
A gateway cluster is a set of virtual machines running gateway software that function as a single logical machine. The gateway cluster provides:

  • High availability against the failure of a node in the cluster.
  • High availability against the failure of a physical server on which nodes run.
  • Flexible horizontal scaling of nodes to manage more IT assets.

How a gateway cluster works

A gateway cluster is a set of virtual machines (VMs), which run applications that discover and monitor your environment. Gateway nodes run on physical servers that run a hypervisor, typically, with other VMs unrelated to the gateway. Nodes use a shared NFS storage volume to persist states shared among gateway nodes.

Gateway Cluster

Gateway Cluster

Each node also runs a lightweight Kubernetes - MicroK8s distribution. Kubernetes enables gateway nodes to work as a single, logical machine, which automatically schedules gateway applications between nodes. If a node fails or the host on which the node runs fails, or both a node and a host fail restarts applications on a different node, the logical node restarts the applications. The following figure illustrates how a gateway cluster works:

Gateway Cluster

Gateway Cluster: failure and recovery

Deployment options

Gateway clusters can be deployed in several configurations, depending on availability and horizontal scaling goals. The following figures illustrate three design points:

Gateway Cluster

Gateway Cluster

Gateway Cluster

Gateway Cluster


To deploy a gateway cluster, make sure your environment meets these requirements:

NodesSize4 CPU cores, 8 GB RAM, and 40 GB Disk
NodesIP addressesStatic IP address allocation requirement:
  • One static IP address assigned to the primary network interface of each node.
  • One additional floating IP (static IP) address for the Gateway Manager application.
  • None of these IP addresses should be allocated to a DHCP pool.
  • All IP addresses must be in the same subnet.
NodesHostnameEach node should have a unique hostname. All nodes should be pingable with IP address and hostname.
NodesNetwork accessAll VMs should have outbound internet access to `*` for connectivity, and Google Artifact registry `` to download gateway applications.
NodesNumber of nodesMinimum of three nodes for high availability.
HostsOSVMWare vSphere ESXi v6.0 or later versions.
HostsNumber of hostsMinimum of three hosts, running one gateway node on each host for high availability.
StorageTypeNFS storage volume, with read/write access from all nodes.

Set up a multi-node cluster

To set up a gateway cluster:

  1. Spin up nodes.
  2. Join nodes to the cluster
  3. Deploy gateway services on nodes.
  4. Register the cluster.

The following description assumes a 3-node gateway cluster with each node running on a separate host.

See the troubleshooting section if you encounter problems.

Spin up nodes

The gateway is available as an Open Virtual Machine Appliance (OVA).

  1. Download the OVA.
  2. Spin up identical VMs on separate hosts, from the OVA, one VM for each node of the cluster.
  3. Log in to each VM with the default credentials provided to you.
    • Make sure to change the password.
    • You now have a VM for each node of the cluster.
  4. Verify that each VMs is running on its own host.
    • Gateway nodes can run on hosts with other VMs unrelated to the gateway.
    • Dedicated hosts are not needed.
  5. Set the new unique hostname on each node
        > sudo hostnamectl set-hostname <name>
  6. Restart the microk8s service to reflect the changes
        > microk8s stop
        > microk8s start
  7. Run the command to find the old hostname on each node
        > microk8s kubectl get nodes
  8. Delete the node running with the old hostname on each node
        > microk8s kubectl delete node <node_name e.g. gateway-node>
  9. Check the MicroK8s status on all nodes, it should be in a running and ready state with the new hostname.
    microk8s status

Join nodes to the cluster

With three gateway nodes running, join them to create a cluster.

Join node 1

Select one of the nodes as your first node in the cluster, called node 1. You do not need to take any action to add the first node to the cluster.

Join node 2

Add a second node, called node 2, to the cluster. On node 1, run:

> microk8s add-node

This returns joining instructions:

> microk8s join ip-172-31-20-243:25000/DDOkUupkmaBezNnMheTBqFYHLWINGDbf

If the node you are adding is not reachable through the default interface, use:

> microk8s join
> microk8s join

Copy the above command and run it on node 2.

> microk8s join ip-172-31-20-243:25000/DDOkUupkmaBezNnMheTBqFYHLWINGDbf

Wait for the process to complete on node 2.

To check that the node is successfully added, run:

> microk8s kubectl get nodes

Join node 3

To join the third node, called node 3, to the cluster, repeat the steps for joining node 2.

Deploy gateway services on nodes

With the cluster set up, deploy applications to the cluster.

