
ConnectWise Automate (Formerly LabTech) is a cloud-based and on-premise IT automation solution that helps companies track and manage IT assets from a single location.

ConnectWise with OpsRamp is a one-way integration.

OpsRamp supports the following ITSM entities:

  1. Incident
  2. Change Request
  3. Problem
  4. Service Request
  5. Task
  6. Time Bound

OpsRamp configuration

Configuration involves:

  1. Installing the integration.
  2. Configuring the integration.

Step 1: Install the integration

To install:

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Go to Setup > Integrations > Integrations.
  3. From Available Integrations, select Collaboration > ConnectWise.
  4. Click Install.

Step 2: Configure the integration

Configure the following: - Outbound - Monitoring of Integration - Audit Logs


To configure outbound (from OpsRamp to ConnectWise) communications:

  1. Integration Basic Configuration: Configure notification details to trigger integration events.
    • Notification Type: REST API
    • BASE URI: https://{subdomain}.com/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/service/tickets
    • Authentication Type: BASIC
    • Take note of the Tenant Id and Token. This would be used during creation of integration events in OpsRamp .
  2. Map Attributes: Map OpsRamp entity attributes with ConnectWise attributes.
    1. Select the attribute, click Map and Create Integration Mapping window appears.
    2. Provide the values and then click Save.
  3. Integration Events: An action performed on an entity is defined as an event. When an event is triggered, notifications are sent to the respective users.
    1. Click Add and Add Integration Event page appears.
    2. Provide a name for the integration event.
    3. Select **Service Desk, **select entity and then select action.
    4. Select Parent Configuration to assign basic integration configuration details to the event.
    5. Provide end point URL, select the web method and provide the header name and value.
    6. Provide the payload for the respective action and then click Save.
      • To add additional tokens to the payload, click on the token in the Place Holder list.
      • A custom field that is already configured as response payload attribute for a given integration is not available for configuration in any other integrations. You need to remove the existing mapping from the integration to make the custom field available to map on response payload of any other integration.
      • To parse the properties returned in response for the configured API payload, select the property from the drop-down and provide the value.
        Add Integration Event

        Add Integration Event

  4. Verify Integration: Validate if the integration is successful.
    1. Select the event from the drop-down and then select payload type.
    2. Provide the payload and then click Verify. A 200-OK success response is generated if the integration is successful.
  5. Integration Failures: In the case of failure in integration, a message is sent to the configured email address.
    • Select notification type Email, provide email address and then click Save.

Integration Event Payloads

The following are parameters and payload to create a ticket.

Create incident
Field Values
  • Accept: application/json
  • Content-Type: application/json
Authentication TypeBASIC

The following is a sample request.

	"summary" : "$utils.truncate($incident.subject,100)",
	"initialDescription" : "$incident.impact",
	"company" : {
		"identifier" : "Company identifier"
	"status" : {
		"name" : "[@$]"
	"priority" : {
		"id" : "[@$]"


The following is a sample response.

