
A WLAN is a wireless architecture that aims to meet changing network demands. A WLAN controller manages wireless network access points that allow wireless devices to connect to the network.

OpsRamp configuration

Configuration involves:

  1. Creating credentials.
  2. Creating a management profile.
  3. Creating a discovery profile.

Step 1: Create a credential

To create credentials:

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Go to Setup > Accounts > Clients.
  3. Click the client and go to the client’s Credentials tab to provide the credential information.
    • Name
    • Description
    • Type: Specify SNMP and provide the following information:
      • SNMP version: Additional fields are provided for V3.
      • Port: Default: 161
      • Community: Provide the community string. For example, public.
    • Connection Time out (ms): Refers to the maximum time period for Gateway to discover a resource. If the gateway does not receive a response from the resource after the maximum time period, discovery is terminated. Default: 1000 milliseconds.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Next, assign resource groups and resources, and Save.

Step 2: Create a management profile

To create a management profile:

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Go to Setup > Resources > Management Profiles.
  3. Click Add and provide the management profile information:
    • Client name
    • Profile type
    • Profile name: Specify OpsRamp Gateway
    • Description
  4. Click Submit.

Step 3: Create a discovery profile

Discovery profile defines the range of devices that you want to discover, letting you select devices that needs to be managed or unmanaged. You can create multiple discovery profiles, each for a different set of devices. Each profile can then be saved and reused for future discoveries.

To create a discovery profile:

  1. Go to Setup > Resources > Discovery and Deployment, click the +Add icon.
  2. Provide the following information:
    • Profile details
      • Profile name
      • Discovery type: Specify Gateway and select the profile.
      • Discovery profile type: Specify Network Device and select device type as WLAN Controller.
        • Only Cisco vendor devices are supported when Discovery Profile Type is Network Devices and Device Type is WLAN AP.
        • For other device types, the standard SNMP discovery profile type is recommended.
    • Credentials: Select an existing credential or create a new credential. Credential refers to the access, authorization or authentication credentials assigned to your resources managed by the network administrators.
    • IP address: Provide either a single IP address or a range of IP addresses of the target resource(s).
      • Single resource example:
      • Multiple resources example: –
    • Discovery schedule. Based on the settings, discovery is triggered based on the scheduled time. New resources added to the environment are automatically discovered.
  3. Click Finish.
  4. From the Discovery Profiles section, click Scan Now for the associated profile.

What to do next

After a discovery profile is created, you can do the following:

  • View the integration: Go to Infrastructure > Network Devices.
  • Assign monitoring templates to the resource.
  • Validate that the resource was successfully added to OpsRamp.