
In a PubSub model, any message published to a topic is immediately received by all of the subscribers to the topic. PubSub messaging can be used to enable event-driven architectures, or to decouple applications to increase performance, reliability and scalability.


To set up the OpsRamp Google integration and discover the Google service, go to Google Integration Discovery Profile and select Topic.


OpsRamp MetricMetric Display NameUnitAggregation TypeDescription
google_pubsub_topic_byte_costTopic costBytesAverageCost of operations per topic, measured in bytes. This is used to measure utilization for quotas.
google_pubsub_topic_config_updates_countTopic updatesCountAverageDelta count of topic configuration changes, grouped by operation type and result.
google_pubsub_topic_message_sizesPublish message sizeBytesAverageDistribution of publish request sizes (in bytes).
google_pubsub_topic_send_message_operation_countSend operationsCountAverageDelta count of publish message operations, grouped by result.
google_pubsub_topic_send_request_countSend requestsCountAverageDelta count of publish requests, grouped by result.
google_pubsub_topic_num_retained_acked_messages_by_regionNum Retained Acked Messages by RegionCountAverageNumber of acknowledged messages retained in a topic, broken down by Cloud region.
google_pubsub_topic_num_unacked_messages_by_regionNum Unacked Messages by RegionCountAverageNumber of unacknowledged messages in a topic, broken down by Cloud region.
google_pubsub_topic_oldest_retained_acked_message_age_by_regionOldest Retained Acked Message Age by RegionCountAverageAge (in seconds) of the oldest acknowledged message retained in a topic, broken down by Cloud region.
google_pubsub_topic_oldest_unacked_message_age_by_regionOldest Unacked Message Age by RegionCountAverageAge (in seconds) of the oldest acknowledged message retained in a topic, broken down by Cloud region.
google_pubsub_topic_retained_acked_bytes_by_regionRetained Acked Bytes Age by RegionCountAverageTotal byte size of the acknowledged messages retained in a topic, broken down by Cloud region.
google_pubsub_topic_unacked_bytes_by_regionUnacked Bytes Age by RegionCountTotalTotal byte size of the acknowledged messages retained in a topic, broken down by Cloud region.

Event support

  • Supported
  • Configurable in OpsRamp Google Integration Discovery Profile.

External reference