	"id" : 26597,
	"summary" : "Test",
	"recordType" : "ServiceTicket",
	"board" : {
		"id" : 1,
		"name" : "Professional Services",
		"_info" : {
			"board_href" : "https://{subdomain}.com/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/service/boards/1"
	"status" : {
		"id" : 16,
		"name" : "New",
		"_info" : {
			"status_href" : "https://{subdomain}.com/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/service/boards/1/statuses/16"
	"project" : null,
	"phase" : null,
	"wbsCode" : null,
	"company" : {
		"id" : 2,
		"identifier" : "Company Identifier",
		"name" : "Company name",
		"_info" : {
			"company_href" : "https://{subdomain}.com/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/company/companies/2"
	"site" : null,
	"siteName" : "Company site",
	"addressLine1" : "25 James Way",
	"addressLine2 " : null,
	"city" : "Eatontown",
	"stateIdentifier" : "NJ",
	"zip" : "07724",
	"country" : null,
	"contact" : {
		"id" : 185,
		"name" : "Randy Wolford",
		"_info" : {
			"contact_href" : "https://{subdomain}.com/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/company/contacts/185"
	"contactName" : "Randy Wolford",
	"contactPhoneNumber" : "7328479602",
	"contactPhoneExtension" : null,
	"contactEmailAddress" : "",
	"type" : null,
	"subType" : null,
	"item" : null,
	"team" : {
		"id" : 25,
		"name" : "Professional Services Team",
		"_info" : {
			"team_href" : "https://{subdomain}.com/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/service/boards/1/teams/25"
	"owner" : null,
	"priority" : {
		"id" : 4,
		"name" : "Priority 3 - Medium",
		"sort" : 6,
		"_info" : {
			"priority_href" : "https://{subdomain}.com/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/service/priorities/4",
			"image_href" : "https://{subdomain}.com/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/service/priorities/4/image?lm=2009-03-31T22:00:08Z"
	"serviceLocation" : {
		"id" : 2,
		"name" : "In-house",
		"_info" : {
			"location_href" : "https://{subdomain}.com/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/service/locations/2"
	"source" : {
		"id" : 2,
		"name" : "Phone",
		"_info" : {
			"source_href" : "https://{subdomain}.com/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/service/sources/2"
	"requiredDate" : null,
	"budgetHours" : null,
	"opportunity" : null,
	"agreement" : null,
	"severity" : "Medium",
	"impact" : "Medium",
	"externalXRef" : null,
	"poNumber" : null,
	"knowledgeBaseCategoryId" : null,
	"knowledgeBaseSubCategoryId" : null,
	"allowAllClientsPortalView" : false,
	"customerUpdatedFlag" : false,
	"automaticEmailContactFlag" : false,
	"automaticEmailResourceFlag" : false,
	"automaticEmailCcFlag" : false,
	"automaticEmailCc" : null,
	"contactEmailLookup" : null,
	"processNotifications" : null,
	"skipCallback" : null,
	"closedDate" : null,
	"closedBy" : null,
	"closedFlag" : false,
	"dateEntered" : "2016-12-13T12:26:18Z",
	"enteredBy" : "opsramp",
	"actualHours" : null,
	"approved" : true,
	"subBillingMethod" : "ActualRates",
	"subBillingAmount" : null,
	"subDateAccepted" : null,
	"dateResolved" : null,
	"dateResplan" : null,
	"dateResponded" : null,
	"resolveMinutes" : 0,
	"resPlanMinutes" : 0,
	"respondMinutes" : 0,
	"isInSla" : true,
	"knowledgeBaseLinkId" : null,
	"resources" : null,
	"parentTicketId" : null,
	"hasChildTicket" : false,
	"knowledgeBaseLinkType" : null,
	"billTime" : "Billable",
	"billExpenses" : "Billable",
	"billProducts" : "Billable",
	"predecessorType" : null,
	"predecessorId" : null,
	"predecessorClosedFlag" : null,
	"lagDays" : null,
	"lagNonworkingDaysFlag" : null,
	"estimatedStartDate" : null,
	"duration" : null,
	"locationId" : 2,
	"businessUnitId" : 10,
	"mobileGuid" : "f0715216-1977-424b-a983-6ede4f7e252f",
	"sla" : {
		"id" : 1,
		"name" : "Standard SLA",
		"_info" : null
	"_info" : {
		"lastUpdated" : "2016-12-13T12:26:19Z",
		"updatedBy" : "opsramp",
		"activities_href" : "https://{subdomain}.com/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/service/tickets/26597/activities",
		"timeentries_href" : "https://{subdomain}.com/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/service/tickets/26597/timeentries",
		"scheduleentries_href" : "https://{subdomain}.com/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/service/tickets/26597/scheduleentries",
		"documents_href" : "https://{subdomain}.com/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/service/tickets/26597/documents",
		"products_href" : "https://{subdomain}.com/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/service/tickets/26597/products",
		"configurations_href" : "https://{subdomain}.com/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/service/tickets/26597/configurations",
		"tasks_href" : "https://{subdomain}.com/v4_6_release/apis/3.0/service/tickets/26597/tasks",
		"notes_href" : "https://{subdomain}.com/v4v4_6_release/apis/3.0/service/tickets/26597/notes"
	"customFields" : null