
Firebase is a platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications. Firebase provides tools to develop high-quality apps, grow your user base, and earn more money. It covers the essentials so you can monetize your business and focus on your users.


Firebase is auto-discovered in virtue of installing the Google Cloud Integration. Firebase is mapped to the account-level for users to view.


OpsRamp MetricAWS MetricUnitAggregation TypeDescription
google_firebasedatabase_io_database_loadDatabase LoadCountAverageFraction of database load, grouped by type. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 1800 seconds.
google_firebasedatabase_io_sent_responses_countResponses sentCountAverageNumber of responses sent or broadcasted to clients. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 1920 seconds.
google_firebasedatabase_io_utilizationI/O utilizationCountAverageFraction of I/O used. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 1800 seconds.
google_firebasedatabase_network_active_connectionsConnectionsCountAverageNumber of outstanding connections. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 1800 seconds.
google_firebasedatabase_network_api_hits_countAPI HitsCountAverageNumber of hits against your database grouped by type. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 1920 seconds.
google_firebasedatabase_network_broadcast_loadBroadcast LoadCountAverageUtilization of the time it takes to prep and send broadcasts to clients. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 1800 seconds.
google_firebasedatabase_network_https_requests_countHTTPS Requests ReceivedCountAverageNumber of HTTPS requests received. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 1920 seconds.
google_firebasedatabase_rules_evaluation_countRule evaluationsCountAverageNumber of Firebase Realtime Database Security Rule evaluations performed in response to write and read requests. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 1920 seconds.
google_firebasedatabase_io_persisted_bytes_countSaved BytesBytesAverageBytes of data persisted to disk. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 1920 seconds.
google_firebasedatabase_network_monthly_sentBytes sent monthlyBytesAverageTotal outgoing bytes sent aggregated and reset monthly. Sampled every 900 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 1800 seconds.
google_firebasedatabase_network_monthly_sent_limitBytes sent limitBytesAverageMonthly network limit for the Firebase database. Sampled every 900 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 1800 seconds.
google_firebasedatabase_network_sent_bytes_countTotal billed bytesBytesAverageOutgoing bandwidth used by the database, including encryption and protocol overhead. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 1920 seconds.
google_firebasedatabase_network_sent_payload_and_protocol_bytes_countPayload and Protocol Bytes sentBytesAverageOutgoing bandwidth usage without encryption overhead. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 1920 seconds.
google_firebasedatabase_network_sent_payload_bytes_countPayload Bytes SentBytesAverageOutgoing bandwidth usage without encryption nor protocol. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 1920 seconds.
google_firebasedatabase_storage_limitBytes stored limitBytesAverageStorage limit for the Firebase database. Sampled every 900 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 1800 seconds.
google_firebasedatabase_storage_total_bytesBytes storedBytesAverageSize of the Firebase database storage. Sampled every 86400 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 86400 seconds.
google_firebasedatabase_network_disabled_for_overagesDisabled for networkCountAverageIndicates if the Firebase database has been disabled for network overages. Sampled every 900 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 1800 seconds.
google_firebasedatabase_storage_disabled_for_overagesDisabled for storageCountAverageIndicates if the Firebase database has been disabled for storage overages. Sampled every 86400 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 86400 seconds.
google_firebasehosting_network_monthly_sentBytes sent monthlyBytesAverageTotal outgoing bytes sent aggregated and reset monthly. Sampled every 28800 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 4200 seconds.
google_firebasehosting_network_monthly_sent_limitBytes sent limitBytesAverageMonthly network limit for Firebase Hosting. Sampled every 28800 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 4200 seconds.
google_firebasehosting_network_sent_bytes_countBytes sentBytesAverageOutgoing bandwidth usage for Firebase Hosting. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 15060 seconds.
google_firebasehosting_storage_limitBytes stored limitBytesAverageStorage limit for Firebase Hosting. Sampled every 28800 seconds.
google_firebasehosting_storage_total_bytesBytes storedBytesAverageStorage limit for Firebase Hosting. Sampled every 28800 seconds.
google_firebasestorage_rules_evaluation_countRule evaluationsCountAverageNumber of Cloud Storage for Firebase Security Rules evaluations performed in response to write or read requests. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 180 seconds.

Event support

  • Not supported

External reference