Enable MicroK8s add-ons

Run the following commands on any node to enable MicroK8s add-ons:

microk8s enable dns
microk8s enable metallb:<ip_address in CIDR format- e.g.>

Configure storage

Download and run the helm chart on any node to configure it to access persistant storage:

> helm chart pull
> helm chart export
> helm install gateway-persistent-storage gateway-persistent-storage \
-f gateway-persistent-storage/cluster.yaml \
--set nfs.server=<IP address of NFS server - e.g.> \
--set nfs.path=<folder name - e.g. /shared/gateway-cluster-1> --debug

Deploy Gateway Manager

The Gateway Manager application helps you manage the gateway cluster. It is the first application to deploy on your cluster.

  1. Download and install the application:
        > helm chart pull
        > helm chart export
        > helm install gateway-manager gateway-manager \
        -f gateway-manager/cluster.yaml \
        --set secrets.defaultPassword=<password> --debug
  2. Log in to Gateway Manager using the following:
    • Your browser with the IP address assigned to metallb.
    • Port 5480.
    • The default password you previously set.

Register the cluster

Log in to Gateway Manager to register the cluster:

  1. Go to Setup > Management Profiles.
  2. Create a new management profile and copy the activation token.
  3. Enter the activation token into the Gateway Manager.

Wait for the cluster registration to complete. You should see the status of the management profile turn to connected in the UI.

Set up a single-node cluster

Set up a gateway cluster on a single node:

  1. Spin up the node.
  2. Deploy gateway services on the node.
  3. Register the single-node cluster.

High availability is not supported in this model.

Spin up the node

The gateway is available as an Open Virtual Machine Appliance (OVA).

  1. Download the OVA.
  2. Spin up the VM on a host, from the OVA.
  3. Log in to the VM with the default credentials provided to you.
    • Make sure to change the password.
    • Gateway node can run on hosts with other VMs unrelated to the gateway.
    • Dedicated hosts are not needed.
  4. Check the MicroK8s status on the node, it should be in running state.
    microk8s status

The gateway is available as an Open Virtual Machine Appliance (OVA).

Deploy gateway services on the node

After the single-node cluster is set up, run the following commands on the node to deploy applications:

microk8s enable dns
microk8s enable metallb:<ip_address in CIDR format- e.g.>

Configure storage

Download and run the helm chart to install persistant storage on the node:

> helm chart pull
> helm chart export
> helm install gateway-persistent-storage gateway-persistent-storage

Deploy Gateway Manager

The Gateway Manager is an application that helps you manage your gateway cluster. It is the first application that you want to deploy on the cluster.

  1. Download and install the application:
        > helm chart pull
        > helm chart export
        > helm install gateway-manager gateway-manager \
        --set secrets.defaultPassword=<password> --debug
  2. Log in to Gateway Manager using the following:
    • Your browser with the IP address assigned to metallb.
    • Port 5480.
    • The default password provided to you.
  3. Be sure to change your password.

Register the single-node cluster

Follow the steps in the Register the cluster section.

Migrate from a classic gateway

You can migrate an existing non-clustered, classic, gateway to a gateway cluster without re-onboarding the resources managed by the classic gateway. To migrate from classic to clustered gateway:

  1. Create a new gateway cluster. Follow the steps to set up a single-node cluster.
  2. Select the management profile associated with the classic gateway.
  3. De-register the classic gateway from the management profile.
  4. Register the new gateway cluster with the same management profile.

Existing configurations in the classic gateway are automatically migrated to the gateway cluster. Discovery and monitoring resumes automatically after a few minutes.

Upgrading gateway firmware

To upgrade the gateway firmware:

  1. Swap out the existing VM.
  2. Deploy a new VM with the latest OVA.
  3. Attach the new VM to the same management profile.


Can I roll back to the classic gateway from a gateway cluster?

  • Yes, you can roll back from a gateway cluster to the classic gateway without re-onboarding your managed resources and without loss of monitoring data.
  • De-register the gateway cluster from its management profile and register a classic gateway in its place.

How do I validate the multi-node cluster gateway setup?

Validate that your cluster is set up correctly by:

  • Running network discovery on a few managed resources.
  • Applying ping monitors on the resources.

How do I validate that the cluster can successfully recover from a node failure?

  1. Select one of the nodes.
  2. Power the node off to simulate node failure. The cluster recovers from the failure by restarting monitoring applications running on the failed node on the remaining nodes.
  3. Verify that monitors resume monitoring by observing the metric graphs in the UI.


If you can not ping the other nodes with the hostname, add the IP address and hostname of other nodes in the /etc/hosts file. See the MicroK8s documentation for tips on troubleshooting cluster setup related issues.