
This topic describes how to install and register the Gateway on Windows.


See Windows System Requirements.

Installing on Windows

Run the installer .exe file and silent installation takes care of rest of the process.

To download and install,

  1. Go to Setup > Downloads > Gateway and download Windows Gateway.
  2. Click the installer exe file as an administrator, to start the installation.

After successful installation, a confirmation is displayed.

Registering through OpsRamp console

To register Gateway, create a management profile in the OpsRamp console and then register using the command line interface.

Step 1: Create a Management profile from OpsRamp console Create a management profile and then copy the command required for registration.

  1. Go to Setup > Resources > Management Profiles.
  2. On the Management Profiles page, click +Add.
  3. On the Management Profile page, select Gateway as Profile Type and enter the required details.
  4. Click Submit.
    The details are displayed on the View Management Profile page.
    The page displays steps to activate the Gateway.
  5. Follow the instructions and register the Gateway or copy the command Gateway Installed on Windows platform.

Step 2: Register using Command line interface You can register and activate Windows Gateway through:

  • Direct connection
  • Proxy server

Direct Connection
To register Windows Gateway directly through OpsRamp,

  1. Log into the Windows server where you installed the Windows Gateway application.

  2. Open the command prompt as an administrator.

  3. Paste the command under the option Gateway Installed on Windows platform copied from the Management profile page and press Enter.
    The status of the registration is displayed in the command prompt.

    cd "C:\Program Files\OpsRamp\Gateway\bin" 
    GatewayConfig.exe --api_server  * --activation_key  8120d33a-b301-482d-841c-1f562f3abcde

Proxy Connection You can register Windows Gateway using a proxy server in the following ways:

  • Without authentication
  • With Authentication

To register Windows Gateway without authentication,

  1. Log into the Windows server where you installed the Windows Gateway application.
  2. Open the command prompt as an administrator.
  3. Copy the command Gateway Installed on Windows platform from the Management profile page and add the parameters, proxy_ipand proxy_port.
  4. Press Enter to run the command.
    The status of the registration is displayed in the command prompt.
    cd "C:\Program Files\OpsRamp\Gateway\bin" 
    GatewayConfig.exe --api_server  * --activation_key 8120d33a-b301-482d-841c-1f562f3abcde --proxy_ip --proxy_port  3128

To register Windows Gateway with authentication:

  1. Log into the Windows server where you installed the Windows Gateway application.
  2. Open the command prompt as an administrator.
  3. Copy the command Gateway Installed on Windows platform from the Management profile page and add the parameters, proxy_ip, proxy_port, proxy_username, and proxy_password.
  4. Press Enter to run the command.
    The status of the registration is displayed in the command prompt.
    cd "C:\Program Files\OpsRamp\Gateway\bin" 
    GatewayConfig.exe --api_server  * --activation_key 8120d33a-b301-482d-841c-1f562f3abcde --proxy_ip --proxy_port  3128 --proxy_username admin --proxy_password Pass@1234