Create a dashboard

  1. Select a client from the All Clients list.

  2. Select Dashboard > Dashboard Menu.

  3. Click New Dashboard.

  4. Provide the following details and Save:

    • Name: Refers to the Dashboard name.
    • Scope: Refers to the selection of the client name.
    • Template (Optional): Refers to the predefined widgets created in certain templates.
    • Variables (Optional): Refers to the values displayed according to the chosen template.
  5. Click Save to create and display the new dashboard:

    Create a Dashboard

    Create a Dashboard

Edit a dashboard

If you are the dashboard owner, you can edit the dashboard properties.

To edit a dashboard:

  1. Select a client from the All Clients list.
  2. Go to Dashboard > Dashboard Menu.
  3. Click Edit.

Remove a dashboard

Limitations on removing a dashboard:

  • A dashboard owner can delete a dashboard from their account. Non-owners cannot remove a dashboard.
  • A client administrator can delete dashboards shared by other users within the client.
  • A partner administrator can delete dashboards shared by other clients within the partner.

To delete a dashboard:

  1. Select a client from the All Clients list.
  2. Go to Dashboard > Dashboard Menu.
  3. Click Remove.

Clone a dashboard

You can use the cloning property to create a new dashboard from an existing dashboard.

When a partner or client clones a dashboard and selects the current client from the scope, the dashboard becomes a private dashboard for the particular client.

When a client clones a dashboard with the scope of Any Client, the dashboard is available for all clients.

To clone a dashboard.

  1. Select a client from the All Clients list.
  2. Go to Dashboard > Dashboard Menu.
  3. Click Save As.

The cloned Dashboard Layout screen displays the same details as the parent dashboard except for a different Name field value.

Set the default dashboard

To set a dashboard as the default dashboard:

  1. Go to Dashboard > Dashboard Menu.
  2. Select Set as my default or Set as system default, as applicable.
  3. Click Save.

Share a dashboard

A dashboard can be shared with any client in your organization. A dashboard can also be shared when you create a role that permits all users assigned to the role to access that dashboard.

To share a dashboard:

  1. Select a client from the All Clients list.
  2. go to Dashboard > Dashboard Menu
  3. Click Share. For Dashboard 2.0, click the share icon in the upper-right.
  4. Enter the client you want to share the dashboard with and select a role, if applicable.

The following sharing rules apply:

  • Service provider users using Dashboard 2.0 cannot share dashboards.
  • You can share a private dashboard.
  • A partner user can share a client dashboard with a client.
  • A client user can share the private dashboard with other users within the client.
  • When the dashboard is shared with one or more roles, any user assigned to that role can access the shared dashboard.
  • If you are the dashboard owner, you can view and edit the number of roles shared with the dashboard using the share option.
  • A partner administrator or a client administrator can modify the details of a dashboard that a partner user or client user shares.

Use the Share Link option to share the dashboard URL with another user by emailing the user.

Unshare a dashboard

A partner or client can unshare a dashboard. After a dashboard is unshared, the unshared user can no longer view the dashboard.

To unshare a dashboard:

  1. Select a client from the All Clients list.
  2. Go to Dashboard > Dashboard Menu.
  3. Click UnShare.

View dashboard information

You can view dashboard details, such as the type of dashboard and owner information.

To view dashboard information:

  1. Select a client from the All Clients list.
  2. Go to Dashboard > Dashboard Menu.
  3. Click Info to view the Dashboard Details window.