
Start creating monitors to monitor server, applications and other resources in your inventory.For example, create one monitor to check the performance of your resources and another monitor to check the status and utilization of your resources. You can create metrics, monitors, and templates for the same collector type.

Creating monitors

Before creating a monitor, do the following:

  • The monitor must have metrics of the same script type.
  • Select the custom parameter path depending on the script type.

To create monitors, configure the following parameters from the CREATE A MONITOR page:

  • Monitor Scope: Select Partner Monitor or Client-Specific Monitor.
    For Client-Specific Monitor,select the client also.
  • Adaptor Type: Select the monitor type.
  • Application Type: Select the type of resource.
  • Name: Provide a unique name for the monitor.
  • Description: Provide details of the monitor.
  • Metrics: Add the desired metrics. To add metrics, see Add Metrics.
  • Configuration Parameters: Add the related parameters and the respective values. To add configuration parameters, see Add Configuration Parameters.

After creating a monitor for a resource, you can add them to a template.

Perform the following actions after creating a monitor:

  • Edit: To modify the details of a monitor.
  • Delete: To remove a monitor from the MONITORS screen.

Adding metrics

To add metrics:

  1. From Metrics, click + Add.
    OpsRamp recommends a maximum of 20 metrics. Adding more metrics to a monitor can run into performance issues.
  2. From the Metrics screen, search the desired metric and click Add Metrics.
    The Metrics section displays the selected metric.

Adding configuration Parameters

To add configuration parameters:

  1. From Configuration Parameters, click + Add.
  2. Provide a default value for all the configuration parameters.
  3. Select the Configurable checkbox.
  4. Click + Add.
  5. From the Configuration Parameters screen, provide the desired configuration parameters.

Managing monitors

OpsRamp provides various functionalities in monitors that can provide a smooth hand-holding of the feature.


Use Export to download and save monitor details in JSON format on your local machine, click Export > JSON.


Use Import to browse and insert a JSON file to import monitor details saved in your local machine.

To import a JSON file:

  1. From Monitors screen, click Import> JSON.
    IMPORT RESOURCE MONITORS screen appears.
  2. From Select JSON File to upload, click Browse to upload the file.
  3. Click Import.

Creating copies

You can create a copy of an existing monitor with a different name and monitor scope.

To create a copy:

  1. Select Setup > Monitoring > Monitors.
  2. From MONITORS screen, select the desired name.
  3. Click Create Copy.
    The screen displays a confirmation message.
  4. Click Yes to continue.
  5. From Copy Monitor screen, provide details for the following parameters and click Create:
    • Monitor Scope
    • Name
    • Metrics
    • Configuration Parameters

You can use the search to find a monitor using the monitor name. For searching multiple monitors sharing the same criteria, use the Advanced option.