but not X-WNS-DeviceConnectionStatus: disconnected).
azure_outgoing_wns_pnserrorWNS ErrorsCountTotalNotification not delivered because of errors in communication.
azure_outgoing_wns_authenticationerrorWNS Authentication ErrorsCountTotalNotification not delivered because of errors communicating with Windows Live invalid credentials or wrong token.
azure_outgoing_apns_successAPNS Successful NotificationsCountTotalCount of all successful notifications.
azure_outgoing_apns_invalidcredentialsAPNS Authorization ErrorsCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked.
azure_outgoing_apns_badchannelAPNS Bad Channel ErrorCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the token is invalid (APNS status code: 8).
azure_nfhub_outgoing_apns_expiredchannelAPNS Expired Channel ErrorCountTotalCount of token that were invalidated by the APNS feedback channel.
azure_nfhub_outgoing_apns_invalidnotificationsizeAPNS Invalid Notification Size ErrorCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the payload was too large (APNS binary protocol status code: 7).
azure_nfhub_outgoing_apns_pnserrorAPNS ErrorsCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because of errors communicating with APNS.
azure_nfhub_outgoing_gcm_expiredchannelGCM Expired Channel ErrorCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the registrationId in the registration was expired (GCM result: NotRegistered).
azure_nfhub_outgoing_gcm_successGCM Successful NotificationsCountTotalCount of all successful notifications.
azure_nfhub_outgoing_gcm_invalidcredentialsGCM Authorization Errors (Invalid Credentials)CountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked.
azure_nfhub_outgoing_gcm_badchannelGCM Bad Channel ErrorCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the registrationId in the registration was not recognized (GCM result: Invalid Registration).
azure_nfhub_outgoing_gcm_throttledGCP Throttled NotificationsCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because GCM throttled this app (GCM status code: 501-599 or result:Unavailable).
azure_nfhub_outgoing_gcm_invalidnotificationformatGCM Invalid Notification FormatCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the payload was not formatted correctly (GCM result: InvalidDataKey or InvalidTtl).
azure_nfhub_outgoing_gcm_invalidnotificationsizeGCM Invalid Notification Size ErrorCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the payload was too large (GCM result: MessageTooBig).
azure_nfhub_outgoing_gcm_wrongchannelGCM Wrong Channel ErrorCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the registrationId in the registration is not associated to the current app (GCM result: InvalidPackageName).
azure_nfhub_outgoing_gcm_pnserrorGCM ErrorsCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because of errors communicating with GCM.
azure_nfhub_outgoing_gcm_authenticationerrorGCM Authentication ErrorsCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials the credentials are blocked or the SenderId is not correctly configured in the app (GCM result: MismatchedSenderId).
azure_nfhub_outgoing_mpns_successMPNS Successful NotificationsCountTotalCount of all successful notifications.
azure_nfhub_outgoing_mpns_invalidcredentialsMPNS Invalid CredentialsCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked.
azure_nfhub_outgoing_mpns_badchannelMPNS Bad Channel ErrorCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI in the registration was not recognized (MPNS status: 404 not found).
azure_nfhub_outgoing_mpns_throttledMPNS Throttled NotificationsCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because MPNS is throttling this app (WNS MPNS: 406 Not Acceptable).
azure_nfhub_outgoing_mpns_invalidnotificationformatMPNS Invalid Notifications FormatCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the payload of the notification was too large.
azure_nfhub_outgoing_mpns_droppedMPNS Dropped NotificationsCountTotalCount of pushes that were dropped by MPNS (MPNS response header: X-NotificationStatus: QueueFull or Suppressed).
azure_nfhub_outgoing_mpns_pnserrorMPNS ErrorsCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because of errors communicating with MPNS.
azure_nfhub_outgoing_mpns_authenticationerrorMPNS Authentication ErrorsCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked.
azure_nfhub_outgoing_mpns_channeldisconnectedMPNS Channel DisconnectedCountTotalCount of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI in the registration was disconnected (MPNS status: 412 not found).
azure_nfhub_notificationhub_pushesAll Outgoing NotificationsCountTotalAll Outgoing Notifications of the notification hub
azure_nfhub_incoming_all_requestsAll Incoming RequestsCountTotalTotal incoming requests for a notification hub.
azure_nfhub_incoming_all_failedrequestsAll Incoming Failed RequestsCountTotalTotal incoming failed requests for a notification hub.

Event support

  • Supported
  • Configurable in OpsRamp Azure Integration Discovery Profile..

External reference