
Cloud VPN securely connects your peer network to your Google Cloud (GCP) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network through an IPsecVPNconnection.

Traffic traveling between the two networks is encrypted by one VPN gateway, then decrypted by the other VPN gateway. This protects your data as it travels over the internet. You can also connect two instances of Cloud VPN to each other.


To set up the OpsRamp Google integration and discover the Google service, go to Google Integration Discovery Profile and select Vpn Gateway.


OpsRamp MetricMetric Display NameUnitAggregation TypeDescription
google_vpn_dropped_received_packets_countIncoming packets droppedPacketsAverageIngress packets dropped for tunnel.
google_vpn_dropped_sent_packets_countOutgoing packets droppedPacketsAverageEgress packets dropped for tunnel.
google_vpn_received_bytes_countReceived bytesBytesAverageIngress bytes for tunnel.
google_vpn_sent_bytes_countSent bytesBytesAverageEgress bytes for tunnel.
google_vpn_vpn_googleapis_com_tunnel_establishedTunnel establishedCountAverageIndicates successful tunnel establishment if > 0.
google_vpn_vpn_googleapis_com_gateway_connectionsNumber of connectionsCountAverageIndicates the number of HA connections per VPN gateway.
google_vpn_received_packets_countReceived packetsCountAverageIngress (received from peer VPN) packets for tunnel.
google_vpn_sent_packets_countSent packetsCountAverageEgress (directed to peer VPN) packets for tunnel.

Event support

  • Supported
  • Configurable in OpsRamp Google Integration Discovery Profile.

External reference